"They wrote it's #Khartsyzk (Donetsk rgn, occupied), Mar28 2022, 06:34. I don't know if it's fake or not". Cooments: "It's not fake. At that time there was a missile launch"
*comments (@twitter, pls add a short-term editing feature)
12:38 [#Khrustalnyi?]: "A westbound plane's over ORLO (occupied Luhansk rgn). Will #Snizhne hear it now?"
12:40 One more (plane) - from Russia to the NW
Remember that "super-mega heroic woman" with an anti-war sign from Russian TV praised by everyone in the West? The next step of this info op is she telling that "Russiphobia's unacceptable" and "only Putin is to blame for war, that's why the sanctions should be lifted"
"It's the second day in #Lysychansk-#Severodonetsk without massive shelling. But it is too early to relax. The Katsaps (=RUs) are pulling up heavy artillery withdrawn from the #Sumy direction"
06:35 #Makiivka: "The 2959th day of the war. It's frosty, windy, something has boomed at the distance & it's relatively quiet for now. Yesterday morning, (traffic police) were securing the roads. While I've been writing, at 06:34, the plane broke the sound barrier and flew west"
Re: the video with allegedly a Ukrainian soldier shooting in the PoWs' legs - if the video is genuine, I believe Ukraine will try him - back in 2014-2015 there were several crimes against civilians/combatants and those who had committed them were tried and jailed afterwards.
And yep, the video's source is very questionable, so it needs to be thoroughly checked.
OK, the Russian propaganda lovers from the "Odesa massacre' witnesses sect in comments go to ban.