A glimpse of the crowd at Trump’s rally at an old racetrack in northeast Georgia, where the former president hopes to rally supporters behind the seven state candidates he’s endorsed. #gapol
Updated crowd shot:
I've covered more than two dozen Trump rallies around the nation. This is the smallest crowd I've seen at a rally of his in Georgia since he won the 2016 election -- significantly smaller than the crowd in Perry in September. #gapolajc.com/politics/a-pro…
I’m in Commerce for Trump’s rally for the seven Georgia Republicans he’s endorsed. Apparently, state Democrats are up here, too. Spotted outside the racetrack where thousands will soon gather are trucks emblazoned with: “Trump First Georgians Last.” #gapol
A Herschel Walker sighting in Commerce, where he’s surrounded by supporters seeking autographs and selfies. #gapol#gasen
Patrick Witt, who Trump is endorsing as part of an anti-Kemp vendetta, acknowledges few people in the crowd had ever heard of him let alone know he’s running for insurance commissioner. “I’m going to keep your insurance from going woke.” #gapol
Georgia gov candidate David Perdue on @Xtra1063 on the Ukraine invasion: “Russia has got to be stopped. This is nothing but a bully — Putin — taking advantage of a weak president. This wouldn’t have happened with Donald Trump as president.” #gapol
Senate Republican candidate @GaryBlackForGA: “President Biden has projected a vacuum of leadership and Putin is filling it with cruelty and dreams of a new USSR. Biden’s weakness has significant real-world implications as Ukrainians now, sadly, feel intimately." #gapol#gasen
GOP Senate candidate @LathamSaddler, an ex-WH official, on Trump’s praise for Putin amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “I can promise you during my time there our enemies feared us and Putin knew better than to invade any sovereign countries and therefore didn’t.” #gapol#gasen
@GovKemp Record tax collections allowed Kemp on Thursday to reel off a series of voter-pleasing proposals, including pay raises, tax refunds and increased spending in key areas such as education, law enforcement and health care. #gapolajc.com/politics/awash…
Lt. Gov. @GeoffDuncanGA plans to assign the Buckhead cityhood bill sponsored by Republican Brandon Beach to the Democratic-led Urban Affairs Committee, effectively bottling it up for now. #gapol
LG says no to Atlanta 2.0? Duncan has been a big skeptic of the Buckhead secession initiative. #gapol
Herschel Walker’s campaign has falsely claimed he graduated from college, repeating something that’s proliferated in online bios, at a political rally, and even when the Senate GOP candidate was introduced for a congressional hearing. #gapol#gasenajc.com/politics/polit…
Here’s a sampling of where the false claim has showed up, starting with the now-deleted reference on Walker’s campaign website. #gapol#gasen
In a statement to the @ajc, Walker acknowledged that he didn’t graduate from UGA despite claims otherwise.
“After playing with the New Jersey Generals, I returned to Athens to complete my degree, but life and football got in the way.” #gapol#gasenajc.com/politics/polit…