DEVASTATING—The Swedish🇸🇪 government, “deliberately tried to use children to spread COVID-19 and denied care to seniors and those suffering from other conditions”. ➡️ That’s the infamously dystopian & morally bankrupt “Swedish Model”.
2) the study paints a devastating picture of Swedish policies and their effect. “The Swedish response to this pandemic was unique and characterized by a morally, ethically, and scientifically questionable laissez-faire approach.”…
3) The government’s goal appeared geared to produce herd immunity — a level of infection that would create a natural barrier to the pandemic’s spread **without inconveniencing middle- and upper-class citizens**.
4) the government never set forth that goal publicly, but internal government emails unearthed by the Swedish press revealed that herd immunity was the strategy behind closed doors.…
5) Explicit or not, the effort failed. “Projected ‘natural herd-immunity’ levels are still nowhere in sight,” the researchers wrote, adding that herd immunity “does not seem within reach without widespread vaccinations” and “may be unlikely” under any circumstances.
6) That’s a reproach to the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration, a widely criticized white paper endorsing the quest for herd immunity and co-written by Martin Kulldorf, a Sweden-born professor who has explicitly defended his native country’s policies.
7) The country’s treatment of the elderly and patients with co-morbidities such as obesity was especially appalling.
“Many elderly people were administered morphine instead of oxygen despite available supplies, effectively ending their lives,” the researchers wrote.
8) “Potentially life-saving treatment was withheld without medical examination, and without informing the patient or his/her family or asking permission.”
Ummm, WTF?! 😦
9) “In densely populated Stockholm, triage rules stated that patients with co-morbidities were not to be admitted to intensive care units, on grounds that they were “unlikely to recover,” the researchers wrote.
My god that is so messed up.
10) mass infection of kids is also wholly stupid and dangerous… kids do get severe disease and not a low amount either. Also Omicron and #BA2 affects kids more than the old strain upon which these numbers below are based.
11) I have a sinking feeling that UK is going the same way of Sweden’s dystopian morally bankrupt model to the pandemic. Hospitalizations have now hit a new daily peak that is higher than the last Omicron wave in England! 👇
12) And now in the Us, pediatric hospitalizations have rebounded as well. The fact that we throwing our unvaccinated youngest kids under the bus is disgusting. Yet here we are… courtesy Tegnell’s morally bankrupt Swedish Model
⚠️CDC & NY State is now recommending the IMMEDIATE testing & subtyping of all hospitalized flu A cases & unknown/suspected flu cases—in order to identify human bird flu. ➡️This implies CDC believes avian flu has now crossed into wide community transmission…
2) Testing is good. But the widespread testing shows urgency.
“CDC is now recommending ordering subtyping for all influenza A-positive specimens collected from hospitalized individuals within 24 hours of hospital admission”
3) And the memo says start testing with ANY SUSPECTED hospitalized cases of seasonal influenza as well. That’s quite broad.
The memo also doesn’t say NY residency required - thus are they implying anyone outside NYC (out-of-state too?) can also send specimens in to their lab.
Trump WH has ordered CDC scientists to retract all papers under submission to medical journals containing banned terms— must be scrubbed from manuscripts, including even basic words like “gender”. Retraction even applies to accepted papers in press for imminent publication.
2) The CDC has instructed its scientists to retract or pause the publication of any research manuscript being considered by any medical or scientific journal, not merely its own internal periodicals
🛑CANCELLED—“Research on Women’s Health” funding website of the NIH.
2) here is the page that is now deleted. Funding opportunities in women’s health research of ORWH site. Didn’t Trump say they at least recognize women as a gender? Weird.
🪓DELETION UPDATE—More than 1,000 pages are now deleted from websites of CDC, National Institutes of Health, and other sites of the Department of Health and Human Services, according to a new WSJ analysis—including many **vaccine recommendation** scientific pages!
2) CDC’s vaccine advisory committee webpage… now ❌ DELETED ❌
3) To be clear, while the main ACIP website is still up (generic committee info), the “VACCINE SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS” website of ACIP has been **deleted**. That key page is the one with the actual public health info for vaccines. Feel free to verify:
⚠️CDC WEBSITES DELETED—Multiple CDC websites and datasets related to HIV, LGBTQ people, youth health behaviors and more have been removed after the agency was directed to comply with an executive order from President Trump by 5pm deadline. Wildest is taking down even HIV pages!
2) Like, why then hell did the “CAUSES” of HIV even get deleted??? Makes zero sense. Why is Trump WH wanting to block how to stop HIV???…
3) also deleted: CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, which includes data from a national survey, has disappeared. so have parts of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s Social Vulnerability Index and the Environmental Justice Index.
⚠️Do you wonder why you haven’t heard much about this massive TB outbreak recently? Cuz the CDC can’t hold any press conferences or issue public statements of any kind.
➡️Most of the world 🌎 has been vaccinated against TB… but the US has not, which is now extra vulnerable.
2) For those asking, the majority of the world has used the BCG vaccine against TB… the BCG vaccine also protects against many other bacterial infections too. Up until now, CDC skipped it because US was low risk, and the BCG vaccine leaves a small scar & BCG messes up TB tests.
3) What about drugs for TB? Yes they exist but the problem is that TB often develops drug resistance (the bacteria evolves to evade neutralization). And thus, multi drug resistant TB has become a worldwide issue. That’s why childhood vaccination better.…