Muhammad Ali Kaung Profile picture
Mar 19, 2022 187 tweets 168 min read Read on X

I have one simple question for every single human beings throughout the United States Of America:

What exactly do you know about Julian Assange & @wikileaks?

No. No. Let's talk about this. A question that must be asked & must be answered correctly.

On December 10, 2021, Morning Joe have stated the following:

1. The hacking
2. Leaking information
3. A guy who stolen
4. Not the Pentagon Papers
5. A guy that got stolen
6. Trying to hack

Have you noticed that those statements above are not true?

On September 27, 2021, @JordanChariton from @StatusCoup have interviewed @RepRoKhanna about Julian Assange; in terms of First Amendment of Journalism.

The question was: Why is it we can't get any Progressives to talk about Julian Assange?

The response from @RepRoKhanna was over broad & too broad.

He then said that he haven't studied everything what Julian Assange has done or hasn't done after @JordanChariton had pressed him.

Go ahead & listen to his response.

Okay. Look. Couple of things:

1. Julian Assange is a journalist doing journalism & @wikileaks is a News Organization

2. There is no evidence at all that Julian Assange had helped Chelsea Manning. She already had access to the materials

3. In that video above, @RoKhanna had mentioned Senator Wyden regarding about protecting Journalism

4. You can see Senator Wyden's statement (Among with others) on opposing Julian Assange's indictment

5. Those statements were made during Trump Administration

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6. It will be a great idea if everyone shows the same encouragement on opposing Julian Assange's indictment (Right now) during Biden Administration

7. Why, if you may ask? Simple. To avoid bias

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8. The situation with Julian Assange, a journalist, & @wikileaks, a News Organization, goes way back during the Obama Administration

9. That is correct

10. Confused? Did you think that it was about 2016 Election Cycle?

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So. Briefly. What happened?

Obama Administration has used Espionage Act to charged eight people (Including Chelsea Manning & Edward Snowden). They're exposing waste, fraud and/or abuse by the Government.

Trump Administration came in & did the same.

When Obama Administration were prosecuting Julian Assange under Espionage Act, they decided not to because it'd be a bridge too far.

Due to First Amendment protection, they can't prosecute Julian Assange for receiving the information & then published it.

By using the First Amendment, the Court has held that the Government may not enjoin, demand, command, order, require, instruct, and/or boss around a newspaper from publishing information based solely on Government claims of National Security harms.

Trump Administration had missed the following:

First Amendment does not give Journalists a special rights.

First Amendment gives equal protection to those who speak, those who write, those who report & those who publish.

That includes Julian Assange.

Trump Administration claimed that:

1. Julian Assange allegedly offered to help Chelsea Manning break into Government computer systems. Not true

2. Encouraging & inducing Manning's disclosures. Not true

For those who are confused, the Charges against Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) has:

1. Nothing to do with 2016 Election Cycle
2. Nothing to do with publication of e-mails from DNC & Hillary Clinton

It's about what happened in 2010.

Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks News Organization's goals are not to harm the USA. Their main objective were to published & reveal the truth which have been hidden from the Public.

Trump has referred many News outlets the enemy of the American people.

The following questions should have asked:

1. Why hasn't Trump prosecuting them?

2. Why just Julian Assange & what happened in 2010?

That was just introduction. Now I will explain everything slowly & step by step about Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization).

The best way to show & explain everything is by using the chronological order. You will see & understand why.

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Ten Greatest Achievements Of WikiLeaks:

1. WikiLeaks has been keeping the historical record intact & is actually combating the digital loss as web pages/websites are constantly taken down from the internet by the Powers. As @Suzi3D explains:

2. WikiLeaks enables victims of persecution to have admissible evidence to fight the cases in Court & there has been successful Court results for victims of persecution. 40,000 Court cases around the world had WikiLeaks documents submitted as evidence to the Court

3. WikiLeaks has maintained a 100% accuracy record over more than ten years as publishing. Wikileaks has never had to retract anything they've ever published as being untrue or unfactual

4. WikiLeaks is still publishing despite the full force of Empire is being used against them. As @Suzi3D explains:

5. WikiLeaks has established a digital library of over ten million documents. Every news story, every current news story can be further informed by doing a keyword search; as @Suzi3D explains:

6. WikiLeaks was the first one to architected anonymous encrypted online Dropbox for Sources & Whistleblowers which are now being used by other media outlets across the world

7. WikiLeaks has become the Vanguard of Press Freedom, as @Suzi3D explains:

8. WikiLeaks has published leaks in every Country in the world without geopolitical bias

9. WikiLeaks leaves no Sources behind

10. Julian Assange saved the life of Edward Snowden

One simple question for every single human beings throughout the USA:

What exactly do you know about Julian Assange & @wikileaks?

Be honest to yourself.

What exactly do you know about WikiLeaks (News Organization) & it's founder Julian Assange (Journalist)?

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Few Questions & Things:

1. Did you know that Statues of @Snowden, Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning unveiled in Berlin on May Day Holiday; which was on May 4, 2015?

2. Did you know that the Charges against Julian Assange (Journalist) & his founder @wikileaks (News Organization) has Nothing, ABSOLUTELY Nothing to do with the entire 2016 Election Cycle System at all?

