2/ Looking at charts, #EVERFORWARD may have slightly deviated from dredged navigation channel into shallower waters after departing Baltimore.
And got stuck.
She's apparently not blocking the navigation channel, but is quite close to it.
3/ The #EverForward's AIS track is... interesting.
People may read it as: she missed a waypoint (didn't make a turn) heading from Craighill Angle into Craighill Channel.
Caveat: accidents = complicated & AIS tracks can be *imprecise* so take all guesses w/big grain of salt!
4/ UPDATE: was going through wind records (not substantial), speed (she kept speed), draught (lot of empty containers), load condition.. when... @mercoglianos with a video!
Takeaway: he also thinks #EverForward missed the turn!
Now, here's the thing...
5/ The #EverForward is aground in a shoal area of ~24 feet of water.
She lists as 42.6 feet of draught (depth below waterline).
Takeaway: VERY stuck. Getting her un-stuck & back into the 51 foot deep Craighill Channel is likely to be a *big production.*
6/ When you talk about ships aground, tides come up.
#Paragon's carefully constructed image of being a clean mercenary spyware company that wasn't susceptible to abuses has been replaced by a more familiar tale of...
And #Italy is now saddled with an unfolding crisis around spyware abuse.
VPN advertising is the most common source of security misinformation that I encounter.
By far.
So many people misplace their trust in dubious consumer VPN products.
The industry is a scourge.
VPNs don't do most of the things that podcasters imply they do.
Coffee shop attacks on unencrypted logins are a thing of a decade ago.
VPNs won't stop even the dumbest spyware & phishing.
Advertisers still know it's you when you turn on a VPN... they use many other identifying signals from your device, like your browser & advertising IDs. Those don't change when you turn on a VPN.
A lot of VPN companies are shady.... and the industry is consolidating fast around some questionable players with concerning histories.
When you turn on a VPN you entrust all of your data to those companies.
BREAKING: NSO Group liable for #Pegasus hacking of @WhatsApp users.
Big win for spyware victims.
Big loss for NSO.
Bad time to be a spyware company.
Landmark case. Huge implications. 1/ 🧵
2/ In 2019, 1,400 @WhatsApp users were targeted with #Pegasus.
WhatsApp did the right thing & sued NSO Group.
NSO has spent 5 years trying to claim that they are above the law.
And engaged in all sorts of maneuvering.
With this order, the music stopped and NSO is now without a chair.
3/ Today, the court decided that enough was enough with NSO's gambits & efforts to hide source code.
Judge Hamilton granted @WhatsApp's motion for summary judgement against the #Pegasus spyware maker.
The judge finds NSO's hacking violated the federal Computer Fraud & Abuse Act (#CFAA), California state anti-fraud law #CDFA, and was a breach of contract.
What happens next? The trial proceeds only on the issue of resolving damages stemming from NSO's hacking.