Global debt.
2007 = $57 trillion.
2017 = $233 trillion.
That’s a lot of kindling!
I believe the "end-game" is when some debtor of significance, possibly a country, finally gives up on their debt and heads home, effectively lighting the match and leaving Rome to burn. There's an underlying asset that supports a debt, but not if that asset no longer has value.
Friends, I must correct! @windcarfare was kind of enough to point out my error. Global debt INCREASED $57tril from '07 to '14. So there's this.
2000 Q4 = $87tril
2007 Q4 = $142tril, up $55tril
2014 Q2 = $199tril, up $57tril
2017 Q3 = $233tril. up $34tril