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All energy all the time. Saving nuclear plants: Radiant Energy Fund. Energy & strategy: @RadiantEnergyG. Prev: @envprogress @cambridge_eng @run4okstate
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Sep 30, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read

Just out a few minutes ago.

Some of the absolute sharpest minds in nuclear put in months of work on this report and it shows.

Key highlights for me, below... Image First the basics.

Want to know why Microsoft is prepared to pay $16 billion over twenty years for one of the nation's smallest and oldest reactors to turn back on?

This is why. Expect every major energy-using company in America to have to learn chart this soon. Image
Aug 16, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read

Only a half hour before scheduled implosion of cooling towers at Grafenrheinfeld nuclear plant, a protester has photographed himself near the base of the towers.

Will they blow it anyway?

Thousands of people have gathered to watch Germany blow up its own critical infrastructure.

But this protest may end up delaying the blast, scheduled for 15 minutes from now.

I've confirmed the protester is a German and is involved in the pro-nuclear scene in the country.
Apr 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Depressing to watch electricity production crashing in Germany year by year.

We can all see what they're doing to themselves.

Maybe other EU nations enjoy seeing the decline of Germany?

It's almost unfathomable to me as an American to watch Europe sleepwalking into this.

1/4 Image Fossil fuel prices have collapsed.

Germany has taken renewable subsidies out of power bills & and placed them into the national budget to attempt to stop electricity price rises.

Yet, load this quarter is flat from last year, with Germany now a power-importing nation.

2/4 Image
Jan 6, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Incredible: German electricity demand has fallen to the lowest levels since before reunification in 1990, as its economy falters.

Germany intentionally turned off its extraordinarily cheap and reliable baseload nuclear power, rapidly, during a generational energy crisis.

Putin didn't make them do it.

America didn't make them do it.

Even German public opinion has turned dramatically back in favor of nuclear.

German leaders made this choice, to turn them off and keep them off.

Look at these graphs of annual electricity. It's like Germany is committing WW2-style bombing raids against its own infrastructure.

If Germany were electrifying, for either climate or growth reasons, then we would expect electricity demand to grow, not fall.

We should be seeing all time records in electricity production and demand, not the lowest numbers in over three decades.

Now electricity is too expensive for many industries to justify using for expanding or even maintaining production, so electricity demand is dropping.

But Germany's own generation of electricity is plunging even faster than its demand is, turning Germany from a net exporter to a net importer of power.

Many commenters have celebrated the falling energy costs in Germany for this year and next. But those falling costs are coming along with falling demand for power, not increasing demand.

And costly renewable subsidies are no longer paid directly on power bills, but instead from the national budget, lowering the apparent cost of power even further, which should be stimulating demand.

Yet electricity remains so persistently expensive relative to pre-crisis years that, in combination with expensive natural gas, it just isn't worth it for Germany's major energy consumers.

Germany's courts have, for now, rejected adding more and more subsidies for energy production infrastructure to be paid for by national debt.

Even though this is a crisis for Germany, the courts seem wise in rejecting subsidies for expensive new energy when cheap nuclear plants could just be turned back on.

Leading opposition parties have already stated their intention of restarting Germany's nuclear plants should they win power.

This would take about a year each, but each nuclear plant would prop up a meaningful fraction of Germany's bleeding industrial sector.

In my view, there is no longer any other budget-neutral or budget-positive energy move available to German leaders, without destroying Germany's climate agreements to turn on lignite coal full blast.Article from Bloomberg: Germany's Lost Year is Over But 2024 May Not Be Much Better
From Total electricity production from all sources in Germany, from 1990 through 2023, showing remarkable drop from 611 TWh in 2017 to 487 in 2023.  Electrification of previously off-grid energy consumption, in a healthy economy, should have led to a growth in electricity supply, not a drop.
Retitled chart from Energy-Charts: Nuclear output in Germany and Total Electricity Load (nation demand) in Germany
I have to keep writing this over and over and over again:

France badly mismanaged its nuclear fleet as it tried to foolishly ape German energy policy.