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3. Did you know that since 2010 Julian Assange (Journalist) & his founder @wikileaks (News Organization) have been a targeted by BOTH Democratic Party & Republican Party?

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4. Did you know that the whole situation with Julian Assange (Journalist) & his founder @wikileaks (News Organization) goes back to & has to do with Obama Administration since the year of 2010?

5. Both the Republican Party & Democratic Party were working together with Obama Administration to shut down Julian Assange (Journalist) & his @wikileaks (News Organization)?

Yes. They were seriously going to use Espionage Act on Julian Assange (Journalist).

6. Here's Vice President Joe Biden & Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Obama Administration calling out nonsense about Julian Assange (Journalist) & his founder @wikileaks (News Organization). Is that why today President Biden won't #FreeAssangeTODAY?

7. And let's not forget about Mitch McConnell, who at that time was Senate Minority Leader, was using the similar words as Vice President Joe Biden about Julian Assange (Journalist). Bipartisan?


8. Did you even know that Hillary Clinton, while she was Secretary of State from Obama Administration, wanted to drone Julian Assange (Journalist)?

9. On November 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton openly said, "Can we just Drone this guy?". She was talking about droning Julian Assange, a Journalist, for doing a journalism. She never tells the truth, So do you think that she will be honest about this?

10. Again. Do you really think that Hillary Clinton will be honest about this?

Her own Campaign Manager wouldn't even answer on her statement about droning Julian Assange (Journalist). If Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager couldn't answer this, then how will she?

11. Hillary Clinton is most likely to run again in 2024 Election Cycle. Why? Is it because Julian Assange (Journalist) is currently in the jail & therefore he won't be able to do what he has always been doing, which is telling the truth?

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12. In case you have forgotten, Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) have revealed two things about 2016 Election Cycle. Are you ready for the truth? Here's the first one:

1) Hillary Clinton & the entire DNC rigged Primaries against Sanders

13. Are you ready for the second truth? Here's the second one. Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) have revealed:

2) Hillary Clinton & the entire DNC (Especially Hillary Clinton) wanted Trump to be the nominate. They propped him (Trump) up

14. That's just a pure fact & the truth. Hillary Clinton & the entire DNC (Especially Hillary Clinton) wanted & propped Trump up.

Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) revealed the truth.

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15. And then when confronted her (Hillary Clinton) & her Campaign, they gave one word. Russia

Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) never had to retract anything they've ever published as being untrue or unfactual. Keep that in your mind.

16. But again. The Charges against Julian Assange (Journalist) & his @wikileaks (News Organization) have Nothing, have ABSOLUTELY Nothing to do with the entire 2016 Election Cycle System at all. Julian Assange (Journalist) has been charged with Espionage Act

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17. Julian Assange (Journalist) has been charged with Espionage Act, which was the exact same thing when Obama Administration were doing & going for it. Which means that the entire situation with Julian Assange & @wikileaks (News Organization) goes back to 2010

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Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization):

"Key to Authoritarianism is secrecy. And no secrecy is more dangerous than Military secrecy." @marwilliamson

I have one simple question for every single human beings throughout the United States of America:

1. What exactly do you know about Julian Assange & @wikileaks?

2. What did Julian Assange (Journalist) do in the year of 2010?

Julian Assange registered WikiLeaks website on October 4, 2006; an international News Organization that publishes News leaks.

It uncovers corruption in the Financial Sector, Environmental Scandals & War Crimes. Secrets that Government would prefer to keep hidden.

As @Snowden explains, the model of WikiLeaks have allowed Journalists to work with Primary Source material at a scale which has never being done before.

The goals of @wikileaks (News Organization) are:

1. To bring important News & information to the Public

2. To publish original source material with their News stories so readers & historians alike can see evidence of the truth

3. To ensure that journalists & whistleblowers are not prosecuted for emailing sensitive or classified documents by using the online Drop Box

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4. The online Drop Box on the WikiLeaks website is secure & anonymous way for Sources & Whistleblowers to leak information to WikiLeaks Journalists

Alright. Let's move on with the time:

1. On October 4, 2006, Julian Assange (Journalist) registered WikiLeaks website

2. The website was established & on December 26, 2006, they published its first document

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3. The entire year of 2006 had published one Document for the Public interest

4. The entire year of 2007 that same website had published five Documents for the Public interest

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5. The entire year of 2008 had published 20 Documents for the Public interest

6. The entire year of 2009 that same website had published 27 Documents for the Public interest

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Now comes the year of 2010:

1. This was the year, the year of 2010, where things got so twisted

2. As I have said previously that the whole situation with Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) goes way back during the Obama Administration

3. The entire year of 2010 had published five Documents for the Public interest

4. Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) published exposing War Crimes committed by the Bush Administration

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5. Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) published exposing War Crimes committed by the Bush Administration & Obama Administration went on eagerly to prosecute Julian Assange & WikiLeaks with Espionage Act for publishing

6. One problem

7. In that whole year of 2010, Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) were not the only ones who published those war crimes

8. New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel (These three major ones) & other News outlets have done the same

9. Say what?

10. New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel (These three major ones) & other News outlets have done the same thing

