It's nothing radical - it's asking employers to live up to their legal requirements for safe work places.
It also reassures customers and visitors that they are at less risk in your buildings.
Why does it matter? Here are some charts! 2/8
UK has one of lowest sick pay rates in Europe - so many - particularly those on low incomes - who are sick (for whatever reason, inc Covid) are forced to work when sick. 3/8
Those on lowest incomes are also least able to work from home. This means they are more likely to *catch* covid at work *and* more likely to *pass on* covid at work if they have it. 4/8
And Covid is causing significant disruption - in 2020 it was the 4th most common reason for work sickness absence. What is it now in the Age of Omicron?
Unmitigated workplace covid spread is bad for employees *and* business . 5/8
Unsurprisingly, in 2020, key workers had much higher rates of sickness than others and those in occupations where you can't work at home and mix with many people also had many more deaths than those safe at home (which inc me). 6/8
There is also differential protection - Health care, teaching, white collar occupations have highest vax rates and trades & construction the lowest. Increases need for workplace safety.
Employers can support employees to get vaxxed through paid time off to get vaxxed. 7/8
So @IndependentSage is going to ask employers to sign up to the pledge. You can ask your employer to sign up to the pledge.
Watch our discussion on it today with experts from across UK 8/8
Vax: we're hardly doing any 1st, 2nd or 3rd doses. Even though only 57% of pop are boosted.
Spring booster programme for 75+ & immuno-suppressed *has* started - so far 12% have had their 4th dose. It basically resets you to just after booster dose. 2/8
How much Covid? more than ever...
England now highest ever, Wales already there, Scotland *might* be coming down and NI staying high for ages.
For Eng, highest in SW & primary school kids, but rising in all ages & regions.
An important new paper quantifying some of the harm to mental health of NHS intensive care staff during and after the worst wave of Jan 2021.
Firstly, over 60% of ICU staff had at least one mental health disorder during the wave and over 40% 3 months later 1/3
2nd, researchers asked staff about their ability to do their job and whether it was impaired - ideally the proportion saying impaired should be zero! this is intensive care with the sickest patients!
Almost 70% were impaired in Jan '21 and over 50% still 3 months later! 2/3
This is a really high ongoing burden of mental health distress on NHS staff.
And you just have to follow @seahorse4000 and others to realise that immense strain has continued.
Let's not be glib about the NHS coping just fine with Covid. 3/3
First, Covid is not endemic yet. And even though it might well be one day, it certainly doesn't mean it's mild or fine... ! 2/5
Second, Omicron is not some natural evolutionary endpoint! Omicron didn't evolve from Delta, which didn't evolve from Alpha. They are all independent! And fact it's intriniscally a bit milder than Delta is an evolutionary accident... Next variant could be worse again. 3/5