Thread: Silver Tetradrachm from Byblos, Phonecia, c. 544 BC.
A hippocampus swims below a Phonecian galley with 3 hoplites aboard...Why?
On the reverse, a lion attacks a bull...Why?
Well, the sailing season in the Eastern Mediterranean starts when wild horses start to mate, in Apr/May...And lasts until the end of the horse's mating season...This is why horse was the symbol of Eastern Mediterranean sea gods...
Thread: Summer, May/Jun/Jul, starts in Taurus (Apr/May)...Which is why Bull is the symbol of summer...
Autumn, Aug/Sep/Oct, starts in Leo (Jul/Aug)...Which is why Lion is the symbol of autumn...
Thread: Gold plaque depicting a naked goddess on a horse. According to… probably Astarte or Anat. Late Canaan period, 13th c. BC, Found in Levant, but made under strong Egyptian influence.
What is the meaning of this image??? And who is the naked goddess?
Thread: When Apollo was born, "swans circled Delos seven times"...Young Sun God is born on winter solstice...And during second millennium BC, the formative period of the Greek mythology, Cygnus (Swan) constellation rose with the sun around winter solstice. Source: Stellarium app
The Swans of Apollo were "Singing swans" which "when the singers would sing hymns to Apollo, would join the chant in unison"...The only swans that "sing" are whooper swans...
These are migratory birds, which spend warm, sunny half of the year (Mar/Apr/May-Oct/Nov) in the northern regions of Eurasia, and cold, dark half of the year (Oct/Nov-Mar/Apr/May) in the southern (Greece) and western (Ireland) regions of Eurasia...
Thread (Long but hopefully interesting): The most famous of the Lake Onega petroglyphs, Russia, made c. 4000BC, is a large anthropomorph known locally as "The Devil" (Rus. Bes), which was intentionally positioned around a large crevice so that it divides the figure in two...
Now ethnographers think that this was done to explicitly associate "The Devil" with the underworld, the gap in the rock being "the opening" to this other world...
BTW, as you can see, "The Devil" was later Christianised by the addition of a large cross carved next to it...
The local legend says that "...long time ago the Devil and his Wife lived on Lake Onega, and made their presence known through the strange pictures on the rock. But then came the Incarnate Christ and the True Faith, and crosses were carved over the evil pictures..."
Thread: Sirens were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone, and they were with her when she was abducted by Hades and was taken to the Underworld...
Demeter then gave them bird bodies to help find her. Why? Based on all the animal and plant calendar markers contained in the legend about the Abduction of Persephone, she was abducted at the beginning of winter, Oct/Nov...…
Ever heard of the belief that migratory birds depart with the sun to the Underworld in autumn and come back with the sun from the Underworld in spring?…