There’s the whole “accuracy” academic thing but also
Love when non-Muslims tell Muslims “the God you believe in isn’t the one Jews and Christians believe in.”
Wrong again, bud
Why did I look at mentions when I just logged on to respond to overdue DMs
I never learn
Logging off to actually work but quick Ramadan lesson before I go:
The Qur’an can’t be read like the Bible; it’s organized differently, requires context, and translation doesn’t explain speech registers.
Also —>
People who hate Islam love to point to “children of Israel.” It’s their “MOOZLIMS HATE JEWS / ISRAELIS” gotcha. Except here’s the thing:
“Banu Israel” refers to a tribe.
Like, a specific tribe. One.
That must be why Muhammad had Jewish / Christian relatives (including wives), why the Qur’an mentions Abraham so much, and why Muslims call Jews and Christians “ahl al-kitab” (children of the book) who follow the same monotheistic deity via revelation.
So the cops actually took Psycho away for an evaluation — must’ve been, like, the 25th 9/11 call for “maybe there’s an issue” to sink in.
But guess what?! He’s baaaaaaaaack!
And he isn’t even hiding the telescopes and cameras in his window anymore. FUN STUFF.
I’m so pissed. Kiddo is on spring break this week, but we can’t go to the pool or out the complex gate (telescopes and cameras monitoring, yay).
Considered jumping the back fence but turns out Lunatic is also at war with everyone in walking distance.
Like the grocery store.
“Don’t let him control your life!”
Uh what we NOT gonna do is expose our CHILD to an unhinged crackhead who sleeps with golf clubs (in areas where he’s banned), then breaks complex property with them.
And wipes his feces, jizz, snot, and spit all over the gym / bathroom walls.
Y’all, I’m so furious right now. I mean, I’m having a rough time because of this whole situation, but his poor, sweet downstairs neighbor.
This psychotic fucker separated her from her CHILD.
Honestly…FAFO is all I can say.
When we were talking, she started crying telling me about feeling like a prisoner in her home, missing her kid, not being able to get delivery food, blocking her front door from inside with wine bottles at night, how she literally can’t work from home because of harassment.
She’s got 40 pages of documentation (incident notes), police reports, videos, audio recordings (him threatening her directly), and the police STILL say that’s not enough for a restraining order.