🧵👩⚖️Alright, we're starting the Colorado House Health & Insurance hearing.
Chairwoman expecting the 2nd bill (flavor ban) to run at least four hours...
2/First bill is on acupuncture
3/This bill has only 4 witnesses signed up for testimony, & 1 is in person - I hope that doesn't set a precedent...
4/This bill gets 3 minutes of testimony. The one we're focusing on gets only 2 minutes. I've gotten mine down to 1:57, but who knows, I may have to chuck it out the window once popcorn lung gets dropped.
5/Well, first bill is done, but now we've got a short recess...
6/And we're on HB 1064 with 148 people signed up to testify... That's 4.93 hours with 2 mins per witness.
7/Bill sponsors are up
-Representative Kyle Mullica
-"I wish a whole generation of kids never became addicted to these products."
(He's starting out hard)
8/Kids - flavors
-Apparently has met with opponents & has visited vape shops, and "impacts are not lost on me"
-What takes priority - the health of our kids
9/"These products are being bought by adults and being given to kids."
Dude just dropped the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey - well, 45.5% of current high school e-cig users cited friends & family; only 18.4% cited using e-cigs because of flavors
10/Apparently, in lawmaking world, it's okay to just pick and choose the data...
11/Snapshot of my testimony:
12/Co-sponsor is African American and an educator.
13/All about tobacco industry.
Tobacco targeting communities.
14/Going off on menthol cigarettes...
15/Oh great - sponsors want proponents to go first....
16/There goes my original testimony as I'm sure I'm just going to have to rebut all of the nonsense that's gonna come out....
17/First witness - Audrey
-She's testified on behalf of one of the sponsor's
18/Buried the lede there Audrey - should start out as you being a sixth grader - or like someone who cannot buy these products...
19/The worst part of the CTFK crowd is how they're programming children that government bans are the only way to fix anything.
Expect this to have ramifications 20 years down the road.
20/Next witness Edgewater, CO mayor on here now.
21/Mayor brings up how HS in his town is 2 blocks away from a smoke shop - well, why not pass restrictions on that dude in your own town?
22/Next witness, Legislative Aide for a St. Paul City Council member
23/ Next wtiness is a 20 year old college.
24/ Anna started vaping at 14 years old and has been vaping for six years and has wanted to quit...
I'm curious if she's actually stepped into a vape shop and asked for help on that
25/Then again, if that was my vape shop, I'd yell at her for underaged vape use threatening adult smokers' access to #tobaccoharmreduction products.
26/Spoke too soon - she's walked into a vape store "Everything in a vape store looks like it belongs in a candy store."
27/Oh Anna, you're gonna have a rough time in medical school dropping bogus statistics like that.
28/Vaping affects teens' spines and cartilage?!? According to this 20 year old six year vaper...
29/Urging the government to ban this.
30/Next witness - the League of Charter Schools. Now that's an interesting one given the basis of what charter schools are...
31/ Next one is a mom to a 16 year old and and 18 year. 16 year old son apparently is addicted to vaping...
32/Whose fault is that? I started smoking at 16 and my parents searched my bags every day and stole my cigarettes back.
33/Actually the one time I smoked menthol was after they started smoking my confiscated cigarettes!
34/Husbands mom died from a heart attack and was a smoker - maybe that wouldn't have happened if she had access to vapes...
35/Next witness - another parent and former teacher/administrator
36/Apparently the previous woman's daughter is the one who gave his daughter a vape pen...
37/Daughter vapes because wants to fit in...
38/Dude doesn't think it will lead to a black market --- dude there is an epidemic of fake pills right now and teens are dying from them...
39/Article from six days ago:
40/Next witness - Glenwood Springs, CO mayor saying that there was no business impact on stores in his community
41/ Mayor just urged state lawmakers to push the ban to literally push sales (and taxes) outside the state...
