More, from an expert group with intimate knowledge of physical condition of Chernobyl before the war and now willing to put their credibility on the line to address this latest scare:
Yesterday ministries controlled by the Green party double down on their Big Lie: that extending their biggest, cheapest carbon-free power plants can't help with energy.
False: it's worth *65 LNG supertankers* every year
Six reactors, 60 TWh per year. Would take 100 TWh of natural gas heat to replace this electricity, unless done entirely with coal (but then coal elec couldn't replace gas).
100TWh = 17,900,000m3 LNG
266,000m3 = capacity of 1 Qatari "Qmax" LNG tanker
67 Supertankers
If 67 liquified natural gas supertankers per year isn't big, then what is?
This is the same energy as 20% of Nord Stream 1, or about 11 billion cubic meters of pipeline gas per year.
That's nuclear saving German economy Є4-20 billion per year, before CO2 costs.
German Green and Social Democratic ministers would rather sacrifice the economy, European security, and climate goals to avoid the ideological defeat of delaying nuclear phaseout.
~€20b / year on fossil fuels
Slower stop to Russian imports
20-50 million tonnes of CO2 / year
In order to defend the indefensible, Green ministers spam out Twitter-hot-take arguments against extending/reviving nuclear plants rather than consulting their technical experts & European nuclear fuel supply companies.
Oddly, some in the nuclear community get taken in by them.
Original tweet deleted.
Just noted that Germany continues to send big money to Russia (as contracted of course) for its natural gas supplies.
From the guy who falsely claimed that Zaporizhzhia pressurized water reactors could "blow up" like "10x Chernobyl," we have our next global panic started.
Respect to Ukraine for its brave, righteous defense.
But these statements are an attack on the global public.
THE BASICS: when fuel rods are done making energy in a reactor, plant staff remove them and put them in pools of water.
This is because the particles produced by the splitting of uranium ("fission products") are unstable and continue to undergo decay, and, thus, generate heat.
How much heat a fuel rod puts out depends on how much energy it produced in the reactor (called "burnup") and how long it has been since it left the reactor.
22 years is LONG ago. And RBMK (Chernobyl reactor type) has lower burnup than other reactor types, thus lower decay heat.
Six yrs ago, SK had one of the most admired, and ambitious, nuclear energy programs in the world.
Rapid progress on domestic plants plus winning & starting to deliver in UAE.
Since then: devastation.
With the election of a resolutely antinuclear president, Korean reactor performance plunged, falling as low as 59% by 2018.
New president canceled the future fleet and attempted to stop the plants ALREADY under construction. Only defeat in his Citizens' Jury saved the projects.
Despite continuing success at Barakah in Abu Dhabi, no other countries bought Korean reactors, as SK President harshly attacked his own nuclear. After all, if Hyundai cars were banned for being "too dangerous" in Korea, how popular would they be overseas?