I like overthinking and this could be a very long shot but I enjoyed having this chain of thoughts about the Azuki dirt drop 🧵 👇🏼
I think the longer game here is that they dropped the dirt 1st, next Adzuki bean seeds will be be dropped & then you’ll be asked to burn(bury) the seeds in the dirt & then something will grow out of that
An azuki plant? Another Azuki pfp creature? Who knows.
Because the name Azuki comes from Adzuki beans & dropping dirt as their airdrop points towards “harvesting”.
This drop could very well be just an April Fool’s joke but I couldn’t help myself thinking along these lines. And if this isn’t their plan then I just gave you guys a free super-creative idea of airdrops & merge haha
Idk if I’m the 1st person to say it out loud on Twitter or anywhere but here goes nothing; was watching BLADERUNNER 2049 probably the 10th time about an hour ago & paused when the “Blackout” was mentioned during the scene
when @RyanGosling is going through the archives. The scene is still paused & I have been thinking if govts/militaries/“unknown forces” around the world are crazy enough to plan a global EMP strike some day in near or distant future to shutdown all blockchains
for good to take back the power & freedom from the people that crypto gives them? I personally believe that it is possible & will be attempted (not just once) in the future