11. They partnered with Julian Assange (Journalist) @wikileaks (News Organization) & published the exact same documents

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12. Julian Assange (Journalist) & his @wikileaks (News Organization) never stole anything & never hacked anything. They never encourage anyone to do the stealing and/or hacking

13. Julian Assange & WikiLeaks only received the files & then published those files

14. The situation about Sweden also happened in that same year; which was the year of 2010. I'll break down on everything that happened in Sweden

15. There were so many events that happened to Julian Assange (Journalist) & his @wikileaks in the year of 2010

16. That is correct

17. There were so many events that occurred in the year of 2010 that affected Julian Assange (Journalist) & his @wikileaks (News Organization)

Next I'll discuss briefly on Chelsea Manning & then I'll discuss:


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Year of 2010 Chelsea Manning:

1. Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) have never met with Chelsea Manning

2. They never knew Chelsea Manning, while she was submitting the documents to them

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3. Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) have never helped, encouraged and/or forced Chelsea Manning to steal, hack, leak and/or even to submit the documents to them

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4. Chelsea Manning was on her own & she submitted those documents to @wikileaks on her own

Here's how Chelsea Manning started:

1. On January 5, 2010 she downloaded 400,000 documents which were the Iraq War Logs

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2. On January 8, 2010 Chelsea Manning downloaded 91,000 documents which were the Afghan War Diaries

3. She saved all of those files on CD RW & then copied those files onto her own laptop

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4. On January 9, 2010 Chelsea Manning wrote a message in a readme text which was for The Washington Post

5. She copied all of those files from her own laptop to a SD Card & took that same SD Card with her to USA for two weeks of leave known as Rest & Recuperation

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6. On January 23, 2010 Chelsea Manning flew to USA for two weeks of leave known as Rest & Recuperation

7. She took that same SD Card with her to the USA

8. On February 11, 2010 she returned to Iraq

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From January 23, 2010 to February 11, 2010 Chelsea Manning:

1) Reached out to her Congressman Chris Van Hollen but got no response

2) First contacted The Washington Post. The reporter wasn't interested & didn't take her seriously

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3) Chelsea Manning then contacted the New York Times. No one from there replied

4) At the end she had decided to go to @wikileaks

5) On February 3, 2010 she submitted those files to WikiLeaks by using their Dropbox

9. On February 11, 2010 she returned to Iraq

10. Around February 21, 2010 Chelsea Manning submitted a video to @wikileaks & they published it on April 5, 2010; known as Collateral Murder Video

(I'll discuss more about that video later)

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11. Late March 2010 Chelsea Manning submitted a May 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan video to @wikileaks, but that same video was destroyed by Daniel Domscheit Berg

(I'll discuss a lot more about Daniel Domscheit Berg later)

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12. Between March 28, 2010 & April 9, 2010 Chelsea Manning downloaded 250,000 Diplomatic Cables

13. On April 10, 2010 she submitted all of those Diplomatic Cables to @wikileaks

14. That's all to it

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15. Those were the events that occurred between Chelsea Manning & @wikileaks

16. No one, not even Julian Assange & WikiLeaks forced, encouraged and/or helped her

17. Here's Chelsea Manning's Statement for the Providence Inquiry


18. How was Chelsea Manning caught & arrested?

19. It was Adrian Lamo. He chatted online with her from May 21, 2010 to May 25, 2010

20. He then contacted the Authorities & showed them the chat logs

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21. Adrian Lamo also sent those chat logs to his friend Kevin Poulsen who worked at the WIRED magazine & he published only 25% of the chat logs on June 6, 2010

22. Chelsea Manning was arrested on May 27, 2010

23. WIRED published full chat logs on July 13, 2011

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24. Adrian Lamo lied to Chelsea Manning that he was a Journalist, nothing would be published from their discussions in these chat logs, nothing from these chat logs would go for printing & there'd be full legal protection

25. Basically, he used her

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26. In the chat logs, Chelsea Manning made crystal clear that Julian Assange (Journalist) doesn't even know who was Chelsea Manning while she was sending all of those files to @wikileaks

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Again. The Charges against Julian Assange (Journalist) has Nothing to do with the entire 2016 Election Cycle, Russia, Trump & Hillary Clinton.

The Charges against him are about publishing the War Crimes that Chelsea Manning had submitted in the year of 2010.

From 1/5/10 to 4/9/10 Chelsea Manning downloaded the files.

From 1/23/10 to 2/11/10 she:

1. Contacted The Washington Post, but the Reporter wasn't taking her seriously

2. Contacted NYT but got no reply

From 2/3/10 to 4/10/10 she submitted files to @wikileaks.