42/ Next one is another mom - four years ago w/a then-14-year-old started vaping "to fit in"
43/Son has a "nagging cough"
I'll repeat - why is a person saying how they quit smoking using vape = anecdote, but a parents relaying are not?
44/ "My son likes to learn the hard way"
Sounds more like a parenting thing than a Big Tobacco is coming after my kid thing...
45/Next witness - Dean of Colorado School of Public Health
46/Apparently the first chair of TPSAC?
47/Starts off going hard on menthol.
48/Next witness - pediatrician with the American Academy of Pediatricians
49/How can a 4th grader order something online without a credit card?
50/ "New generation lifetime addiction to nicotine"
Nice CTFK boilerplate language doctor.
51/Next witness: another doctor - he's with the Denver chapter of the American Heart Association
53/Next witness - Doctor representing the schools?
54/"The developing brain"
55/Colorado has the highest rates of youth vaping?
56/Lawmaker asking questions - it's gonna be a long night. We've only had 13 witnesses so far.
57/Last doctor was wrong on Colorado rates being the highest in the country...
58/Dang - they got an overflow room in the basement.
59/Next witness - from OneColorado - LGTBQ youth organization.
60/Next witness - mother of a middle schooler and a HS teacher from Aurora, CO
61/Found a vaping device on her daughter.
62/Next witness - Colorado Association of School Executives.
63/Next witness - Colorado Association of School Boards.
64/Flavors are only to get young people to try nicotine... Yep, that's the reason.
65/Next witness - Colorado Education Association and high school counselor and has a 4th, 5th, and 7th grade kids.
66/Again, more anecdotes. Friendly reminder, in the court of law, this would be considered hearsay....
67/They all keep dropping the same statistics - like come on folks, we've got so many people here - how many times do we need to hear the same freaking stat?
68/ Next witness - Colorado Rural Schools Alliance.
69/Vaping epidemic - inticing flavors - easy to conceal. Again, same argument.
70/More hearsay - my husban is a principal we often talk about it.
71/Weren't prepared to have school discipline data showing y'all are dealing with this?
72/This is the data I did to just write my testimony:
73/This is strategy for our overall toolkit... this is prohibition dude not a strategy.
74/Oh boy.
75/Next witness - doctor and mother...
76/Next witness - father and pallative care doctor. Dude should actually be FOR vaping...
77/ "Brains are still developing"
78/Frontal lobe of the brain not fully developed until age 25 - well why not make all laws based on that?
79/Kaiser Permante ... in support.
80/Next witness - OBGYN, Kaiser Permante
81/Need to see how much funding KP gets from Bloomberg
82/This lady is flailing her hands around...
83/"Protect the new generation from a lifetime of addiciton."
Good things we don't play - do a shot when they say this.
84/Next witness - LGTBQ representative.
85/Oh @imaracingmom they're talking about tobacco & dementia...
@imaracingmom 86/If the problem is driven by hundreds of factors - how does banning one part actually fix it???
@imaracingmom 87/Next witness - health care organization overseeing hospitals.
Had an addicted teenager that took lots of money for them to kick the habit..
@imaracingmom 88/"Stick to the science"
-"Harm developing brain"
@imaracingmom 89/Flavored vodka doesn't worry her - goes into dopamine from nicotine...
@imaracingmom 90/"Look like a USB"
$600/year paid in tobacco surcharges for insurance -yeah, there's a bigger problem there, seeing that vaping is 95% safer than smoking and all tehy're testing for is nicotine..
@imaracingmom 105/Depend upon vaping in the absence of professional guidance... the FDA prohibits them from giving guidance...
@imaracingmom 106/Next witnesses - Denver Public School person and public health person and former smoker/vaper?
@imaracingmom 107/"Those flavors be so good I don't really care about the rat poison in them."
@imaracingmom 108/Next witneess is Brandon - HS sophmore in Denver.
@imaracingmom 109/Ran a vaping campaign at school.
