🧵Charter schools control access, shape enrollment, and effectively pick their students. Rep. McCoy stated that, "This is a public school that must take all comers." That is not what actually happens. @wagmamommandi@NEPCtweet @kyhousedems#kyga22#teacherlegislator
How charter school select students during the enrollment process.
How charter schools get students to leave once they are enrolled.
🧵HB9, the charter school bill, passed out of Senate Ed Com today. Rep. McCoy made several statements that don't align with my reading of the bill or my personal conversations. @kyhousedems#KYGA22 #teacherlegislator
1⃣ Rep. McCoy stated that, "You can't require local funds to move from one entity to another." However, HB9 does just that.
2⃣ Rep. McCoy stated that it is "only the SEEK portion [of the funding] that is going [to the charter school]."
However, the bill states that state budget and KDE add-on funding must be appropriated to the charter school. These payments are in addition to SEEK funding.
We are one of the few states that doesn't have charter schools. In 2017, we passed a bill to allow charters, but it did not include a funding mechanism. There was not much interest in charters without money. So today we don't have any. Zero.
We also don't have any voucher tax credit schemes. Parts of last session's bill were ruled unconstitutional and other issues are not yet resolved. They haven't given up, but at this point KY does not appropriate any tax dollars to private or parochial schools.