The attacks on trans youth are the beginning. Trans people told you this. Now they're moving onto trans adults and cisqueer people as well. Until y'all care enough about trans people to stick up for us, you're only inviting your own pain. They picked their first targets well.
I don't know how to explain the pain it is to be a trans person right now, and watch your friends and coworkers and neighbors not lift a finger as the government works to exterminate you. I haven't begun to process it. But one thing is certain; this is the beginning.
They're coming for you too. For the past 2 years I have been shouting with everything I have for folks to care and constantly have been told I'm overreacting. When will you believe trans people and our warnings? When we're dead? Do we have to die for you to care about our pain?
It's telling, to me, that cis people have far more reverence for the martyrs they make of dead trans people than they have for those of us who are living breathing human beings.
Care about living trans people. Protect us. Defend us. Value us.
We're people, not a morality lesson.
Honor the dead by protecting the living. Please. I'm begging you. Don't look away.
Go to to contact your reps about anti-trans legislation in your state. Speak up about this crisis. Get other cis people to care. You're our only hope.
If you ever wondered what you would do when the government started exterminating a minority group, wake up. It's happening now. All the education you ever had about fascism and all the thought experiments you've had about how you'd be a better person than the citizens of Germany?
Now is the time. It's happening now.
They came for trans people first in Germany as well.
Listen I know everyone's dunking on this trash fire of a book but I can't cope with the sheer fantasy that only *months* after half the world's population disappears, things are somehow stable in any way.
My feed today should be a wake up call. It should show you that trans lives are under threat right now in the US. You should be afraid. God knows we are.
Even if you don't give a flying fuck about trans people, you should care, because I promise you; it won't stop here.
Trans people have been the canary in the coal mine before.
Don't ignore the warnings.
Update; just heard I cannot be scheduled for February, meaning my surgery is postponed for a 6th time and I'll have to start the process entirely over in a new city and a new state, relearning all the regulations. I'm so tired. I feel like I have nothing left to give.
"Frustration" is too small a word. "Anger" has more energy than I'm currently able to muster. "Exhaustion" is probably closest.
I just want to be able to exist in peace. I jumped through all the hoops put in place. I did everything they required of me, and it didn't matter.
It's been over a year now.
The first time, I got two letters of recommendation and got diagnosed with gender identity disorder. I was rejected 24 hours before my surgery bc my insurance said the doctor who diagnosed me with GID wasn't a legitimate person to get a letter from.
I'm mostly known for my science history threads, but today I want to talk about something a bit more personal. I want to talk about the anti-trans legislative crisis in the United States. 🧵
It's the 1st of February, and already there are more than 75 bills being considered that would limit trans rights in the US.
These bills are heinous, ranging from sports bills to bills that seek to make gender affirming social changes (such as preferred names or pronouns) classified as child abuse. There are bills that would mandate outing trans children to their parents.
To give cis people an idea of what we're talking about, feel free to share here your worst medical transphobia experience, if you feel comfortable.
Big TWs here
I can start. While being prepped for top surgery I was consistently misgendered and had nurses openly come to see me and stand around, talking about me while I was right there. I was a curiosity. No one would answer my questions. They ignored me like I wasn't even there.
Or maybe I should talk about the 5 times my hysterectomy was cancelled due to transphobia. Or the 2 times that happened less than 24 hours before the hysto was scheduled.
For International #HolocaustMemorialDay, I want to tell a story. It's a story most of us won't learn in schools. It's a story most of us won't learn unless we seek it out. But it is, profoundly, a story that matters, especially today. 🧵
This is the story of the Institute of Sexual Sciences, the first institution dedicated to studying gender and sexuality. It was founded, not in 2019, but in 1919, and not in the United States, but in Berlin, Germany.
This institute, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, was founded by the famous Magnus Hirschfield, a doctor and early queer rights pioneer. Hirschfield held the then-radical opinion that sexuality was innate rather than a moral deviancy or mental illness.