France has had some of worst nuclear fleet availability on Earth.

Germany had among the highest.
Jun 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read

Zaporizhzhia NPP, Europe's largest, draws cooling water from a reservoir whose dam is now severely damaged.

All six reactors are off & cold. Almost no cooling water needed.

Unfolding event, but not a serious risk for nuclear accident. Satellite image showing the... Nuclear reactors produce an immense amount of heat when operating.

Massive amounts of water are passed through to keep them at the right temperature, and this water gets heated up and is used to make steam and then the steam to make electricity.

Zaporizhzhia's reactors are off.
Apr 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
First night of Germany's grid without nuclear: it's bad.

It's night. No sun. Wind has dropped to almost nothing.

Most of German "renewables" right now is richly-subsidized bioenergy with half the net CO2 emissions of an efficient gas power plant.

Importing nuclear from France. Snapshot of European electr...Screenshot from Electricity... It's hard to express how insane this situation is.

Highlighting just wind production now, Germany's 66.5 GW of installed wind is only producing as much as the 3 reactors that turned off last night used to produce.

400% expansion of wind would only provide half present need! Image
Apr 14, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read

In an open letter, Nobel Physics winners Klaus von Klitzing and Stephen Chu, plus dozens more scientists and economists, call on Schulz to reverse course.

German press *heavily* covering this. German Nobel Physics Laurea...American Nobel Physics Laur... The letter explains nuclear's crucial role in energy security and climate protection.

Text and signatories were released this morning by international environmental NGO @letsreplanet a day before scheduled nuclear phaseout in Germany.

English version:… Text of letter:  Dear Chanc...The Emsland, Isar II and Ne...For these reasons, in the i...
Mar 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I talk to people about energy around the world

Nuclear is very "lumpy"

What happens to a reactor in Japan exerts a powerful force on what people think about ALL nuclear

"Illegal wind turbines on indigenous land" is not something city folk realized is happening

Now, they will. I'm from a part of the USA where reversing wind industry abuses is a legal issue for native tribes

I can assure you the vast majority of people supporting the massive expansion of wind energy are unaware of this

Due to Greta, they are about to learn more about their own country
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Germany: we must turn off our reactors because of the meltdowns in Japan of reactors unlike those we operate induced by geology we don't have

Japan: alright ten years moping is enough let's get back to nuclear to lower those power bills

Something's rotten in German leadership. I say something's rotten in German leadership because both Germany and Japan now have majorities in favor of continuing nuclear power.

Both nations have severe domestic energy supply deficits made up by massive imports.

I guess Germany has vast lignite mines unlike Japan?
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

France is now fully defecting from Germany's suicidal energy policies. Remarkable turnaround after 2 decades of self-sabotaging energy appeasement.

Energy ministers from 12 EU countries reliant on nuclear energy will discuss forming a bloc! The 12: Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden

Very interesting to see Italy and Croatia, two countries that import nuclear electricity and may be signaling interest in building their own
Jan 15, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
In 1985, the world's leading nuclear energy company, Westinghouse, completed a nuclear plant for a growing country that desperately needed the electricity.

The plant has yet to be run.

Welcome to the maddening, but hopeful, story of the Philippines's Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. A few months ago I was invited by Philippine Congressman @markcojuangco to see something few have ever seen: a nuclear plant frozen in time, completed including a trained operating staff, but never turned on.

I couldn't say yes fast enough. Here are some pictures, with captions. Congressman Mark Cojuangco leads a tour of interested localsInside the turbine hall at Bataan Nuclear Power Plant.The USA was once capable of manufacturing all the componentsStanding in the control room of Bataan Nuclear Power Plant w
Jan 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read

The Belgian government has been negotiating with French gas-focused energy provider Engie to keep 2 of 7 reactors on, one at each plant.

Negotiations have been tough.

Cont: Belgium's now executing the end stages of
perhaps the rich world's most disastrous energy policy, closing half of its electricity by 2025. Which half? The cheap secure low-carbon half.

