I bang on about the climate and ecological crisis, I know.
I have met climate refugees with @justshelter1
No such official definition exists, but I have met them.
They know.
I asked this man why he was in #Calais.
He told me: 'Nothing grows in Chad. Nothing has grown for 10 years, nothing will grow. What am I supposed to do?'
He is a climate refugee. @alex_randall
How many more?
There are already 100 million displaced, South Vietnam is likely to disappear under any plausible climate scenario. @Sir_David_King
Where will they go? coastal.climatecentral.org
My view is we have two choices:
To act or not.
A. If we do not, civilisation as we know it, likely collapses.
B. If we do, we have to change society radically, hopefully for the better.
'business as usual' is to not act.
Winning slowly is losing.
“The scientific evidence is unequivocal: climate change is a threat to human wellbeing and the health of the planet. Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future.”
Let's skate on a bit on to 2015, the boxes have been bopped maybe as a result of the pavement/parking. The boxes look a bit edgy. The road is oily. The pavement is wider than before though, just in case social distancing is invented.
Londis has closed down, no longer seven days a week.
A black bag lurks.
The yellow line stutters uncertainly.
For those of you who want some background blurb. winstanleyyorkroad.co.uk/masterplan
The trees you can see here would be about 30 years in the future, lovely light, lots of trees, people sunning themselves. It is a common visual trick used by developers. 'Artistic licence'
The #tree in question is this one, T68. It would be right in the middle of the new open space area.