Now when Karnataka HC has ruled against wearing Hijab in those institutions which have Uniform Code, the Intellect Liberals will start jumping like a frog on Hot Tin Roof.
Pl read this post carefully to throw facts in their face.
Karnataka HC considered three questions :
1. Whether wearing of the hijab is essential religious practice under I$lam?
2. Whether the prescription of School Uniform is violative of rights?
3. Whether Karnataka Govt's order of Feb5 (barring students from wearing clothing that could 'disturb peace, harmony, and law & order), apart from being incompetent & manifestly arbitrary,violates Articles14 & 15?
After Arguments from both sides, HC got following answers.
1. Wearing of hijab by Muslim Women is NOT part of Essential Religious practice under Islam.... UNLIKE Sikhs.
2. Prescription of School Uniform is a reasonable restriction that students CAN'T object.
3. The Govt has the POWER to issue an order.
Throw this post in face of every Liberal who will try to give this verdict by giving Communal Colour and.....Poke a finger in their nose further by mentioning the FACT that Karnataka HC Judges who are part of Bench delivering this Verdict are Judges & NOT.....BJP Members.
Mumbai BJP leader Ashish Shelar had aleeged that....
"BEST has tied up with PAKISTANI agents"
Let me present you basic details of the case.
Fasten your seatbelts. Ready?
The contract of procuring e-buses for the BEST has been awarded to a company that is receiving funding from a PAKISTANI Agent who has been declared an international scamster, not just by some countries but also by EU mentioned in Panama Papers.
🔸Recently, it was decided to add new e-buses to BEST’s fleet. The first tender was issued for 200 buses only. Later this number was increased to 900 buses and now it has gone up to 1,400 buses.
Reason for Sudden Increase is OBVIOUSLY undisclosed.
Russia is exploring opening alternative payment channels to SWIFT with Bharat, including linking Unified Payments Interface (UPI) with the Faster Payments System (FPS) of the Bank of Russia, to continue cross-border trade.
Russian Govt has also asked Bharat's lenders to connect to financial messaging system of the Bank of Russia to facilitate interbank transactions. Plus,the two sides are discussing accepting RuPay & MIR Cards within national payment infrastructures.
Congratulations @ShekharGupta @ThePrintIndia for proving your Regressive Leftist mentality again. Your entire article focuses ONLY on Hindu Vs Muslim Votes Divide. People like YOU are main reason for downfall of Progressive Politics in Bharat.
I would have loved to see you speaking about development & social reforms implemented by @narendramodi & BJP since years. You mentioned women voters supporting BJP, but did you explain "WHY"?
I will give the answer. Women voters overwhelmingly support PM Modi & BJP because..
It's PM Modi's social reforms that has saved women from dying by inhaling carbon while lighting चूल्हा . Women for 1st time since 1947 are getting privacy & safety while attending Nature's Call. Women have got a pakka छत to live with pride and comfort.
"We're banning all imports of Russian gas, oil, and energy," : US President Joe Biden.
Done, Mr Biden? Okay.
Now Russian President Putin has signed a decree restricting imports and exports of products and raw materials to "ensure the security of the Russian Federation.
Now how does it hurt US & EU?
Russia has rich stock of Iron Ore, Nickel, Diamonds, Coal, Palladium, Aluminium, Uranium, Gold, and Platinum. According to estimates, it accounts for almost 14% of the world's total mineral extraction.
Who gets hurt more? Russia or US & EU?
Russia has already tapped new customers. It has already offered Heavy Discount on Oil to Bharat.
Bharat, China, Middle-East countries including Saudi, UAE have already shown interest in alternate payment mechanism bypassing USD.
Before you get glued to Exit Polls on Various Channels....
Please don't forget to read this BBBIIIIGGG Update.
Russia claims Ukraine is destroying evidence of US-funded BIOWEAPONS programme.
As Russian troops entered Ukraine, the government in Kiev ordered the “emergency destruction” of pathogens including plague and anthrax at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow claimed on Sunday.
Earlier rumors that the Russian military was targeting US-run biolabs were written off as conspiracy theories, but the ministry has promised to back up its claims with documents.