A containment building of a #NuclearPowerPlant is a thick structure design to resist earthquakes, overpressure and hurricane winds.🌪
But, have you ever wonder what would happen if a jet crashed into it? Let’s find out together 🛩
Lucky for us, @SandiaLabs solved this question way back in 1988.
They launched a supersonic jet against a concrete wall to test its resistance. 🤯 Crazy, right? BUT, to our surprise, it only caused cracks of 60mm deep in the concrete.
As part of the probabilistic risk analysis done for the #NPPs, the risk of a jet ACCIDENTALLY striking a plant is considered, but NOT an intentional attack.
Let’s ask the experts about the risk of an impact in a Containment Building👇🏻
After the terrible attacks in the U.S. on 9/11, the possibility of a jet hitting critical infrastructures began to raise. ⚠️
So in 2002, @NEI developed a study that shows what would happen if a jet crashed into a spent fuel pool, dry containers & a containment building.
So, let's dive into the potential consequences of a #nuclear containment building and make sure there's nothing to worry about. 🤓
First, let's say we have a 204-ton jet 🛩, which was the most widely used aircraft in the US, an compare it to a nuclear containment building:
The containment building of a #NuclearPowerPlant houses the nuclear reactor and part of its auxiliary systems. It’s s a thick structure made of reinforced concrete 👀 Check it out!
Now, the wingspan of our jet (52m) is somewhat larger than the diameter of a typical containment building (40m).
Also, our plane's engines are about 15m apart, so let's assume… the WORST🫣: the fuselage and both engines colliding perpendicularly with the building.
What happened? Well, the results indicated that no part of the engines, fuselage, wings, or fuel entered the interior of the containment building. 🙌🏻
The structure did’t fracture!! 😎
…BUT there was crushing & splintering of the material at the point of impact.
However, both the vessel and its cooling circuits are covered with thick concrete walls 👇🏻 which would also be capable of absorbing part of the projectiles that entered the building in the event of an unlikely failure.
So, with this we can determine that the structures that house the nuclear fuel are robust and can protect it from the impact of large commercial aircraft. ✈️ 🤓
Would you like to know more about the possible consequences of an impact on the spent fuel pool or dry containers for spent fuel? 👇🏻
Let me know what should we discover next!!
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Am I the only one that wonders what would happen if I fell into those pools where spent nuclear fuel rods are cooled down?
How would falling in here affect our health? And could we actually survive this?
Let’s evaluate this possibility. 🤔
So, I’ve just accidentally fallen into a spent fuel pool. But what is it?
While powering a nuclear reactor, the fuel rods become very hot. We’re talking 1k°C (1832°F), so this pool of crystal clear water is meant to cool spent fuel rods after they come out of a nuclear reactor.
Spent fuel rods typically stay in the spent fuel pool (SFP) for 2–5 years, stored under ~20 feet of water for cooling and shielding.
Recent news about the planned release of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi NPS into the ocean has sparked concern & debate.
As someone who cares about the environment & public health, let’s talk about the water discharge & the Advanced Liquid Processing System behind it.
But first: Where is this water coming from?
After the March 2011 accident, using water to cool the melted fuel & debris at Fukushima Daiichi NPS has been necessary.
Aside from this, when groundwater & rainwater comes into contact with melted fuel/debris, it becomes polluted.
After becoming contaminated, the water undergoes filtration through the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), which eliminates a significant portion of the radioactivity before it is put into storage.
Am I the only one that wonders what would happen if I fell into those pools where spent nuclear fuel rods are cooled down?
How would falling in here affect our health? And could we actually survive this?
Let’s evaluate this possibility together.🤔
So, I’ve just accidentally fallen into a spent fuel pool. But what is it?
While powering a nuclear reactor, the fuel rods become very hot. We’re talking 1k°C (1832°F), so this pool of crystal clear water is meant to cool spent fuel rods after they come out of a nuclear reactor.
Spent fuel rods stay in the SFP typically for 2-5 yrs and are stored under ~20ft of water.
According to @NEI , the U.S. avoided ~471M metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2020, equivalent of removing 100 million cars from the road & more than all other clean energy sources combined.
There are 54 commercially operating NPP with 92 nuclear power reactors in 28 U.S. states.
Of the currently operating nuclear power plants, 19 plants have 1 reactor, 32 plants have 2 reactors, and 3 plants have 3 reactors.
The Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona is the LARGEST nuclear plant, and it has 3 powerful reactors with a combined net summer electricity generating capacity of 3,937 MW.
The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in New York is the smallest nuclear plant, and it has one reactor with a net summer electricity generating capacity of about 581 MW.
This beauty is the part of the NPP which is used to produce steam to supply the turbine generator units, which in turn generate electricity.
Let’s analyze this system together by using a 4-Loop PWR system by @WECnuclear as an example 👇
Included within the NSSS are the reactor coolant system (primary loop), auxiliary fluid systems & major electrical instrumentation required for the operation & control of the nuclear systems.
The NSSS is also known as the nuclear island.
Can you identify the primary loop?👇
The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) is used to remove energy from the reactor core & transfer that energy either directly or indirectly to the steam turbine, as described by the @NRCgov