Anyways, I'd like to elaborate on this. If you've been following me, you know I have a one main schtick, which is Leninist class analysis. It's almost a truism that rich people lean Left. "Coastal elites". But there's a lot that gets lost in "rich people" and "Left".
I'd like to break this down using a historical example.
Let's compare the Bolsheviks with their main rival on the Russian Left, the Social Revolutionaries.
Broadly speaking, neither were peasant or workers' parties, with both being dominated by middle or above elements.
But not all "middle and above" elements are the same. What was the class composition of the Bolsheviks? Broadly speaking, the class coalition of support came from a coalition of proles, peasants, and nobility. And what about the members themselves?
1/6th of Bolsheviks came from the highest estate, the nobility, the top 2.4%. 2/3rds of them came from either the noble estate or bourgeoisie, which together were 13% of the Russian population. The remainder were mostly workers and peasants. The top Bolsheviks were 27% noble.
So what about the SRs? Aren't they similar? Only about half of the SRs were workers or peasants, a similar proportion to the Bolsheviks. But a lot is hidden in those figures. The SR party, by comparison to the Bolsheviks, was middle-heavy.
It had a lot of "PMCs".
24.2% of the SR party was clerical workers or minor professionals. Only 4% of the SRs were nobles or high professionals, as compared to over 60% of the Bolsheviks. But that's not the best part. 15.9% of them were students. That's right.
The SRs were fucking grad students.
And not only students. 2/3rds of these students were first generation college students. The SRs were your classic overproduced elites - new entrants trying to get seats at the table at a time when the pie was shrinking. But I'll get back to the shrinking pie later.
That was class composition. But there's more than that. The age distributions of the SRs and Bolsheviks were also different. The Bolsheviks were substantially older. 40% of SRs were under 20. 89.9% of SRs were under 30. The Bolsheviks were wealthy people with a stake in things.
The SRs, by contrast, were younger people who were well-educated but barely holding onto what they had during a time of economic collapse. They were willing to do radical terrorist actions to stir the lower classes to action.
As a rule, the lower classes did not care for this.
Finally, the ethnic component. The Bolsheviks were predominately a non-Russian party. Probably 65% of them were non-Russian in a half Russian empire. The SRs were 65% Russian, so the opposite skew. The Mensheviks were almost all minorities, and 1/3rd Jewish.
And the distribution of ethnic identity in the Bolsheviks was not random. The 2/3rds of them that were minorities also tended to be the bourgeois and noble element of the party - most of the Bolshevik workers were Russians. Whereas the SRs were predominately Russian PMCs.
So who was the Tsar's support base? It was fucking rich assholes, right?
Ah. Not quite.
It was the peasants. Of the 68 peasant deputies in the Third Duma, 34 of them were right of center (Right, Nationalists, Octoberist) and another 15 were Progressists or Kadets (center).
What the fuck? How can that be true?
To answer that, we need to look back at those unstable, chaotic years leading up to the Russian Revolution. But from a new perspective.
There are many narratives of the Russian Revolution and Tsar Nicholas. Broadly, they are as follows:
Menshevik-SR (and our textbooks): The Tsar was a bad autocrat who oppressed the peasants but was overthrown by DEMOCRACY which was snuffed out by totalitarianism
Bolsheviks: The Tsar was a bad man who oppressed the workers and we shot him
White Army: The Tsar was a good but weak man puppeted by the warlock Rasputin and our honorable forces could not overcome Bolshevism
But what about the Tsar's side?
There's a very interesting book that's been republished by @TsarPress. While I don't agree with all of its interpretations, it brings up a number of interesting facts, all verifiable, which start to make all the pieces of the puzzle start to click.
What does Last Tsar by S. S. Oldenburg say? It says that Russia got richer. A lot richer. This is true. It says the Russian peasants were prospering like never before. This is true. Also very true.
It says the court, possessed by madness, grew more hostile to their Tsar.
Madness? No. Patronage.
Reward your friends, punish your enemies.
How could the peasants be getting richer? They needed property. And what is property in this time? In an agrarian economy like Russia's, it meant land. One problem with land: they're not making any more of it.
You have to take it from someone.
What did the new Tsar do when he took the throne? He told the assemblies of notables, the zemstvos, to go fuck themselves. He did land reform. Complete land reform? No. But he did it. Noble land ownership declined by a quarter. That land went to the peasants. They became kulaks.
That's all great, except they'll remember that. They'll bide their time. And they'll never support you. Where was Lenin radicalized? His school. His gymnasia.
