#Food scholars: It's #conference#proposal time for @AmericanAnthro's 2022 meeting! While it's 11/9-13, Seattle WA, submissions are due April 6th! (must be started by March 30th) 1/
When you submit, please select SAFN as your review session. Co-sponsored sessions have great success, so we're especially excited for proposals that seek co-sponsorships (hint hint!). Please feel free to suggest secondary review sections. 2/
We find that organized panels are most likely to get accepted. Curious about how to organize one? 3/
Here are some tips: a) Look at the general call and pick a theme that builds off of it in some way. (theme here: cvent.com/c/abstracts/35…) 4/
b) reach out to some more senior and more junior scholars than yourself and invite them to collaborate with you 5/
c) collaboratively build a panel abstract that weaves together your different interests. We like using co-writing sites 6/
d) if you need more folks, put out a call for papers on twitter or through list serves. Feel free to tag us! Also tag folks like @ASFS_org@afhvs_org 7/
e) and finally, have fun. :) We're looking forward to seeing you in Seattle!!