oldeuropeanculture Profile picture
Mythology is a result of people being very good at noticing patterns in nature and very bad at distinguishing between correlation and causation. Zodiac killer.
11 subscribers
Dec 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Another interesting detail from this Daunian globular pottery askos, made in Canosa di Puglia and dated to 350BC-325BC, "painted with bands of decoration. This consists of flora and fauna, geometric patterns and swastikas"... metmuseum.org/art/collection…Image
Is this the symbol? Christmas cake from Serbia with the sun and "the hands of god" cross. The hands of god cross by itself in the next picture. The hands of god represent 4 seasons with 3 months each, which means that the god whose hands these are is the Sun Image
Dec 28, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Daunian globular pottery askos, made in Canosa di Puglia and dated to 350BC-325BC, "perhaps for funerary use, painted with bands of decoration. This consists of flora and fauna, geometric patterns and swastikas"...

That's it? metmuseum.org/art/collection…Image What about this detail? A curly swastika with each arm connected to a sun. Two of which are red and two of which are black. Image
Dec 17, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Finnish illustrator Aleksander Lindeberg (1917-2015) Image Image
Nov 22, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Boreas (1903) by John William Waterhouse...

Boreas is the Greek god of the cold north wind, storms, and winter.

When I saw this picture first, I thought: Why did John William Waterhouse depict Boreas as a young woman wrapped in a black/grey veil? Image I wondered if he did this because Romans depicted Winter as a woman covered with a black veil...

I talked about Winter here
Oct 22, 2024 37 tweets 12 min read
Thread: Buckle up, this is going to be quite a ride.

Meet Cetus, Poseidon's pet which he released on people that really pissed him off. Usually kings with beautiful daughters.

3rd c. BC mosaic depicting Cetus, from Ancient Kaulon, Calabria, Italy Image Two most famous Cetuses 🙂 were so called Æthiopian (Levantine) Cetus and Trojan Cetus. This thread is about them, the two beautiful babes that were supposed to be sacrificed to them to appease them and the two heroes who strongly objected to such arrangements...

Here we go:
Sep 27, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Thread: Two days ago I wrote this analysis of this Early Mesopotamian bowl. But ever since I wrote it, I can't stop thinking about the "bundle of stylised reeds" and what does it actually look like...Here is why: This is part of the full object description from the museum page: "...The animals are crouched before a bundle of stylised reeds (not shown), much like the reeds carved into a door at the base of the Ziggurat of Anu..."
Sep 25, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread: A bowl from southern Mesopotamia c. 3300–2900 BC, Biblical Museum Jerusalem. Lions and calves are depicted lying down peacefully one after the other before a bundle of stylised reeds (not shown). Thanks to Muhammad Asghar for the pic and info.

Meaning? Check this out: Image Reeds were an important crop in Mesopotamia, as important as grain. Reeds were used as building material for building irrigation canal dams, houses and boats, and for making baskets, mats and furniture...Reeds were also used as animal fodder... Image
Sep 15, 2024 10 tweets 8 min read

1st article about the link between Nergal and Apollos:

About "Palil" a nickname of Nergal, the terrible, burning, destructive sun of Jul/Aug, Leo...And about the origin of the name Apollo and its meaning...

2nd article about the link between Nergal and Apollo:

About Nergal and Apollo as "The lords of the flies"...And about Jul/Aug, Leo, being the peak of the fly and fly born diseases season in Northern Hemisphere...

Aug 26, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Few posts about the Bronze Age bull leaping ritual... Map of the distribution of bull leaping motifs found on seals and amulets, mid 3rd millennium BC to mid 2nd millennium BC. Eagle headed dudes and bull leaping dudes 🙂 From: "Myths of ancient Bactria and Margiana on its seals and amulets" scribd.com/document/47027…
Aug 20, 2024 36 tweets 14 min read
Thread: The other day I posted this article and it went completely unnoticed??? In this thread I want to present the full analysis of all 4 sides of this sarcophagus. Honestly this is as cool an example of symbolic religious calendar art as they come.

First, I definitely don't think that these panels depict funerary rituals, which is the most common interpretation of the scene ancientworldmagazine.com/articles/agia-…
Aug 4, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Thread: Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilisation in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones.