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Year of 2010 The Collateral Murder Video Published On April 5, 2010:

1. Around 2/21/10 Chelsea Manning submitted a video to @wikileaks & they published it on 4/5/10; known as Collateral Murder Video

2. The event took place on July 12, 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq

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3. @wikileaks titled & published the Collateral Murder Video, which revealed a War Crime

4. The video shows a US Apache helicopter pilots open fires on Iraqi civilians & two Reuters Journalists while smearing them

5. Then the pilots would do a double tap

6. What is a double tap?

7. After US Apache helicopter pilots open fires on Iraqi civilians & two Journalists from Reuters, they would go away

8. A van pulls by & helps the civilians who were injured

9. The pilots would then come back & open fires at them too

10. That same van that pulled by to help the injured civilians, had two children inside the van

11. The children inside the van were wounded

12. These are War Crimes. Crimes against humanity

13. They killed civilians, Journalists & do a double tap

15. That event happened on July 12, 2007

16. On July 13, 2007 US Military Command justified the attack claiming that it's troops had been in battle with hostile force. That was a lie as @wikileaks published the Collateral Murder Video & shows exactly what happened

17. US Apache helicopter pilots open fires on civilians, two Journalists from Reuters & they would go away

18. A van with two children inside pulls by & helps the civilians who were injured

19. The pilots would come back & open fires at them too

That was the Collateral Murder Video titled & published by @wikileaks (News Organization), a founder of Julian Assange (Journalist) on April 5, 2010.

Next I'll discuss the build up to Afghan War Diaries that was published on July 25, 2010.

Year Of 2010 The Build Up To Publishing Afghan War Diaries On July 25, 2010:

1. Afghan War Diaries = Afghan War Logs

2. Now the twist & turn, the backstabbing, cheating, lying, & betrayal begins by The Guardian, New York Times & White House

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3. On June 21, 2010 Nick Davies (Senior Contributor) from The Guardian found out that Julian Assange (Journalist) was in Belgium

4. Nick Davies told The Guardian's Brussels reporter to tell Julian Assange that he was on his way to meet him

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5. On June 22, 2010 Nick Davies from The Guardian & Julian Assange (Journalist) had six hour meeting about having The Guardian & New York Times partnering with @wikileaks (News Organization) to publish the Afghan War Logs

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6. On June 23, 2010 Julian Assange (Journalist) told Nick Davies that Der Spiegel would also be included

7. So. The total media partners were:

1) @wikileaks
2) The Guardian
3) New York Times
4) Der Spiegel

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8. The location where all the Journalists would come & work with Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization) was in London inside The Guardian's building called a bunker

9. Eric Schmitt from New York Times arrived to The Guardian on June 26, 2010

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10. Nick Davies arrived to The Guardian on June 28, 2010. He was in Sweden before this

11. John Goetz from Der Spiegel arrived to The Guardian on June 30, 2010

12. Julian Assange (Journalist) arrived to The Guardian on June 30, 2010

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13. I am now going to use John Goetz's statement to explain the remaining of the events that took place

14. John Goetz (Investigative Journalist) was the witness & he testified in the Court for Julian Assange (Journalist)

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15. John Goetz traveled to London to represent as Der Spiegel in an investigative partnership with @wikileaks

16. John Goetz from Der Spiegel arrived to The Guardian on June 30, 2010 for three days of meeting with other media partners to work on Afghan War Logs

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17. The total media partners were:

1) Julian Assange from @wikileaks
2) David Leigh, Nick Davies & Rob Evans from The Guardian
3) Eric Schmitt from New York Times
4) John Goetz from Der Spiegel

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18. The main reason for the meeting was to:

1) Have a preliminary look at the material
2) Come up with a plan on how to coordinate Journalistic cooperation between the partners

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19. The task was to:

1) Find constructive ways of managing the data leading to its publication in a responsible way; which all the media partners together with @wikileaks were involved

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20. The basis of cooperation & access to the documents was that @wikileaks, The Guardian, New York Times & Der Spiegel would all:

1) Do independent stories
2) Publish at the same time
3) Their stories would refer to & link to documents posted on WikiLeaks' website

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21. Part of the agreement with @wikileaks (News Organization) & Julian Assange (Journalist) was that:

1) They all handle the communications & materials securely
2) Materials remained only accessible to the members of the Journalistic cooperation

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22. Julian Assange (Journalist) explained the approach of @wikileaks' Harm Minimization process about vetting & to prevent risk of harm to anyone. In other words, protect the innocents. This approach was understood & agreed upon by all the media partners

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23. The media partners (Involving @wikileaks) agreed that New York Times would approach the White House for comment in advance of the publication

24. It made sense. Otherwise, there'd have been chaos if all the partners contacted the White House independently

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25. With that been said, Eric Schmitt (New York Times) would take the responsibility of liaising all media partners including @wikileaks. But there was a twist

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26. Eric Schmitt from New York Times & John Goetz from Der Spiegel left on July 2, 2010. Eric Schmitt never returned. John Goetz returned two times with his Colleague to work with & interview Julian Assange (Journalist)

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27. On July 23, 2010 after meeting with White House, Eric Schmitt (New York Times) e-mailed to John Goetz (Der Spiegel) about a White House request, that @wikileaks & their partners redact the names of informants & to withhold 15,000 documents from publication

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28. John Goetz (Der Spiegel) immediately e-mailed to Julian Assange (Journalist) about this

29. Julian Assange quickly e-mailed to Eric Schmitt (New York Times) that @wikileaks was withholding 15,000 documents from Afghan War Logs for more review

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30. Julian Assange (Journalist) quickly e-mailed to Eric Schmitt (New York Times) that @wikileaks was withholding 15,000 documents from Afghan War Logs for more review & would consider recommendations made by the International Security Assistance Force

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31. Eric Schmitt from New York Times forward Julian Assange's (Journalist) e-mail to the White House officials & Times editor

32. On Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 10PM London Time the Afghan War Logs were published

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33. Der Spiegel & The Guardian published before @wikileaks

34. WikiLeaks had technical delay

35. WikiLeaks was the last one to publish the Afghan War Logs

36. WikiLeaks delayed the release of 15,000 documents which were part of the Afghan War Logs

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36. On Monday, July 26, 2010 Julian Assange (Journalist) held a Press Conference in the FRONTLINE CLUB revealing & explaining the truth about the Afghan War Logs

Next. I'll discuss one lie from The Guardian & a twist from both The Guardian & New York Times.

