Anyone looking for a protesting day out in London this Spring might be interested in Private Equity International's Impact Investor Global Summit on May 18 & 19 at Hilton Tower Bridge...
Highlights include talks on "Opportunities in climate & tech impact" by Tony Clamp, Max Gottschalk and Tommy Stadlen plus "Taking stock of progress towards Sustainable Development Goals" by Michele Giddens.
Giddens co-founded Bridges Fund Management, which has branches in the UK, US and Israel, with "Sir" Ronald Cohen, friend of war criminal Tony Blair and chair of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment at Klaus Schwab's WEF.
In case you are not up to speed with impact investment, it is the new venture capital for the 2020s, a total commodification of our lives in the interests of the 0.1% financial parasites.
We warn that Klaus Schwab's WEF is "spearheading a bid by corporations and financial institutions to 'monetize' nature on a global scale" and is promoting a Fourth Industrial Revolution.
2. X-axis: the money behind the greenwash
We warn that the climate “solutions” being proposed by fake-green wheeler-dealers "risk leading us into a nightmarish future of artifice, enslavement and corporate-controlled 'smart' fascism".
"I believe that the super mighty conspiratorial 'they' are the major investors in BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street who control every big company in every big industry"
"As a person who was born in the Soviet Union and actually remembers Pravda, I am rubbing my eyes over the media coverage of today. It’s surreal and frankly insulting" - @TessaMakesLove
"They are lying, and they are indecent. It’s time we shake them off our system like leeches, and think for ourselves, with our hearts"
"The Henry Jackson Initiative for Inclusive Capitalism is therefore an elite response to the recognition that capitalism in its current form is unsustainable, likely to hit another crisis and already generating massive popular resistance"
"Proposed 'reforms' offer ways to rehabilitate perceptions of powerful businesses and corporations, in order to head-off rising worker discontent and thus keep the system going, while continuing to maximise profits for the few at the expense of the planet"
"This is not a surprise considering the parochial financial and political interests the Henry Jackson Society appears to represent: the very same neoconservative elites that lobbied for the Iraq War and endorse mass NSA surveillance of western & non-western citizens alike".
"They sell their theft as stewardship of the resources vested in all humanity, while simultaneously seizing the entirety of those resources for themselves... Effectively they have turned access to the global commons into a new market"
"By exploiting the deception of 'sustainable development' a planetary system of global governance, under the auspices of the GPPP, is currently being established. This is 'build back better', the 'Great Reset', the 'Green New Deal' or whatever the GPPP choose to sell it as"
More than 175 protests are lined up across France for Saturday July 24 in what promises to be a historical day of rebellion against the nightmare totalitarian future being imposed by Macron under the #GreatReset global technocrat coup.
Have had an in-depth discussion with some Gilets Jaunes about the situation in France right now. These are the main points to take away:
The uprising against vaccine passports has seen the sudden birth of a new mass movement. It has an even broader base in the population than the Gilets Jaunes, who themselves broke down previous politics categories.
"The pandemic has exposed the contradictions of the WEF as a project and its terminal lack of legitimacy and credibility in the post-Covid era".
"Many of us are coming to terms with the fact that we don’t know how to decorrelate greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth and that the phrase green growth is, for now and the foreseeable future, an oxymoron".