1.. This document from 2005 on State.gov says US is helping "secure" labs that could be used for bioweapons. 2. If they existed in 2005, 14 years after the fall, do they exist now? @ggreenwald
I have no way to verify the authenticity of this, except that it is on the US State Department website.
The document is a treaty between US DOD and the Ukraine government which admits to the existence of "technology, pathogens and expertise" that could be used for bio-weapons.
It mentions institutes and laboratories with technology, pathogens, and expertise (for bio-weapons) located in Lviv, Odessa, Kyiv, and other facilities in Ukraine.
Meanwhile WSJ is saying that these are "unfounded Russian" claims that such facilities exist and the White House is saying the claim is “an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.”
Senator Rubio:
"Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?"
US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland:
"Ukraine has biological research facilities which.. we're quite concerned that Russian troops may be seeking to gain control of."
So they exist? c-span.org/video/?518355-…
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Stories are made-up to backfit colonial narratives. The egalitarianism in Mahabharata is remarkable, compared to any ancient society. Remember Aristotle refers to some people as "natural slaves."
Interesting, the author of Mahabharat does not look positively on Drona's action.
Serious question.—what did a “Brahmin” ever do to you personally? What is your direct experience?
“One way to decolonize is to come back to our experience from the narratives we have been told.”
Yes the way some pujaris ask dakshina is a problem, but do we realize that the state has impoverished these pujaris and robbed the temples of resources.
They get a pittance. While the Church is rolling in money. Not confiscated by the Govt.
It's funny to see responses to this claiming Britain "unified" India. This has been part of the colonial propaganda that "India was never a nation." Long debunked but people still keep repeating it.
But the short summary is that the Islamic invaders destroyed India culturally and decimated the intellectual output while the British destroyed India economically and psychologically.
"Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received...the MAH has prioritised the processing of serious cases, in order to meet expedited regulatory reporting timelines..."
They had to hire additional staff and triage side effects gathering due to the volume.
"Egalitarian Islam" is a myth manufactured in the 20th century. At no point in history was this true, or even a talking point about Islam. It was retrofitted by revisionist Islamic apologia.
Hindus, from all jatis, including resisted Islamic rule. In some jatis became untouchable *due* to Islamic conquest. Defeated kshatriyas were made to carry night soil in invader camps. They were made untouchable as part of kaffir subjugation.
While Islamic Caliphs introduced "yellow badges" to distinguish "dhimmi" non-Muslim minorities for discrimination (later copied by Popes and Hitler), this kind of untouchability against kaffirs is routinely found in Islamic societies like Pakistan today.