Year Of 2010 A Lie & A Twist During The Build Up To Publishing Afghan War Logs On 7/25/10 By The Guardian & New York Times:

1. Let's talk about a lie that was made up by The Guardian Journalists, which they never stop talking about it

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2. What was the lie?

1) The Guardian Journalists, especially David Leigh & Nick Davies, have constantly claiming that Julian Assange (Journalist) had said the following "They're informants, they deserve to die" at the dinner

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3. David Leigh & Nick Davies have constantly told this lie about Julian Assange (Journalist) had said "They're informants, they deserve to die" at the dinner

4. Does it really make any sense? Does it? Are you sure?

5. Here's the statement by John Goetz

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6. It happened in early July 2010 at the Moro Restaurant, where five Journalists were having dinner in London. They were:

1) Julian Assange from @wikileaks
2) David Leigh & Declan Walsh from The Guardian
3) John Goetz & Marcel Rosenbach from Der Spiegel

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7. In John Goetz's statement, have you noticed anything? Look at his statement again

8. Nick Davies was not even there to begin with. This guy was not at the dinner

9. So how the hell would Nick Davies know what happened on that night when he was never there?

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10. Julian Assange (Journalist) is all about protecting sources & have already explained clearly about Harm Minimization process to protect innocent people

11. That is a pure fact & the truth. Julian Assange is all about protecting sources & protecting innocents

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12. John Goetz said clearly in his own statement that Julian Assange (Journalist) never said this

13. And out of nowhere the Guardian Journalists (David Leigh & Nick Davies) claimed that Julian Assange said "They're informants, they deserve to die" at the dinner

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14. Again. John Goetz said clearly in his own statement that Julian Assange (Journalist) never made this remark

15. Again. Nick Davies was not at the dinner. He was never there to begin with. This guy was never at the dinner

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16. Again. How the hell would Nick Davies know what happened on that night when he was never there?

17. So. Does it really make any sense that Julian Assange (Journalist) had said those at the dinner? No it doesn't

18. Nick Davies was lying all this time

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19. I know what you are thinking. What about David Leigh?

20. Don't worry. I got so many things to say about David Leigh. I'll get to him soon

21. Now let's talk about the twists by Nick Davies from The Guardian & Eric Schmitt from New York Times

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22. If you noticed & paid a very close attention, you would realize that Nick Davies (Senior Contributor) from The Guardian specifically ran after Julian Assange (Journalist) in Belgium on 6/22/10 for one particular reason & that was to grab those files from him

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23. Let me break it down for you

24. Julian Assange (Journalist) in Belgium

25. On June 22, 2010 Nick Davies (Senior Contributor) from The Guardian met Julian Assange in Belgium

26. Nick Davies' main purpose was to get the materials from Julian Assange

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27. Again. Nick Davies' main purpose was to get the materials from Julian Assange (Journalist)

28. That's all

29. You noticed that they both had six hour meeting on that same day; 6/22/10

30. Were they talking about Afghanistan all those time? For six hours?

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31. Were Nick Davies (The Guardian) & Julian Assange (Journalist) talking about Afghanistan all those time? For six hours? Are you sure about that?

32. Julian Assange already have Afghan War Logs, Iraq War Logs & the Diplomatic Cables when Nick Davies met him

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33. The whole point for Nick Davies to go after Julian Assange (Journalist) was to grab all those files from him

34. He wasn't going to tell Julian Assange "I’m a greedy reporter, I’d like to take all your information & put it in my newspaper" in six hour meeting

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35. Nick Davies (The Guardian) & Julian Assange (Journalist) had six hour meeting about having The Guardian & New York Times partnering with @wikileaks (News Organization) to publish the Afghan War Logs, Iraq War Logs & the Diplomatic Cables

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36. Nick Davies (The Guardian) lied to Julian Assange (Journalist) about partnering with @wikileaks (News Organization)

37. He never meant Julian Assange & WikiLeaks to collaborating with three News Organizations

38. He stated that Julian Assange was a Source

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39. Nick Davies (The Guardian) specifically ran after Julian Assange (Journalist) in Belgium on 6/22/10 just for one particular reason & that was to grab all of those materials from him

40. That's all he wanted. He never considered Julian Assange a Journalist.

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41. Eric Schmitt from New York Times had also used Julian Assange (Journalist) by twisting the situations around

42. Like Nick Davies (The Guardian), Eric Schmitt (New York Times) stated that Julian Assange was a Source & was not a partner/collaboration

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43. But that was a pure lie.