Almost 70% of the students there were the children of nobles.
Well, whatever. For the time being, you're still rich. Except... as the rest of the world mechanized, agriculture became more efficient. Why did Lenin admire American industrial farming in its large plots? It produced a lot of grain. Grain flooding global markets.
What does that mean for the landed gentry? Only bad things. Your estates didn't produce as much income anymore - but your costs don't go down! You still have to send your kids to college. You have to get them good jobs.
That's a bad situation. Nobles became more radical.
So why didn't the Tsar fall immediately? I'm a big proponent of the elite lens of political analysis, but elites are not omnipotent. Without popular buy-in, they cannot overthrow the government - the mob would lynch them.
So long as Nicholas II had the peasants, he was safe.
So what is the final narrative of the Russian Revolution? Nicholas II, the benevolent Tsar, lost the trust of his peasants.
They were lured away by the siren song of peace, land, bread.
And down, down, down falls Humpty Dumpty.
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Many Americans may be totally unfamiliar with prep school culture, American prep, college prestige, and all that, because only 10% of college students, roughly 3% of Americans, go to colleges with <50% admit rates, but this includes basically every state flagship and T50 SLAC.
It may not be normal for regular Americans, but for Upper Middle Class Americans, this is normal. The median student at UGA, one of Georgia's two state flagships, took 9-13 AP classes. Americans work insanely hard at prep schools.
Why do they do it? For the credential. For the prestige. Because this is how jobs at the highest levels in America work. It's not "My Uncle Cotty Wilson IV Referred To Me Morgan Stanley". He can refer you... to the hiring loop for a Superday.
The nabob goes to India to get wealthy, to conquer, to overcome, and this has always been part of the fantasy. But having done so, he settles into the luxury of India. He is a participant. Nabob is a play on nawab, a native term for a subordinate ruler. This is telling.
The Brit comes to participate in the luxury of India, not to abolish it. And what is the luxury of India? Order. Stasis. Caste. Hierarchy. Ultimately, perennialism. The idea of an unchanging wisdom of how to structure humans and live spiritually that has been passed down.
No, really. When you break it down, my day-to-day is easily >90% similar to yours. I make it very clear that Study Hard Mathematic is important and necessary. This is not just my personal quirk either.
I want to make the reality on the ground *very clear*. "American Prep" is already a grindfest. Movies about lounging on a yacht all day aren't true. That's not real. The sailing exists, the estates exist, but all of it is on the margins.
I really only have two possible conclusions to draw: 1. They hate art, leisure, sport, etc so much that it's unacceptable even in the margins, as downtime, that the bourgeois goal is literally 100% efficiency, all work all the time 2. TV movie brain WASP Derangement Syndrome
There's a lot to unpack here. I'll start with the first one.
Why blame White people as a whole for how Asians are depicted in Hollywood?
Secondly, if the Asian literature by Asian authors sent to me by DM is anything to go off of, Asian authors (almost all Asian women married to White men) go even HARDER into these stereotypes. An "award winning" novel is about how Asian women can sleep their way into WASPdom.
Asian activists eat this shit up, even though it's not even really true. Asian authors reproduce the tropes they complain about AND they're responding to demand. Why not blame Asian women for having Duke Lacrosse Team Frat Rape fantasies?
Don't feed the bums. I'm not telling you this because I don't feed the bums, I'm telling you this because I do. It's a bad idea. It's a terrible idea. The fact that it sometimes goes well isn't the point. Bums are not rational actors.
Feeding the bums, or even interacting with the bums, is like opening up a gacha box or pulling the lever on a slot machine. You're opening yourself up to a wide variety of outcomes, many of them bad, and none of them beneficial to you in any material way.
Some of the outcomes are fine, and there are *signs* that a bum encounter will go well. But none are *definitive*. They only somewhat shift the odds in your favor. Elderly is good. Woman is good. Very clean is *safe*, but a conman. Dirty, but clearly trying to be clean is good.
I think what this is getting at is a deeper epistemological point. What are the memes? The memes are representations. People getting caught up in the meme understandings aren't intentionally lying, they're commenting on the world as they understand it.
But their understanding is glib and superficial. That being said, a more subtle analysis is still built on representations, just more observations, and more critical thinking. Unless you are personally encountering Merkel in your sense experience, it's also built on "memes".
Constructed images like Merkel's or GRRM's are such deliberately, to fool. A viral meme is successful because of its virality, because it short circuits the brain with its catchy idea. If they didn't do so, they wouldn't be viral in the first place.