1/ The Hampton City School district in Virginia has passed a set of guidelines which say teachers can change a students gender **WITHOUT TELLING THE PARENTS.**
Under these guidelines teachers can help your kid change genders behind your back, and never have to tell you.
2/ The excuse for this rule is, of course, "safety."
The woke think that not letting people (even 5 year olds) change genders is harmful. Anything other than "affirming" a new gender is seen as abuse. So they decided to help students change genders behind the backs of parents.
3/ This means a group of people who have bachelors degrees in educations, and have *zero* training in psychology, biology, sociology, (or any other discipline related to sex and gender) are now allowed to help student change genders without telling the parents what's happening.
4/ You can see how they made this work.
They think that to refuse to allow your 5 year old to change his gender and to claim he is a girl is equivalent to physical or sexual abuse.
They actually that believe telling a boy he is not a girl is just like assaulting that boy.
5/ The reason for this is that the woke think "boy" and "girl" are PURELY social roles enforced by social rules, NOT categories describing a physical/biological reality.
They think talking about a "biological boy" is like talking about a "biological mailman" or biological lawyer
6/ They think anyone can occupy the social role of "girl." For them a "girl" is just a role consisting of the behavior we typically ascribe to girls (being feminine, wearing dresses, wearing makeup, etc), and since a man with a penis can do those things, he can become a woman.
7/ So when your 5 year old boy wants to become a girl and you tell him no, they see that as forcing your child to adopt and identity that he doesn't want. The woke see that as a form of child abuse every bit as sever as beating a child.
So when parents stop kids from....
8/ Changing genders that is seen as the parents doing harm to the child, and on that basis the teachers have decided to help 5 year old children change their gender behind the back of the parents.
I want you to ponder the consequences of this...
9/ Woke teachers have decided that parents do not have final say over what their kids learn about how sex and gender work. They have decided to put themselves between the children and parents, and then tell the kids that they, the teachers, can be trusted more than parents.
10/ Armed with a bachelors degree in education, some youtube videos, a few tik toks, and a 2 hour seminar they attended on trans rights, woke teachers have decided they are qualified to help 5 year olds make potentially life changing decisions behind their parents backs.
11/ Finally, 2 points.
1. If you have not become involved in your local schoolboard the time to start is now.
2. This is why Florida banned the teaching of gender for grades k-3.
Stop letting the media lie to you. Stop listening to them, and start getting involved...
12/ The woke teachers have made up their mind. The time for persuasion has ended, now is the time for activism.
Leave it to a feminist to encourage violence between men. So long as she isn't the one getting hit violence is ok.
These people have zero problem with the bodies of men lying dead in the street...because that's what you get when the standard response to insults is violence.
Steven Crowder submitted a paper called "Fatness as Self-care in the Era of Trump" to an academic conference at Massey University using the name "Sea Mattheson."
The paper, which is every bit as absurd as you imagine, was accepted
2/ Not only that, but Steven Croder (@scrowder) who is a man, dressed up as a woman, called himself Sea Mattheson, and digitally presented the paper at the virtual conference for PhD's and tenured professors ... and nobody at the conference could tell that the paper was a joke.
1996-Alan Sokal has absurd paper published in an academic journal.
A man who tries to live as a woman says it's unfair for trans women to compete in women's sports is accused of transphobia and responds by joking about how he has balls....and it's socially unacceptable to publicly acknowledge the very reality that makes the joke funny...
This is where the clown world (🤡🌎) meme comes from.
It's a meme level description of the nihilistic absurdity that lies at the heart of the postmodern world, and an attempt to describe in meme form the absurdity of a world that created by adopting the postmodern worldview.
Other memes like this are "lol, nothing matters," and "we are not a serious people."
Both of which seek to describe the fact that the postmodern world doesn't believe in the transcendant so nothing ever rises to the level where it is sincerely treated as though it really matters
3/ Don't let yourself be nitpicked by pedants who are trying to make you look bad. Also, don't become that person.
Don't try to force people into you frame of reasoning by giving tearse answers and demanding they parse your point on your terms so they have to adopt your frame...