44. Again. From the beginning, in those three days meeting, it was made clearly that New York Time, The Guardian & Der Spiegel were partnering, collaborating & working with @wikileaks on the materials as a Journalistic cooperation

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45. Eric Schmitt from New York Times was lying & he, just like Nick Davies (The Guardian), stated that Julian Assange (Journalist) was a Source

46. But there was one more twist made by Eric Schmitt (New York Times) & it involved the White House & Pentagon

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47. After the publications of the Afghan War Logs on July 25, 2010, the White House claimed that @wikileaks had made no effort to contact them about the documents & also accused WikiLeaks for the lack of redactions in the documents

48. None of those were true

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49. The media partners (Including WikiLeaks) agreed that New York Times would approach the White House for comment in advance of the publication

50. Eric Schmitt (New York Times) would take the responsibility of liaising all media partners including @wikileaks

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So what happened? I'm going to explain exactly what happened

51. @wikileaks insisted that they asked Obama Administration to help in removing the names on the Afghan War Logs before publishing it by using New York Times as an intermediary

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52. Julian Assange (Journalist), on the interview, explained that New York Times had acted as an intermediary (Liaison) & White House hadn't responded to the offer

53. Pentagon on purposely denied this

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54. Eric Schmitt (New York Times) who has been liaison with Julian Assange (Journalist) had dismissed Julian Assange's claim that @wikileaks had offered White House Officials to go through the Afghan War Logs to ensure innocent people weren't identified

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55. However, there was a catch

56. July 23,2010 Eric Schmitt (New York Times) indirectly e-mailed a White House request to Julian Assange (Journalist) that @wikileaks not to publish information that could lead to people being physically harm (See my Tweets above)

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57. Julian Assange (Journalist) quickly e-mailed to Eric Schmitt (New York Times) that @wikileaks was withholding 15,000 documents from the Afghan War Logs for review & would consider recommendations made by International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

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58. Eric Schmitt (New York Times) forwarded that same e-mail from Julian Assange (Journalist) to the White House Officials & to Times editors

59. Did you see the catch? A twist from Eric Schmitt?

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60. Eric Schmitt lied to the Public about Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks that they hadn't contacted & wasn't asking White House to help to redact innocent people's names on the Afghan War Logs before publishing on July 25, 2010

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
61. Julian Assange (Journalist) & WikiLeaks had contacted the White House by using Eric Schmitt, New York Times as a connection for a help & they never responded

62. Pentagon had constantly denied that Julian Assange & @wikileaks had ever contacted White House

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63. Eric Schmitt (New York Times) had sided & defended Pentagon denials even after he (Eric Schmitt) received Julian Assange's e-mail & forwarded the same e-mail to White House Officials & Times editors

64. Again. What was in the e-mail?

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
65. July 23,2010 Eric Schmitt (New York Times) indirectly e-mailed a White House request to Julian Assange (Journalist) that @wikileaks not to publish information that could lead to people being physically harm (See my Tweets above)

#FreeAssange. ImageImageImageImage
66. Julian Assange (Journalist) quickly e-mailed to Eric Schmitt (New York Times) that @wikileaks was withholding 15,000 documents from the Afghan War Logs for review & would consider recommendations made by International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

#FreeAssange. ImageImageImage
67. Eric Schmitt (New York Times) forwarded that same e-mail from Julian Assange (Journalist) to the White House Officials & to Times editors

68. Julian Assange was telling truth

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69. The same headache happened with those 15,000 documents which @wikileaks was withholding

70. The White House & Pentagon had denied that Julian Assange (Journalist) & WikiLeaks had asked their help on the remaining 15,000 documents from the Afghan War Logs

#FreeAssange. Image
71. However. White House & Pentagon were lying to the Public about Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks

72. August 16, 2010 Pentagon sent a letter to WikiLeaks' lawyer which proved that WikiLeaks & Julian Assange were telling the truth the whole time

#FreeAssange. Image
73. In that letter from Pentagon (8/16/10) showed that Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks were telling the truth; which was:

1) They asked Pentagon to help to redact the remaining 15,000 documents
2) Pentagon acknowledged this & refused to help

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
Are you following so far?

74. In a letter from Pentagon (8/16/10) proved Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks were telling the truth

1) They asked Pentagon to help in redacting the remaining 15,000 documents
2) Pentagon acknowledged this & refused to help

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
75. That means Pentagon & White House knows Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks had been contacting them & asking their help in redacting before publishing

76. However, they lied, denied that they were contacted by WikiLeaks & Julian Assange & refused to help

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
77. Pentagon also accused @wikileaks having blood in their hands after publishing the Afghan War Logs on July 25, 2010.

78. But Pentagon couldn't provide any proof that people were harmed due to Julian Assange (Journalist) & WikiLeaks publishing those documents

#FreeAssange. Image
79. Later on Pentagon had revealed that Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks had contacted them, but they did not do so directly

What a genius! Hey stupid. They explained exactly how they contacted White House & Pentagon. And it was by New York Times.

