Lindsey Stroud Profile picture
Visting Fellow at @IWF @thr101org @OldiesTours W&M'15 Tweets are my own
Jun 12, 2024 112 tweets 11 min read
And we're live...… 2/Lols... I love the graphic on that - none of those are disposable vapes.
Nov 12, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Don't ya love when something happens and you're not a crazy person. Like the problems I've been trying to address when it comes to disposables.
Check out this video from Reddit:… Now before we go after Elf Bar - the legit Elf Bar is doing more to address these than the freaking @FDATobacco…
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I've always thought that arguing against tobacco companies from being able to introduce a product with less or no combustion is like telling Volkswagon that they can't make electric vehicles...… My latest examines just that - this concept of embracing the role of reducing combustion in cars, but not in cigarettes.
Nov 12, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Just a friendly reminder to @truthorange - you can't be like "FDA hasn't approved e-cigs for cessation" while also trying combat an opioid crisis which, was, started by the FDA to begin with. And gnaw on this.
Smoking has been around for decades and FDA finally got authority to regulate tobacco back in 2009 and they still can't solve the smoking problem.
America dealt with an opioid crisis back in the day but that didn't stop FDA from approving the 1st wave of pills.
Nov 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@PHealthLawCtr acts like they're unbiased, yet, they're straight up lying. Bloomberg bankrolled the ban.… November 9 article states...
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
FYI. Even @truthinitiative acknowledges cold turkey doesn't work.
Check out this gem from 2017...… Relying on willpower alone, however, is not likely to be successful.
Nov 9, 2022 276 tweets >60 min read
1/Another day, another live tweeting extravaganza.
This time, we're watching a public hearing in Columbus OH regarding a proposed flavored tobacco and vapor product ban.
It starts in a little over 10 minutes and you can join in here:… 2/And here we begin... Image
Nov 8, 2022 74 tweets 8 min read
Oh boy, we got Brian King speaking...… With the Truth folks...
Nov 1, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
The @CDCgov may be delaying YRBS data but that doesn't mean this girl isn't pretty much mining state websites to find the numbers. This week, I've got two for ya... Just in time for the Columbus flavor ban, we've got the Buckeye State.…
Oct 12, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
About the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey... Here's my latest for @IWF & yeah, I do the numbers.… Much to the vape opponent’s delight, according to the 2022 NYTS, youth vaping increased between 2021 and 2022. But contrary to what the CDC still refers to as an epidemic, overall, youth vaping has significantly decreased.
Oct 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
When you think you smell a Bloomberg, you'll usually find it.
ICYMI last week the @CDCgov hosted a preview for "partners" regarding the results from the National Youth Tobacco Survey... You can see my thoughts about that...
Oct 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
About Rhode Island. They dropped the 2021 YRBS yesterday. Youth tobacco & vapor use at record lows. Thankfully, no uptick in youth smoking due to a flavored e-cigarette ban. However, kids smoking 10 or more cigs per day increased by 179% from 2015-2021... Image And, alarmingly, smoking rates among 18 to 24 year olds increased between 2020 and 2021... Not as bad as NY, but still, not what you want to see. Image
Oct 10, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
One of the small e-liquid companies I worked with got a phone call from @FDATobacco and is set to receive some package from that awesome tobacco-funded agency. While not 100% certain, it's more than likely a denial for their synthetic e-liquids after they got a denial for their original e-liquids which they had been manufacturing since 2014. Or 2 years before the deeming regs and 4 years before the SG went all "youth vaping!"
Sep 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ I turned it into an oped!… 2/State spending on youth tobacco and vaping prevention is so low that seven states that have settled their claims against JLI will receive more money from the e-cigarette manufacturer than their state invested in those programs over the past six years.
Sep 7, 2022 50 tweets 15 min read
1/Epic twitter thread on the JUUL settlement b/c, after years of looking at MSA funding & seeing these AGs all excited to get moneys from a #THR product. I'm pissed. So let's settle in for a wild ride that'll probably end up an op-ed. 2/So, ICYMI, JUUL reached a settlement w/32 states (and 1 territory) regarding it's role in the so-called "youth vaping epidemic."
Aug 31, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
1/Video 2 of 5 and more 🧵🧵🧵
2/After watching it, I would recommend that they rename this because it doesn’t talk about evolution of the e-cigarette, but rather, the history of smoking being bad in America. Speaking of that…
Aug 31, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
1/Another day, another 🧵.
This time at the @FDATobacco & this spiffy video series that seems to be made using Bloomberg's PR firm...
We'll start with teen use. Get ready for a wild ride that will make you angry, but it ain't even the worst. 2/"E-cigarette use among young people has increased.”
Shame on the FDA seriously. This is what the 2021 NYTS found. The FDA should be informing the public of this – not using old data to hype up alarmism. Image
Aug 30, 2022 34 tweets 11 min read
1/Epic 🧵 time as I can't believe that @SteveForbesCEO would even let @Forbes publish this piece.… 2/Let's start w/the opening sentence which is blatantly false.
Mar 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵🧵🧵Oh thread time (and I've got an op-ed related to this...)
I think it's great that FDA recognizes the amazing lifesaving product that nalaxone provides hundreds of thousands of Americans - and many teens - each day...
However... Image 2/This is the same agency - albeit a different department - that refuses to acknowledge, let alone authorize, tobacco harm reduction products.
Mar 16, 2022 232 tweets >60 min read
165/Next witness - another sorority association president. 166/More of the minorities and Big Tobacco
Mar 16, 2022 192 tweets 22 min read
🧵👩‍⚖️Alright, we're starting the Colorado House Health & Insurance hearing.
Chairwoman expecting the 2nd bill (flavor ban) to run at least four hours... 2/First bill is on acupuncture