Hours after @narendramodi acted to oust Alok Verma from his post as head of CBI at midnight on October 23, 2018, an unidentified Indian agency known to be a user of #Pegasus made a note of 3 telephone numbers registered in his name. | @svaradarajan #Replug thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan The blow the Modi govt gave that night was accompanied by a second sucker punch: someone with the keys to India's hush-hush spyware deployment system received authorisation to add Verma's numbers to a list of persons of interest selected for surveillance. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan Along with Verma, the personal telephone numbers of his wife, daughter and son-in-law would eventually get placed on the list too, making it a total of 8 numbers from this one family. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan The midnight coup in the CBI came barely two days after Verma ordered the filing of a criminal case against Rakesh Asthana, then special director in the Bureau, accusing him of corruption. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan Given Asthana's proximity to Modi, the case, registered on October 15, 2018 – which ironically depended on (lawful) phone intercepts and apparently yielded a lot of sensitive material – sent alarm bells ringing at the highest levels of the government. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan Worse, he had not quickly rejected a request for a criminal probe into the controversial purchase of 36 Rafale aircraft from France – as the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party had assumed he would. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan On October 4, barely three weeks before Verma was terminated, eminent lawyer Prashant Bhushan and former Union minister Arun Shourie met Verma in his office to personally hand over the Rafale complaint. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan While Verma may not have begun the process of launching a preliminary enquiry into the Rafale matter, the fear in the PMO might have been that Asthana’s counter-attack could create a situation in which Verma might actually announce a probe into the deal. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan Whatever the reasons for Verma's ouster, the political stakes were clearly high enough for the prime minister to risk the blowback that a high-profile dismissal would inevitably trigger. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan And the decision to add his numbers, and numbers of his family, to the list of probable targets was likely driven by the desire to gauge his legal strategy – and to determine whether he was going to leak information that the govt would find embarrassing. thewire.in/government/peg…
@narendramodi@svaradarajan The fact that Verma was a possible target for surveillance using Pegasus during this period underscores the seriousness with which the highest echelons of the government regarded him as a threat. thewire.in/government/peg…
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), consumer durables, cars, two-wheelers, fuel, fertilisers, steel, nickel, semi-conductors and many other finished products as well as raw materials have witnessed a steep price hike in the last few months. thewire.in/energy/a-perfe…
Another weighty addition to the painfully long list of inflated commodities – one that will further erode the common man's earnings in the form of second-round effects – is coal. thewire.in/energy/a-perfe…
3 years after he was removed as director of CBI by a High Powered Committee (HPC) headed by @narendramodi, Alok Kumar Verma is still struggling to obtain information through the RTI Act, pertaining to the corruption cases filed against him. | @gaurav5173 thewire.in/rights/alok-ve…
@narendramodi@gaurav5173 Verma's case is yet another example of how officers who run foul of the government find it tough to get justice or even information through various institutions. thewire.in/rights/alok-ve…
@narendramodi@gaurav5173 Two applications filed by him with the Central Information Commission (CIC) have revealed how after his career was brought to an abrupt end, the government forfeited his entire past service. thewire.in/rights/alok-ve…
Hitting out at the BJP, Nationalist Congress Party chief @PawarSpeaks accused it of creating a "poisonous atmosphere" in the country by spreading "false propaganda" about the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley through #TheKashmirFiles. thewire.in/politics/shara…
@PawarSpeaks "Such a film should not have been cleared for screening. But it is given tax concessions and those responsible for keeping the country united are encouraging people to watch the film that stokes anger among people," Pawar said. thewire.in/politics/shara…
As I approached the venue of the Expo 2020 Dubai, the intricately woven, carbon-fibre latticed entrance gate, created by the London-based Asif Khan Studio, took my breath away, writes R. Nagesh. #DubaiExpo2020 thewire.in/government/ind…
The Japan pavilion facade, which made one think joyously of origami art, was an exquisite demonstration of the theme of connecting minds – its distinct three-dimensional lattice work sought to combine traditional Japanese and Arab patterns. thewire.in/government/ind…
I was eager to visit the India pavilion. As far back as the 1960s India had made a name for itself at the Montreal, Sao Paulo, New York and Osaka world fairs by setting up remarkable pavilions with cutting edge architecture and design. thewire.in/government/ind…
Pakistan summoned a senior US diplomat and lodged a strong protest over America's alleged "interference" in its internal affairs, according to media reports on Friday. thewire.in/south-asia/pak…
In a live address to the nation, @ImranKhanPTI discussed a 'threat letter' and termed it as part of a foreign conspiracy to remove him as he was not acceptable for following an independent foreign policy. thewire.in/south-asia/pak…
"Hold your tongue, I have your entire janampatri," Prime Minister @narendramodi had warned the Congress in a 2017 election rally, using a Hindi word that refers to both a person's horoscope and to his past. | P. Raman thewire.in/law/modis-raid…
@narendramodi Modi's blunt threat came during the assembly elections in February 2017, months before his Israel visit which reportedly led to India acquiring the spyware Pegasus. #Pegasus thewire.in/law/modis-raid…
@narendramodi Modi gave top priority to setting up an effective surveillance system to tire out his political rivals. The word 'janampatri' is an accurate euphemism for this system. thewire.in/law/modis-raid…