➊ JavaScript Arrays
❑ concat()⇥ join several arrays one
❑ from()⇥ Create an array from an object
❑ pop()⇥ Remove the last element of an array
❑ push()⇥Add a new element at the end
❑ shift()⇥ Remove the first element of an array
❑ sort()⇥ Sort element alphabetically
❑ slice() ⇥ Pull a copy of a portion of an array into a new array object
❑ splice() ⇥ Add element in a specified way and position
❑ unshift() ⇥ Add a new element to the beginning
❑ copyWithin() ⇥ Copy array element within the array, to and specfied positions
❑ join()⇥ Combine element of an array into a single string and return the string
❑ indexof() ⇥ Return the primitive value of the specified element
❑ includes() ⇥ check if an array contains the specified element
❑ reveres() ⇥ sort element in descending order
❑ reduce() ⇥ Reduce the values of an array to a single value
❑ reduceRight() ⇥ Reduce the values of an array to a single value
❑ entries() ⇥ Return a key value pair array iteration object
❑ every() ⇥ Check if every element in an array passes a test
❑ fill() ⇥ fill the element in an array with a static value
❑ forEach() ⇥ call a function for each array element
➋ JavaScript Boolean Methods
❑ toString() ⇥ Convert a boolean value to a string and the result
❑ valueOf() ⇥ Return the first position at which a given element appears in an array
❑ toSource() ⇥ Return a string representing the source code of the object
➌ JavaScript Arithmetic operators
+ ⇥ Addition
- ⇥ Subtraction
* ⇥ Multiplication
/ ⇥ Division
(...) ⇥ Grouping operator
% ⇥ modulus
++ ⇥ increment numbers
-- ⇥ Decrement numbers
== ⇥ equal to
=== ⇥ equal value and equal type
!= ⇥ not equal
!== ⇥ not equal value
> ⇥ Greater than
< ⇥ lesser than
>= ⇥ Greater than or equal to
<= ⇥ Lesser than or equal to
? ⇥ Ternary operator
➍ Logical operators
&& ⇥ Logical AND
|| ⇥ Logical OR
! ⇥ Logical NOT
➎ Bitwise operators
& ⇥ and statement
| ⇥ or statement
~ ⇥ not
<< ⇥ left shift
>> ⇥ Zero fill right
> ⇥ shift
➏ Function
➑ Brackets
[abc] ⇥ Fine any of the characters in the brackets
[<abc] ⇥ Fine any characters in the brackets
[0-9] ⇥ Fine digit specified in the brackets
[A-z] ⇥ Fine any character from uppcase a to lowercase z
(a | b | c) ⇥ Fine any of the alternatives separated with |
➒ Pattern Modifiers
e ⇥ Evaluate replacement
i ⇥ perform case-insensitive matching
g ⇥ perform global matching
m ⇥ perform multiple line matching
s ⇥ Treat strings as single line
x ⇥ Allow comments and whitespace in pattern
u ⇥ Ungreedy pattern
⇥ Bootstrap is the most popular css framework globally and got instant popularity because of its responsive design. almost anything, from alerts to modals to navigation bars, is supported by default making is easy to build amazing website. getbootstrap.com
➋ Tailwind CSS
⇥ Tailwind css is a utility-first css framework that is different that other frameworks like bootstrap where you get pre-designed components. Tailwind requires the least amount of learning an dis easy to use
⇥ An inline property dose not start on new and only takes up as much width as necessary.Any height and width properties will have no effect on inline elements. This example overrides the default setting of <li> bullet points and presents them in one line.
➁ Display : Block
⇥ Display Block property shows the elements one by one like a building. Every block element appears in a new line. margin. padding and width work in display block.