Monsieur le Baron Profile picture
Welcome to McComrades, today we have 2 for $5 Big Marx. I'm Lovin' It, Comrade. Monarcho-Communist. Telegram: @MonsieurLeBaron Urbit: ~radlux-hobmus
William F. Swiggart Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture Ó hÉigeartuigh Profile picture 4 subscribed
Aug 24 24 tweets 5 min read
Went to the MOMA, had some thoughts.

Modern art, post-modern art, and meta-modern art all emerge from grappling with the question of the role of art once it's no longer needed for the role of literal representation.

This led to some weird places. What is kitsch? Kitsch is a lot of things, but fundamentally, kitsch is rooted in the attempt to depict representationally and conventionally in the post-photographic age. It's Kinkade making simple landscapes. It's a Chinese woman sculpting photorealistic Greek nudes.
Aug 15 53 tweets 9 min read
Had a very interesting conversation with @Bob_Somebody021, someone who should, like many here, have a professorial job in a more meritocratic world. I'd like to talk about national formation and dissolution with regards to integrative and disintegrative forces. What is a nation? A nation is a large grouping of persons that believes itself to be united as one tribe. The substrate of the nation is the pre-national group(s). They believe themselves to be united because they imagine themselves so through a common culture.
Aug 8 72 tweets 12 min read
I've talked about the course of American elite history before, but I haven't talked about one of the most significant ethnic contributions to the American population.

What happened with the Ellis Islanders and what did they do?

I'll tell you. The Machine and the Mob. Image The Ellis Island machine really begins as the Irish machine, and the Irish are a kind of Ellis Island forerunner. Machine politics was an adaptation of the politics of British rule over Ireland. Elites would manage the population using baronial officers, each covering a barony.
Aug 4 73 tweets 14 min read
I've promised for a bit that I'd talk about Quakers and other things, so here you go.

Quakers: A Taxation Tale,
Or - The Wonders of Cavalier Finance But first, a potted history of Albion's seed and the migratory groups to early America. There are four main groups that moved to America: The Puritans, Cavaliers, Quakers, and Scots-Irish.

The Puritans usually get the most press, but they all deserve discussion. Image
Jul 14 4 tweets 2 min read
The claimed shooter, Thomas Crooks, is a ghost. Nobody knew him well at his school, the Feds have wiped him from public records search, and I could only find a landline anyways. No email or socials. With the email, you can crossreference to even anon socials, but...

Just this.
Most people just aren't that careful. Even I'm not that careful, and I know what I'm looking for.

I murked this guy just to dunk on him on Twitter. Your typical normie has a massive electronic paper trail.
Jul 8 29 tweets 5 min read
I suppose now is a decent time to go over some content from a previous space I did with @hope_pead, in thread form. Why can be the Maccabees not be integrated? Because the Maccabees are the cause of the fracture, and focusing on that too much raises some questions. Is there Hanukkah? Yes, there is Hanukkah. But if we are all honest with ourselves, Hanukkah is a minor holiday, not studied in depth, only elevated to give Jews a "I can't believe it's not Christmas!" celebration during the "Holiday Season".

Merry Crossmas.
Jun 27 52 tweets 9 min read
Some of you think the Chinese Jew thing is a bit, so today I'd like to discuss some REDGOV history with you. It's time to talk about the China Lobby and Israel, defense joint research, America's role in Cold War Latin America, and what this all means for Iran's nukes. Our story begins in the 1930s, with Sun Ke and elements of what would become the China Lobby. They had gone to America to propose an alliance with the Jews, under the belief that America was a Zionist Occupied Government, offering Yunnan as a new Jewish homeland.
Jun 13 45 tweets 8 min read
I recently read this book, "The Yankee and Cowboy War". I'd like to sum up the book and share some of my critiques, coming from one of the alleged "Cowboy" families. Essentially, it commits a failure of analysis common with many analyses - corkboarding. Image But first, what is the Yankee and Cowboy War? The gist of it is that the conservative power in America, roughly what NRx calls "REDGOV", can further be subdivided into two groups: Cowboys and Yankees, with different material interests.
May 31 4 tweets 3 min read
In America, we have achieved the exact opposite. Students who go to Harvard overwhelmingly Study Hard Mathematic, and the richest students there are the *most* vocational. Poorer students borrow huge to get degrees in Gay Sex at terrible colleges. Millions of MEd degrees!

People continue to pretend university isn't, first and foremost, about getting a job. LARPing an ideal not supported by material conditions doesn't make you some noble character. It makes you a lunatic and an idiot.

Study Hard Mathematic 12 hour
May 21 41 tweets 8 min read
Today I'd like to talk about critical reading of the Bible as it relates to the Pentateuch. Since its publication, the mainstream of Bible scholarship of the Torah has been derived from the Documentary hypothesis, which says the Pentateuch was derived from compositing sources. The traditional view, Mosaic authorship, holds that the Torah was written by Moses. The critical view, which took off through the 19th century, examined the texts of the Pentateuch for inconsistencies and found some unusual phenomena.
May 2 70 tweets 12 min read

Anyways, I don't know how serious the question posed is, especially since the end of the post shills some kind of post. But I'm going to answer it anyways.

