The Dutch State is the world champion in separating children from their parents and blocking any and all contact between them. #StateKidnapping.
A thread in English. THREAD NO 1.
This affects at least 95,000 children who are taken away from their loving families, and 450,000 - 900,000 under some form of State "supervision" (in theory, but in practice this usually means: an interference based on terror, intimidation and retaliation).
This problem has occured for at least 75 years. The grave problems were investigated by Formal Committees (Samson, 2013 De Winter 2019) and dissertations were published (Clarijs, The tyranny of Youth Care 2013) and journaliste (Van Beek, Children of the State 2020), and others.
Yesterday night, a Dutch comedian @PannekoekPeter spoke out on State t.v. "#Statekidnapping" in relation to 1,115 children in the TaxBenefitsScandal and MP @PieterOmtzigt who has worked hard on this matter, drew attention thereto.
In reality the number is > 5,000 kidnapped children since 2005 by the Tax Authorities actions (falsely accusing parents of fraud and continuing to do so after it becomes known that the accusations are false).
A total of 70,000 children have been affected.
Many victims of Youth Care (Tax related or otherwise) and others are now discussing this topic on social media.
Here is some input from my end.
The problems have been acknowledged by Minister @SanderDekker and @hugodejonge in 2019 (De Winter) and after Tax Benefits Scandal, but are not solved, despite apologies made and promises to do better. We have seen decades of pseudo reforms, but the situation never improved.
One of the most succesful propaganda one-liners over the past decades, to shut everyone up, has been:
"One can't take a child from their family just like that".
In other words: where there is smoke, there is fire. The parents must be guilty of something.
And that is true. Being able to start, maintain and uphold #childtrafficking on a massive scale cannot occur "just like that." It involves hard work:
one must make up problems, aggravate or exaggerate them, or attract all attention to them, and also delete unwelcome information.
In this domain laws and treaties are without effect, and everyone basically works around them. (Supply) Chain Partners are: the Judiciary, the Lawyers, the (Secret!) Police, Commercial Care Providers, Child Protection Board.
Since 2015 the NL Municipalities are responsible.
The Dutch Judiciary @RechtspraakNL and the Dutch Bar @Advocatenorde organized Tribunals.
Not against the childtraffickers who operate in the name of "protection" and "help", but against lawyers (such as myself in 2020, and others before me) to silence them.
The Amsterdam President of the Dutch Bar was put on alert by "anonymous informants" and saw it his task to start disciplinary proceedings against me as a lawyer, and gradually he also concluded I should be disbarred.
Disciplinary proceedings and other forms of "sensibiliseren" are used against any lawyer who signals and reports organised crime, financed by the NL State, and speaks up about "#childkidnapping", "#forgery" and "#showtrials" (judges always stand with Youth Care)
In Apeldoorn one client committed suicide in 2020 due to the humiliations and intimidations of Youth care (supported by judges). My Amsterdam President did not respond to my signal for help.
In Hoofddorp, one client was forced to flee to Poland with his wife and child, where the family did receive a fair trial - civil/criminal - cleared from abuse allegations. Teir authistic son finally received excellent care.
They are still being hunted by NL State, Interpol, etc.
Again, my Amsterdam President of the Dutch Bar @advocatenorde did not respond to my signal. He was only more determined to disbar me. He refused to tell me who were his secret informants (chain partners?) and if they had any interest in the matter.
In Zwolle and Leeuwarden, like everywhere, judges systematically support Youth Care in divorce cases in choosing the side of the narcissist parent, to ensure the maximum unrest, problems and damage to a child. This garantees the justification for their involvement.
In Zwolle, Leeuwarden and Middelburg I witnessed judges choosing who are actively breaching formal laws, in order to get the case done for Youth Care and keep the children enslaved and exploited.
In The Hague my clients/parents are defending themselves against Youth Care and the Court who operate as one. Mother was ill in 2009, got better in 2010, but the children were never allowed to return home, despite in 2014 accusations of abuse, bad parenting were proven false.
I can give many other examples from all over the country of the complete lawlessness in Youth Care (Child protection board, youth protection, judges, lawyers, police, etc.)
In November 2021, 5 year old little Sean was abducted by 12 policement in 4 policevans, despite he begged not to take him.
This week the news reached me of a mother, hiding in her toilet with her toddler daughter, while the police had entered the house by breaking the doors and windows.