It needs to be understood SEX needs to be viewed as a Sacred Energetic eXchange. Those who practice Sexual Alchemy are working with the Philosopher's ST,ONE. Sexual Control is your God Power.
"The Practitioner who can protect his Semen (Bindu) overcomes DEATH."
"Death comes by discharging BINDU, and life is prolonged by its preservation. BINDU is under the control of the MIND, and life is dependent on BINDU. Hence, MIND and BINDU should be protected by any means."
BINDU is a Sanskrit word meaning "POINT", "DROP" or "DOT".
The Bindu is considered the POINT of universal consciousness from which the universe originates. It is the ZERO POINT. It is described as "the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state". Bindu is the CENTRAL Point around which the mandala, symbolizing the Universe."
Was the Kabbalah "borrowed" (STOLEN) from the Eastern Tradition of Tantra?
Pt. 3 (THE END)🧵
Now, that we understand from Part Two that Christ mastered the Art of Sexual Alchemy and Transmutation, this may explain the modern day Hatred Jesus Christ by the "Jewish People".
Almost all modern day Israeli's (and in the Talmud) refer to Jesus as Yeshu.
Not Yeshua which means “Salvation" in Hebrew.
Yeshu is an acronym for the Hebrew words "Yimach Shmo v'zichro", which means "may his NAME and MEMORY be obliterated".
Even in the Talmud "Yeshu" is written with gershayim, a punctuation mark used to indicate acronyms.
Sometimes it is followed with Ha-Notzri meaning "The Nazerene".
Yeshu Ha-Notzri is the modern Hebrew Equivalent for "Jesus the Nazarene".
Was the Kabbalah "borrowed" (STOLEN) from the Eastern Tradition of Tantra?
Pt. 2🧵
Pythagoreans used Signs and Symbols to occulty communicate these Geometric, Metaphysical & Philosophical Teachings to each Age.
The Bible was used as a Repository of Ancient Esoteric Knowledge.
Pythagoras was taught by the Brahamins and Sages in Ancient India.
To go even further, did Jesus travel to India AND study under the Brahmans during his LOST YEARS? Was Jesus an initiate of the Ancient Vedic Wisdom?
There is compelling evidence to support this.
In the Bhavishya Purana, one prophecy describes the future appearance of 'Isha Putra', which in Sanskrit is translated as the 'Son (Putra) of the Lord (Isha)', who is born of to unmarried woman named Kumari (Mary).
Hmm.. Isa, also, is the Arabic Name of Jesus in the Qu'ran.
Was the Doctrine of the Kabbalah "borrowed" from the Ancient Practioners of Tantra?
Pt. 1🧵
The Kabbalist GOAL is to raise the Shekinah (Divine Feminine) from Malkuth to the Cubic Stone of Yesod transmuting this INNER G through the Four Worlds into Spiritual Energy in KETHER.
This is the same TANTRIC Practice of raising the Kundalini Energy through the Seven Chakras or Energy Centers.
Sexual Alchemy is the Holy Science of TANTRA, Kabbalah AND the coming AEON. Sexual Alchemy is known as Maithuna to the Hindus.
The Sanskrit 'Maithuna' is used to refer to the sacrament OR sexual union between husband and wife.
The Sanskrit word “Guru” (GU-RU) is commonly thought to mean Teacher but actually means to bring Light (RU) from Darkness (GU).
H.P. Blavatsky explains, "Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony - in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, and to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals."
The Sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero - the symbol of the infinite and boundless universe."
Pythagoras believed there was a metaphysical and phiosopical system of PRINCIPLES that existed behind numbers.
Numerals are a series of symbolic forms constructed to mirror the concepts of the Universe.
For instance, a Point is the essence of a Circle. Of all shapes, the Circle is the parent of all following shapes. When a Circle is mirrored, two mirrors are created.
In a recent interview, Disgraced Disney Star Orlando Brown mentioned a spot in the Human Body (in the Anus) that if touched (via Sodomy) can make the person act like an ANIMAL.
Orlando must have lost it, is his programming is breaking down?
It may sound crazy but it's NOT.
Sodomy is seen as the 'Backdoor' to the Sephirothic Tree. It is believed that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (Demiurge) you'd get his power. It's that simple. This basic principle has been followed for AEONS by the Greeks, Romans, Kabbalists & MORE!
CIA, MI6, Mossad, Tavistock Institue, DARPA, Dark Occultists, Aleister Crowley, and many Left Hand Path Initiates have followed this same formula.
As Dion Fortune states, 'Any Seasoned Occultist knows that the Sex Force is truly the G-d Force.'