But no... Image ...Mead said that the first sign of civilisation in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die...
Aug 1, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Thread: One of my favourite landscapes. The Clew Bay Islands viewed from the peak of Croagh Patrick, a holy mountain of St Patrick, located in County Mayo, Ireland...Pic from Pilgrimage walks in Ireland: ireland.com/en-ca/magazine…Image This great pic by @HoganSOG shows Croagh Patrick from the other side of the bay. Thousands of pilgrims climb Croagh Patrick every year on the last Sunday in Jul... Image
Jul 3, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Have you ever heard of shepherd's stick calendars? Here's one from Bulgaria...

In the mountains of the Balkans, up until the end of the 20th century, shepherds carried with them calendar sticks... Image It was a stick with a notch cut into it for every day of the year and a cross or some other symbol for major holy days, which in Serbia are all linked to major agricultural events and major solar cycle events...
Jun 3, 2024 64 tweets 13 min read
Thread (a quite long one, sorry, but I think worth reading to the end): A while back @another_barbara posted this 1865 beehive panel image with this description: An interesting Shrovetide tradition from Slovenija "babo žagajo" (sawing of an old woman)... Image The other day wanted to write an article about this custom, and while looking around the net for more info on the subject, I came across 1960 paper by Niko Kuret "BABO ŽAGAJO, Slovenske oblike pozabljenega obredja in njegove Evropske paralele" etno-muzej.si/sl/etnolog/slo…
May 27, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Thread: The žirgeliai (little horses), are common motifs on Lithuanian rooftops, placed there for protection of the house... Image They are a symbolic depiction of the Ašvieniai (), Baltic counterparts of Vedic Ashvins, who are said to pull the chariot of Saulė (the Sun Goddess) through the sky. As depicted on this rooftop of a house in Nida... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%C5%A1vi…
May 14, 2024 49 tweets 11 min read
Ok, buckle up, this is going to be quite a ride🙂


Maruts came (to earth) along with Agni (fire) from above...

The other day I read a very interesting paper "Comets and meteoritic showers in the Rigveda and their significance" by R.N. Iyengar () academia.edu/7324390/COMETS…
Image Most Vedas interpreters agree that Maruts are deified moisture laden monsoon storm winds, turned into rain bringing deities armed with thunder and lightning. Even I agree with that and I even wrote a thread talking about this:
Apr 16, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread: You know how everyone thinks that Inanna/Ishtar (Morning Star) is Venus and how I think that it was originally Sirius, and only later became Venus?

Well, it seems that Ancient Egyptians preserved the proof of this switch in their mythology.

Meet Sopdet... Image Sopdet, the personification of Sirius, was the consort of Sah, the personification of Orion. And their child was Sopdu, the personification of Venus, "Lord of the East" (Venus as morning star)....

Ta Ta Taaaaaaa!!!!
Apr 14, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Thread: Sparta, Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia: Drawing of an archaic carving of a chariot on ivory plaque. The chariot is pulled by winged (solar) horses and is driven by a female (goddess?) charioteer. A lion is depicted lying behind the horses...This is very very interesting... Image The "solarness" 🙂 of equids and their link with Sun gods stems from the fact that horse fertility is governed by sunlight...It starts in Apr/May and peaks on Summer Solstice.

Apr 7, 2024 17 tweets 8 min read
Thread: A lyre player from "The Standard of Ur" (), a Sumerian artefact found in one of the largest royal tombs in the Royal Cemetery at Ur, associated with Ur-Pabilsag, a king who died around 2550 BC. Now in the British Museum... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_…
Image 4 lyres of this type () were actually found in royal graves in the Royal Cemetery at Ur (). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyres_of_…

Apr 3, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
Thread: Pic: Apollo armed with bow and arrows. Why?

"I will remember and not be unmindful of Apollo who shoots afar. As he goes through the house of Zeus, the gods tremble before him and all spring up from their seats when he draws near, as he bends his bright bow..." Image "Leto...then...unstrings his bow, and closes his quiver, and takes his archery from his strong shoulders in her hands and hangs them on a golden peg against a pillar of his father's house..."

This is an excerpt from Homeric hymn to Apollo gutenberg.org/files/348/348-…
Apr 1, 2024 23 tweets 11 min read
Thread: Threshing floor, Naxos, Greece...

Today, while reading researchgate.net/publication/26…, I discovered that Delphic calendar started with the month of Apellaios (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apellai), the month dedicated to Apollo. As you would expect it to be in Delphi, The Apollo Central... Image But what I didn't expect to see is that in Delphi, Apellaios started with the first new moon after summer solstice, which means that this month of Apollo basically covered Jul/Aug, Leo...Why? Cause this is another confirmation that Apollo was indeed, like I suggested, Nergal...