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
1. Now. The Afghan War Logs was published on July 25, 2010

2. The next objective for media partners would be working on Iraq War Logs

3. The total media partners working on Iraq War Logs were:

1) @wikileaks
2) The Guardian
3) New York Times
4) Der Spiegel

#FreeAssange. Image
4. The task, responsibilities, basis of cooperation & access to documents, agreement with @wikileaks (News Organization) & Julian Assange (Journalist), vetting & protecting innocents & contacting White House were same from the Afghan War Logs with ONE change

#FreeAssange. ImageImage
5. Again. All procedures & responsibilities that were applied for the Afghan War Logs, were also applied to Iraq War Logs with one change

6. What was one particular change?

1) Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks want more preparation time on Iraq War Logs

#FreeAssange. Image
7. With that being said, Iraq War Logs was published on October 22, 2010

8. You may be thinking and/or asking like: Wait. What? They started at the end of July 2010 (After July 25, 2010) & they published on October 22, 2010? Why so much gap?

9. I'll explain

#FreeAssange. ImageImageImage
10. Yes. The media partners including @wikileaks had started working on Iraq War Logs after July 25, 2010 & yes they published Iraq War Logs on October 22, 2010. Why so much gap?

11. That's because other major events took place & thus affected the work

#FreeAssange. Image
12. What were those major events?

13. The major events that took place were:

1) July 28, 2010 & July 29, 2010
2) July 30, 2010 The Guardian's Confidentiality Agreement
3) August 11, 2010 Sweden
4) August 25, 2010 Daniel Domscheit Berg

14. Let's discuss those

#FreeAssange. Image
Year Of 2010 July 28, 2010 & July 29, 2010:

1. July 28, 2010 US Defense Secretary (Pentagon) Robert Gates called FBI Director Robert Mueller & asked to assist in their investigation of Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks (News Organization)

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2. July 29, 2010 @wikileaks added an AES encrypted Insurance File to Afghan War Logs page

3. This file was twenty times larger than Afghan War Logs & it would be impossible to open without the password

4. This was a cause & effect

5. Do you understand so far?

#FreeAssange. Image
Year Of 2010 The Guardian's Confidentiality Agreement On July 30, 2010:

1. The Guardian among with other media partners have already received Iraq War Logs to work with

2. Julian Assange (Journalist) want more preparation time on Iraq War Logs (For redactions)

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3. Diplomatic Cables file was the last one & media partners would be working on this file after the publication of Iraq War Logs

4. However, David Leigh (Investigative Editor) from The Guardian wanted that Diplomatic Cables file really badly

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5. Julian Assange (Journalist) & @wikileaks want more preparation time on Iraq War Logs; more time for redacting

6. David Leigh (Investigative Editor) from The Guardian tells Julian Assange that You want us to postpone Iraq War Logs publication (Continued)

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7. David Leigh, Investigative Editor, (The Guardian) tells Julian Assange (Journalist) that (Continued) We could refuse & simply go ahead with publication as planned. If you want us to do something for you, then you’ve to do something for us

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8. David Leigh, Investigative Editor, (The Guardian) then tells Julian Assange (Journalist) to stop delaying & hand over the Diplomatic Cables

9. Julian Assange tells David Leigh that he could give him half of them, covering the first 50% of the period

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10. David Leigh, Investigative Editor, had refused. He tells Julian Assange (Journalist) that it's all or nothing

11. David Leigh would give Julian Assange a promise to keep Diplomatic Cables secure & not to publish until the time came

12. In other words

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13. David Leigh (The Guardian) made a promised to Julian Assange (Journalist) that he & The Guardian would keep Diplomatic Cables file safe, secure & would not publish the file until the time comes

14. Thus, a Confidentiality Agreement was made on July 30, 2010

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15. July 30, 2010 Confidentiality Agreement letter was made on the behalf of The Guardian to Julian Assange (Journalist)

16. Package 3 = Diplomatic Cables

17. July 30, 2010 Confidentiality Agreement letter was made to Julian Assange on the behalf of The Guardian

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18. The Confidentiality Agreement letter revealed & states the following three major important key points:

1) The material is for review only & is not to be published without the express consent of Julian Assange (Journalist) or his authorized Representative

#FreeAssange. Image
2) The material will be held in conditions of strict confidence within The Guardian & will not be shown to any Third Party

3) The material will not be viewed at any time on any computer terminal which is open to the internet

19. Package 3 = Diplomatic Cables

#FreeAssange. Image
20. Those were three major & important key points in the Confidentiality Agreement letter

21. Package 3 = Diplomatic Cables

22. On July 30, 2010 Confidentiality Agreement letter was made to Julian Assange (Journalist) on the behalf of The Guardian

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23. On July 30, 2010 Confidentiality Agreement letter was made to Julian Assange (Journalist) on the behalf of The Guardian

24. The Confidentiality Agreement letter was signed by Alan Rusbridger (Editor In Chief) from The Guardian

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25. After looking, reviewing, understanding, receiving the Confidentiality Agreement letter from The Guardian & signed by Alan Rusbridger (Editor In Chief) from The Guardian, Julian Assange (Journalist) was then reassured

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26. Julian Assange (Journalist) would then explain to David Leigh, Investigative Editor, (The Guardian) on how to download the entire Diplomatic Cables