But energy crisis and war has forced a softening

Even as another 1000MW is closing in 3 weeks
Oct 11, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read

A petition was written by 19 active German professors to repeal the nuclear phaseout.

If it gets 50,000 legit signatures from anywhere in the world in the next 3 days, parliament MUST respond.

How to help? Read on!… FIRST: you need to register to sign German government petitions.

It's fast and easy. You have to love how much Germany values global input on its actions. In this case, lucky for them, and lucky for all of us!

Click below, fill, submit, check your email…
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It gets worse.

The UK has only 1.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas storage.

That's 2% of its annual consumption.

The UK produced just 43% of its own gas last year, down from 99% in 2004.

The rest? Has to be bought. From abroad. By selling pounds. £15-50B/yr going forward. Whipped up this lil chart to show you how the UK played itself.

In a catastrophic blunder, during the brief period of gas self-sufficiency, UK invented "electricity markets" that "chose" to build gas turbines, then failed to build nuclear plants as domestic gas supplies crashed. A chart showing UK natural ...
Aug 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

From @bopanc at the Wall Street Journal.

"Temporary" move that is easy because reactors are ready to roll with no modifications or upgrades or even new fuel at the moment.

Expect extensions beyond this.… This has been building since the start of the invasion in February.

Germany's political establishment suddenly woke from a decades-long trance.

Sensing the mood, nuclear operators finally spoke up truthfully about their reactors being in top condition.

Jul 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Extraordinary, powerful new interview.

Joachim Bühler, CEO of safety inspection association TÜV, says Germany's working nuclear plants, plus 3 plants closed in December, can operate safely now and long term.

The German government does not want the public to know this. Key facts shared by TÜV's Bühler:

Minister Habeck said everything was on the table, so TÜV assessed closed reactors too.

TÜV's inspectors are in the plants every day.

The plants are in great shape.

Unlike in France, German safety inspections happen during reactor operation.
Jul 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

EU makes Germany a deal it can't refuse?

"BREAKING: In order to secure an agreement on the EU emergency plan, federal government has signaled its willingness to extend the life of the 3 German nuclear power plants" They're kicking and screaming all the way. Look at this catty backbiting:

"@fbrantner: “In the stress test...we will also take into account the difficult situation in France...because there are very many nuclear power plants that are not in operation"

Jul 22, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read

De Croo & Green Party Energy Minister announce progress in negotiations w/ nuclear operator Engie to save reactors at both plants.

We've been fighting to hear this news for years.… Belgium gets half its electricity from nuclear power, from seven reactors at two plants.

Successive Belgian governments have announced and then postponed nuclear closures for two decades.

There is no replacing this power except by imported gas.

Reactors start closing in weeks.
Jul 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Lots of folks are about to discover, to their shock, that wind and solar power does not come from nature.

It comes from mining, human labor, supply chains, and engineering.

The wind and the sun did not get more expensive last year.

Fossil fuels, minerals, and people did. Wind and solar achieved extraordinary cost declines for many years.

Some of these cost declines are turning out to have been too good to be true.

The more severe problem is that as wind & solar usage rises, the *value* of wind & solar electricity drops.…
Jul 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Germany: how about we burn trees while begging and praying that Moscow sends us some gas

Japan: MAXIMUM POWER Note: the English language headlines going around are a distortion of what PM Kishida actually said.

Although he has indeed asked for the maximum available nuclear capacity to be online throughout winter, most of these reactors have already been in operation off & on since 3/11
May 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Palisades was licensed to operate until 2031.

Its owner @Entergy accepted an early buyout of the plant's power purchase agreement; Michigan citizens are now going to pay money for power they won't get in addition to extremely high replacement power costs.

WHAT'S NEXT: The plant will be handed off to the undertaker of the US nuclear industry, Holtec.

Michigan Public Service Commission, and the Governor of Michigan, and the Secretary of Energy, and the Whitehouse all want to save the plant.

Is it possible? Physically, yes. But tough.