Channel 4 privatisation can be stopped a) it's Dorries (terminally useless) b) they want an election in Q2 2023, so time pressure c) Labour could specify new Ofcom regime making investment unattractive ... but... C4s problem is it's content ...
... C4 News effectively has an audience of one: the regulator. It's superb, probably the greatest news programme in Europe... and it has to be to keep the licence, given the low-rent nature of much of the other content...
... it's no good just defending the channel as is: if we want a high-grade second public broadcaster we need to finance it better - I've always favoured top-slicing the BBC licence fee to do this ... but maybe there are other solutions ...
... this is not just a TV industry crisis: losing C4 News would go a long way towards the Orbanisation of British media... with Global pursuing a generally non-liberal agenda... plus right wing dominance of print ...
... right now there will be ex C4 bosses thinking about a MBO-style bid: don't do it until the option of a political alliance to save and invest in a publicly owned C4 has been tried... Labour plus Welsh and Scottish govts cd stymie investors with a new Ofcom blueprint...
... what you lose if you lose #C4News ... News run by journalists not managers: that's the clear difference between ITN/C4 and BBC - and it's why despite its tiny newsroom C4 keeps setting the agenda. Let's save it and grow it!
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The simultaneous emergence of (a) prima facie evidence of Russian genocide (b) calls by Russian state media for genocide should be a turning point for those sections of the left that have refused to openly support and arm Ukraine, and support sanctions... here's why 1/ ...
2/ As in all wars we have to test and validate claims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide... but by framing the weekend's gruesome discoveries with an overt call for obliteration of the Ukrainian people, RIA-Novosti does athe heavy lifting…
3/ The Morning Star today reports the Bucha massacre as "claim/counterclaim"... which is dandy until the HR observers and governments start validating the claim...meanwhile standby for the Russian claims of Ukrainian genocide if Mariupol falls...…
Why do Russian soldiers perpetrate war crimes? Here's a clue: this article published 3/4/22 by the *state news agency* RIA-Novosti is a call for genocide... Some excerpts follow 1/ They will suppress Ukrainian culture...…
2/ Sergeitsev, the author, is outlines a National Bolshevik rationale: the entire Westernised culture of the current Ukrainian population must be wiped out "generationally"...
3/ The entire Ukrainian national identity will be wiped out, according to RIA-Novosti's essayist...
Why civilian massacres/rapes/tortures by retreating Russian troops matter: they establish a pattern of behaviour we should expect to be replicated in towns Western media can't see - eg Mariupol: West needs to hike sanctions/ arms supply to *prevent* further atrocities ... 1/
2/ A common, plausible humanitarian argument heard in Europe has been: Ukraine can't win so arming them prolongs needless conflict. You think any Ukrainian civilians, seeing Bucha, want occupation by these fascist criminals ?
3/ in fact, certain ruling coalitions in Europe have been told by their own intel ppl "Ukraine can't win without NATO troops". The fact of UA tactical advances plus the massacres must change that assessment now...
Snap verdict on RU/UA moves: Russia *says* it's de-escalating be Kyiv Chenhiv; Ukraine accepts loss of Crimea; Ukraine demands security guarantee from West; Russia says now concentrating on Donbas 1/ ... why? ...
2/ Because Russia's attack has run out of steam. Yes it *can* hire Syrians, conscripts, Wagner etc to do "Move #2" - occupy Mariupol, take whole Donbas etc... but not simultaneous with occupation threat vs whole Ukraine ...
3/ It ran out of steam because a) Ukrainian courage and mobilisation b) Russian self-deception c) Western ATGMs d) *probably* US electronic warfare (my assumption) e) Scale of Western unity...
More thoughts on seeing veteran US leftist David North kicked out of a zoom discussion for telling Ukrainian left they were supporting Nazis. In 1939 the Stalin Hitler pact came as a shock, there was genuine dismay ... today, ppl just shrug: hey some leftists support Putin 🤷🏻♂️
... this new Stalin/Hitler Pact position was preprogrammed into the Leninist left by a) hangover Stalinism b) campist Trotskyism c) post structuralist anti-humanism d) direct Russian $$ via RT/Sputnik ...
... in 1939 Moscow told the British CP to force Britain to make peace with Hitler by declaring WW2 an "inter imperialist" war - their slogan was "a people's peace" - they too wanted "negotiations" and worried about "Germany's legitimate security concerns"...
Nearly every discussion on Ukraine someone asks: didn't Putin factor in sanctions? 1/ Yes, but if you understand his war aim he cannot have expected what's happened ... his war aim, acc to numerous 🇷🇺 watchers is to *disorganise the West* ...
2/ If your aim is for the EU to split, for Ostpolitik to paralyse Germany, for NATO to waver, for Biden to flinch in fear of GOP, that Johnson is squared with 🇷🇺 ... you have to believe that aim is possible ...
3/ But so far the West's unity held: Sweden & Finland moved closer to NATO - most of the European Left voted for the EP resolution - snd both VDL & Scholz surprised on the upside ....