27. Are you ready for this? Here were those steps

#FreeAssange. Image
28. David Leigh, Investigative Editor, (The Guardian):

1) Had to set up the PGP encryption system on his laptop
2) Type in the full complete password
3) Download the Diplomatic Cables file

29. Does everyone understand so far? If not, then reread this entire Tweet

#FreeAssange. Image
30. About the password:

1) Julian Assange (Journalist) wrote an incomplete password on a piece of paper
2) He then told David Leigh one extra word
3) He explained to David Leigh that he has to type that one extra word in, to make, a full complete password

#FreeAssange. Image
31. For example:

1) I write down an incomplete password on a piece of paper; which is MedicareAll
2) I then told you one extra word; which is xxx
3) I explained to you that you have to type that one extra word in, to make, a full complete password

32. Okay? Good

#FreeAssange. Image
33. You may be confused on why I went into more depth about the password

34. You may be disappointed on why I didn't go in more depth into David Leigh, Investigative Editor, (The Guardian)

35. Don't worry

36. I'll get into David Leigh

#FreeAssange. Image
37. I'll get David Leigh (The Guardian)

Next I'll discuss August 11, 2010 Sweden.

Then I'll discuss August 25, 2010 Daniel Domscheit Berg. Here is where I go after David Leigh as well because it's all connected.

Okay? Alright.

So. Let's talk about Sweden.

#FreeAssange. Image

• • •

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More from @AliKaung

Nov 10, 2021
Sometimes I think that the people in the Congress (House and Senate) and the White House are really losing contact and not knowing what's on with every single human beings throughout the USA.
In case you don't know, and you haven't seen the latest polls, every single human beings in the USA hold the President of the US in contempt. They hold the Congress (House and Senate) in contempt.

They hold Republican Party in contempt. They hold Democratic Party in contempt.
Read 25 tweets
Nov 5, 2021
Sometimes you forget how many zeros are in a million. In a billion. In a trillion. But don't worry. I am going to tell you how many zeros there are.

A million has 6 zeros: 1,000,000

A billion has 9 zeros: 1,000,000,000

A trillion has 12 zeros: 1,000,000,000,000
T = Trillion B = Billion

2T = 2,000B
3T = 3,000B
3.2T = 3,200B
3.5T = 3,500B
3.9T = 3,900B
4.0T = 4,000B
4.2T = 4,200B
4.23T = 4,230B
4.67T = 4,670B
5.55T = 5,550B
5.73T = 5,730B
6T = 6,000B
12T = 12,000B
12.2T = 12,200B
13T = 13,000B
13.64T = 13,640B
15T = 15,000B
15.06T = 15,060B
15.29T = 15,290B
17T = 17,000B
18.641T = 18,641B
21.008T = 21,008B
24.024T = 24,024B
28.587T = 28,587B
32T = 32,000B
32.198T = 32,198B
34.085T = 34,085B

32T is not equal to 3.2T
32T is not equal to 3,200B
Read 24 tweets
Nov 4, 2021
Hello @DarrigoMelanie:

I know that you are running against Thomas Suozzi for Congress NY03 in 2022.

Thomas Suozzi won three times in a row. 2016 Election Cycle was his first win.

Ever since he entered the Office, three Medicare For All Single Payer Bills were introduced:
1. HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act

2. HR 1384 Medicare for All Act of 2019

3. HR 1976 Medicare for All Act of 2021

Rep Suozzi hasn't Cosponsored any of the three Medicare For All Single Payer Bills.

He is an Anti - Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right
Healthcare System.

With that being said, @DarrigoMelanie, it will be wonderful & very helpful on your part if you can find, meet, discuss & work with Frank Puig, @frank_puig.

Frank Puig lives in your Congressional District 03. He knows & have met Thomas Suozzi a multiple times
Read 10 tweets
Nov 3, 2021
At the beginning, it was $10 Trillion. It went down to $6 Trillion. Senator Joe Manchin called for $4 Trillion. From there it went down to $3.5 Trillion.

After that, it became at the range of $1.9 Trillion & $2.2 Trillion.

Now the Reconciliation Bill is at $1.75 Trillion &
it's got nothing in it to help every single human beings throughout the USA.

Meanwhile, Joe Manchin is flexing his arm. However. Let me make a crystal clear. Joe Manchin is doing the bidding of President Biden. Yeah.

President Biden isn't fighting for his plan & Joe Manchin
is doing the bidding of President Biden. Think about it.

President Biden isn't fighting for his own plan at all. But Progressives in Congress are praising, fighting for President Biden's plan & this is the problem.

They were supposed to push President Biden to the Left; but
Read 8 tweets
Oct 12, 2021
Obamacare = Affordable Care Act = ACA = Mitt Romney's Healthcare = Republican Healthcare from the 1990s have not taken care of every single human beings throughout the USA.

As a matter of a fact, ACA have done the opposite. ACA took care & helped the Wall St. ImageImage
Right now. There are:

1. > 30 Million human beings uninsured
2. > 85 Million human beings underinsured
3. > 17 Million human beings lost their Healthcare due to Pandemic

The current For Profit Healthcare (Medical Industrial Complex) System has been a major driver of abnormal ImageImage
Read 125 tweets

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