Donald Trump was born under a Total Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon on June 14, 1946 exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel.
On this exact day, a letter was sent from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurthy stating that a 'Moonchild' was being produced.
This is the story of a extremely well-documented ritual by Rocket Scientist Jack Parsons and Scientology Founder L Ron Hubbard called Babalon Working.
It involves Aleister Crowley, Black sex ritual Magick, the founding of NASA, and the birth of the Antichrist, Donald John Trump.
There is a recently released Television show about the life of Jack Parsons and his ascension into becoming one of the most important rocket scientists and devout Thelema occultists of all time.
It was released on June 14, 2018 - on Donald Trump's birthday.