I recently visited a pharmacy near my house. Beside me in the line, there was a man in his late 40s with receeding hairline and reading glasses in a red polo T-shirt. I inquired about my medicines meanwhile I observed him thinking about how to approach the person standing..
Nothing of the sort you might be imagining though!!
I was listening in on his conversation while waiting for my order. He simply explained his symptoms to the man over the counter, that he felt slight burning in his eyes and a foreign body sensation since mornimg.
And requested to be given some drops!
Without a moment's hesitation to my surprise the said pharmacist reached to a drawer near him and handed over a bottle of eye drops, labelled as Ciprofloxacin. I was shocked!
Without prescription, he was handing out antibiotics.
Albeit in the Topical form, Antibiotics nonetheless!
Reluctantly, I swallowed my thoughts as a Physician, as in this country no one wishes for a free consultation from a stranger. He paid mere 15 Rs and walked away.
After receiving the medicines I asked for, I requested for Refresh Eye Drops (CMC) since my eyes too were a bit dry and was prescribed by an Ophthalmologist friend to use those. I paid 190 Rs (!!!) for it and went back to my car.
It kept me amused and wondering about so many things!
Where it is all going wrong?
The easy availability of Antibiotics?
The lack of intent to consult a doctor, let alone a specialist?
The lack of intent to spend after one's own health until it's too late?
The pharmacist who wouldn't want to turn away a loyal customer?
The cost of these apparently LOWER antibiotics being so low in comparision to the other treatments offered?
When it comes to The Narcotics the Boards and the Laws are pretty strict.
(Even after that some unspeakable things happen anyway)
But When it comes to Antibiotics?
No rules that are strictly implemented!
Yes I agree it was only a topical Antibiotic. So many of you might feel this to be an over reaction. But is it, really?
Because you and I both know that this is not limited to the topicals. It goes beyond it.
If you don't believe me.
Go to a Pharmacy near your place.
Explain your symptoms as Sore Throat and mild Cold. I am 100% sure that you will be given Azithromycin!
Then we wonder about the Antibiotic Stewardship!
We need some regulations for this. Or else We won't have anything left in our armamentarium.