"It's not that students don't have the education ... students understand the risks but choose to do it anyway."
@imaracingmom 110/We have a culture that enables vaping?
Go visit MA, NJ, NY or RI Brandon...
@imaracingmom 111/Next witness - Doctor representing his patients at Denver Health...
@imaracingmom 112/Prevent another generation from Americans becoming nicotine addicted...
@imaracingmom 114/This lady was at the Center for Tobacco Products at FDA... oh great, so she actually got paid by cigarettes smokers and user fees...
@imaracingmom 115/Falsely claims there is no studies saying that vapes are safe...
@imaracingmom 116/"Industry's latest marketing to get youth addicted to nicotine."
@imaracingmom 117/ I'll tell you the narrative has changed. Back in 2016, all these groups were like it's gonna get the kids to cigarettes - when that didn't work out - it's demonizing nicotine!
@imaracingmom 118/Next witness - mother lost her son to fentanyl... but apparently it all started with flavored vapes then went to THC then went to fentanyl...
@imaracingmom 119/I can't on this one - y'all know how I feel about the FDA and opioids...
@imaracingmom 120/HS kid is asked about where the kids are getting products.
Next Q to him about would kids use unflavored or DIY? (Fantastic Q!)
@imaracingmom 121/Kids are getting the products from a store?
@imaracingmom 122/Next panels are getting ready. A few look like teenagers.
@imaracingmom 124/"Do what's right for our children."
@imaracingmom 125/Next witness - Colorado Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs... makes sense why she's in this panel with teens.
@imaracingmom 126/Next witness - girl w/the boys and girls club.
@imaracingmom 127/Brings up how a friend bought "Vitamin E pods"
@imaracingmom 128/What teens besides like the dudes with trucks drink Keystone lights?
@imaracingmom 129/Next witness - Cooper with the Boys & Girls Club
@imaracingmom 130/All these kids just remind me of this kid...
@imaracingmom 131/Teenagers arguing for bans is just depressing.
Like, I'm fearful for our future...
They're gonna be our politicians in 20 years.
132/ Next is Lorrie - grandma and retired pediatrician and on youth organizations.
133/CTFK didn't update the talking points for these folks. Synthetic nicotine has been addressed yo.
It's gonna be another nightmare for me.
134/"Next generation"
135/They're setting up the next panel. Oof. This is has been going for 3+ hours
136/Next witness - represents a sorority chapter in Denver and a health collaborative
137/More of the same stuff - tobacco industry hooks kids and minorities with flavors
138/Next witness - Loveland City Council member
139/"healthier" product.
Dude also did not ask every single person that. I was on that hearing...
140/Next witness - Summit County Commissioner and an 18-year teacher.
141/Wait, did this dude just say that after allocating tobacco taxes to prevention programs, youth use went down? That's great - I'm gonna use that in my testimony ;)
142/Next witness - Eagle Co. Commissioner
143/"The ignorance of youth"
144/County is begging state for help essentially.
145/Next witness - Bolder County Commission and Health
146/If we're gonna cite HKCS, cite it all:
147/You haven't moved the needle as much as you wanted to because over the course of 20 years, for every $100 the state took in from taxes/settlement payments, they spent $8.20 funding TC programs.
148/Lady arguing in favor of preemption while asking the state for a statewide "fix"
149/Next witness - parent volunteer with PAVE!
150/I've heard her before in local hearings - 15 year old started vaping.
151/Vaping 1 pod every two days --> 2-3 pods daily?!?
152/Next witness - Pitkin County Commissioner
153/Quoting Pediatrics
154/Next witness - public health advocate
155/Finally brings up the "reasons for e-cigarette use" but doesn't drop the actual statistics...
156/Next witness - Tri County Health Department
157/This girl actually just said that there was no increase in cigarette sales in states neighboring Massachusetss...
158/Next witness - another PAVE mother!