Dynastic thinking with the Baron.
Image First of all: Stop thinking about celebrities entirely. You shouldn't be shocked that they're not leaving anything to their kids. The average celebrity is a proletarian with two special filters applied to them.

1. They're good looking.
2. They're immoral enough to eat a baby.
Apr 24 68 tweets 14 min read
Thanks for participating. It seems like most of you are from the cohorts I am going to talk about, but almost 30% of you went to "Other" universities, so this might still be interesting.

What is "study hard mathematic" and what does it mean?

American elite high school c.2010s. I'll go question by question and explain what each really means. First of all, AP classes. AP classes are meant to be "college-level" work. They give an extra point in GPA calculation and are a standardized measurement of academic rigor.
Apr 12 44 tweets 11 min read
plumber college plumber college

right wing elite urbanite rural prole?

Twitter. Twitter never changes. But I suppose one can always try to shed a little light into the darkness. Today I'd like to talk about class composition and politics.

But with a little twist. Normally when I talk about class, I use historical examples, like the Soviet Union, or medieval Europe. But today, I'd like to settle some discourses surrounding the GOP and its base.

So we're going to talk about modern class politics, the Government Party, and the Worker Party.
Nov 2, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Just had an interesting back-and-forth with @rickwilliamscpa, worth a follow. There's a lot of emotion and articles these days about (White) generational wealth and The Great Wealth Transfer to come. A lot of it is horseshit and I'd like to break it down in a short thread. If you go off of news articles and Twitter, a lot of people are already counting their parent's money. This is a supremely foolish thing to do and basically comes from millennial entitlement and resentment. Most people are not inheriting a damn thing.
Oct 29, 2023 38 tweets 8 min read
Hopefully everyone enjoyed the Pope Head space last night! For anyone who missed it, I'd like to go over the exegesis of the Michael prophecy and the eschatology of the War Scroll again, because it's extremely relevant to the current day and thinking about this conflict. The War Scroll is one of a few Dead Sea Scrolls dealing with the Archangel Michael and the last days - collectively, we might call this the Book of Michael. It is essentially an expansion on the fourth prophecy of Balaam in Numbers 24, which it quotes as its centerpiece.
Oct 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
It's important to remember that, in those days, Anglo on Jew violence and bigotry was about as common as Anglo on Asian hate crimes are today. You have to contextualize Jewish neuroses given that knowledge.

We truly live in a racist country. The point is that the White Boogeyman is an acceptable scapegoat for whatever problems you're actually facing. There was never a basis for these revenge fantasies. Ever.
Oct 17, 2023 53 tweets 12 min read
A lot of you are interested in foreign influence, so I thought I'd walk you through the mechanics of foreign political lobbies by dissecting the most powerful lobby in America... circa 1965.

Let me tell you the story of the rise and fall of the China Lobby. Back in 1965, AIPAC had just been founded. It was a little grub. Who ran American foreign policy?

The Kuomintang mafia, placed into this position by WASPs and German Jewry.

And this is a story that starts with everyone's favorite Emperor-President, FDR.
Oct 14, 2023 50 tweets 9 min read
Picking up from this thread because I was dissatisfied with my treatment of the Ordeal of Civility itself. Today I will discuss Talmudification, waves of elite culture, and why the Alt-Right is both literally and spiritually a Jewish Reactionary movement. First, let's get some operating definitions of what is a WASP.

1. Literally White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. This is usually used to denote the bulk of the founding stock population and has a meaning similar to "Amerikaner". This is not a definition I generally use, but is common.
Oct 12, 2023 48 tweets 9 min read
I think it's time to talk about Boba Liberals and the Chinese Ordeal of Civility. But to explain that, and the long, strange history of Chinese-Americans, we have to talk about *why* the Hart-Cellar was passed. Let's start at the beginning. America's involvement in the Far East begins with one man: John Forbes, founder of the Forbes family. As a teen, he sails to China and is adopted as a son by Prince Howqua, master of the Qing trade monopolies and the wealthiest man in the world. This is fictionalized in Tai-Pan.
Sep 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm sure many of you are already experienced home cooks. You can keep scrolling. I'm going to share my experiences as someone new to home cooking who was always turned off by the idea of meal prepping a week's worth of bland chicken and veggies and the inflexibility of it. Don't meal prep. If you make a meal and have to reheat it, it often comes out very much degraded. Leftovers are not good. But starting from scratch for everything sucks. What can we do?

Ingredient prep. Ingredient prep is the key to getting passably good food at home.
Aug 31, 2023 28 tweets 5 min read
When people talk about college and the college experience, they often talk past each other. And that's because there's several different college experiences and all differently class-coded. Before continuing, I assume you've read or are at least familiar with Michael O Church's class ladders essay and Fussell's SES class categories, since I will be using at least those terms in defining the different college experiences.