#ELDENRING / Elden Ring
So the 1.03 Patch Notes had a vague note about misc fixes. I wanted to see if we can get a good list going here of these unnamed changes, with video/ photo documentation to help provide some proof.
If you have an example I will add a QRT to this thread.
Some missing killboxes that allowed the death cam to trigger while the player survived have been fixed (but not all).
One specific one that's been found so far is this pit in the Impaler's Catacombs:
Scripted falls that are supposed to turn off fall damage + death previously had an issue where attacking-while-falling somehow confused it and caused death anyways. This appears to have been fixed as well.
This is a strange one that I suppose belongs under "text fixes", only you'd be forgiven for assuming that would mean typo fixes, spacing fixes, or maybe even some additional mechanical clarification on something...
But they renamed the "Warhammer" weapon class to "Great Hammer".
(perhaps that was to help avoid a possible issue with the Warhammer IP?)
This one is pretty interesting; They removed some branches (near Sellia Crystal Tunnel) to make sequence breaking harder. But it's still possible anyways. Credit to @Elajjaz for helping spread the knowledge on this- twitch.tv/videos/1428250…
I don't have good post-patch footage since I'm not there on Playstation yet, but the Trolls outside the Old Altus Tunnel used to be a hooded variant that had incredibly low HP (only 39!) and didn't drop any runes. This was fixed though it also changed them to no longer be hooded.
But you can see what they were replaced with in this tweet that brought it to my attention:
I spoke with Patrick about illusory walls and their frequency/ usage throughout the Souls games, while he researched the history of the term, the mixed use of "illusory" vs "illusionary", etc. Check it out!
"A Google search for “illusory wall” brings up references to Demon’s Souls, but it mostly seems like people are applying this term retroactively."
This is spot on and I can provide a little more context-
There was mixed use in the community, for sure, but the Atlus guide never used the term and the wikidot wiki exclusively said "illusionary" while the game was contemporary.
Its only use of "illusory"? A while after Dark Souls 1 came out.