159/Next witness - PTA organization and mom
160/We got brain development brought back.
161/Lawmakers are getting tired - no questions to the panel.
162/Next witness - Delta Dental Foundation and mother of a junior.
163/Gonna talk about oral health & vaping... vaping e-cigarettes increases cavities..
166/Bringing up the "Healthier Kids Colorado Survey"
Curious if he's gonna drop the numbers...
168/Brings up how we've reduced combustible use...
169/Yeah dude and look at how e-cigarettes have helped...
170/Next witness is a tobacco cessation expert and runs the state's quitline...
171/Next witness is a Colorado Dental Association
172/Child of a parent that smoked - wish they could have had access to #tobaccoharmreduction products.
173/Vaping must not be such a big deal to him as he brought up synthetic as well.
174/"If nicotine could only be found in cat turds ... an addict ... will find a way to get their fix."
That's not stigmatizing at all.
175/Dentist complain about cigarettes but they make so much money treating tobacco-oral health stuff
176/Next witness - Colorado Cancer Center
177/Dude actually brings up "the ancedetol stories of the harms"
178/Brings up harm reductin - "In reality we don't know yet, and actually this does not stand on single continuum of harm ... two separate products ... combustible and electronic"
Get off our lawn dude.
179/Y'all pay attention - lawmakers don't care about tobacco monies - they're banning menthol cigarettes - these groups that make money treating smoking related illnesses - those are our real enemies.
180/"Help us avoid spending more time at funerals..."
Well, then embrace tobacco harm reduction.
181/Next witness - Action on Smoking and Health
182/More stuff on the tobacco industry luring children with nicotine and flavors.
183/And disregard typos folks.
184/Next witness - Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
185/Next witness - another Colorado Dental Association folks
186/"Gateway for addiction"
187/Next witness - didn't get her organization.
188/Minority communities and Big Tobacco jargon
189/Next witness - Phys Ed teacher and mom of teenage daughters
190/I think we're on witness 59 (of 148)
191/I will admit - nobody has dropped the "vaping leads to smoking"
But this lady did just drop nicotine leads to other drugs
192/There as a Lindsay Taylor earlier and they called a Leanne Wheeler. LOLS.
193/Bahahaahah. The pro-ban folks are no longer getting Qs from the committee...
• • •
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🧵🧵🧵Oh thread time (and I've got an op-ed related to this...)
I think it's great that FDA recognizes the amazing lifesaving product that nalaxone provides hundreds of thousands of Americans - and many teens - each day...
2/This is the same agency - albeit a different department - that refuses to acknowledge, let alone authorize, tobacco harm reduction products.
3/Also - the FDA is the same agency responsible for the opioid crisis - as they approved the massive marketing of the prescription opioids that created the first wave of the opioid epidemic (and caused massive amounts of deaths just due to pill overdoses)
Story time!
1/Little known fact, I have like 20 years of F&B under my belt. When I was 7, my parents managed at a popular Midwestern restaurant chain and my Dad would turn every Saturday into a "take your daughter to work day" and have me wait tables from like 6am to 7am
2/Later, I would joke with my Dad that he did that to save labor costs, but he just wanted to spend time with me. In middle school, my parents owned a restaurant. I switched schools and we'd leave our house every day at like 6am to drive 20 minutes to the next town.
3/Us kids would walk to school, go to classes, occasionally go to the restaurant for lunch, and at the end of the school day, my brother and I would wait tables and wash dishes at the restaurant. We often wouldn't get home until long after 9pm.
1/ I read multiple books at a time, and let me tell you, some stark differences between @StatutoryVapeBk & @BarryMeier "Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of America's Opioid Epidemic"
2/ For example, "On an average day in 2016, 175 people died from an overdose, a rate of seven fatalities pan hour."
Verus: 3/ "At the time this book was published, the CDC reported that there were 64 deaths confirmed in 27 states and the District of Columbia due to vaping-related illnesses."