Approx. 15 scientists point out that 1,5 °C is dead and we need #climaterevolution now!
Meet the scientists in civil disobedience:
Biotechnologist M. Sc. Anja Freiwald
Meet the scientists in civil disobedience:
Biologist Dr.rer.nat Nana-Maria Grüning
The protesting scientists are one by one explaining their motivation to engage in civil disobedience as we are heading towards climate desaster.
To form a protest that cannot be ignored, these citizens are now locked onto each other by chains.
Meet the scientists in civil disobedience:
Human geographer M.A. Sina Trölenberg
Impressions of the protest in Berlin. Some scientists decided to additionally glue themselves to the ground.
Meet the scientists in civil disobedience:
Geoscientist PhD student Florian Zander
Meet the scientists in civil disobedience:
Dr. med. vet. Stephanie Rach
Meet the scientists in civil disobedience:
Neuroscientist PhD Elia Valentini
Berlin: 8 large police cars are on site and the activists are singing.
Berlin, gestern Nachmittag. Wissenschaftler*innen aus der ganzen Republik haben vier Stunden lang eine Brücke am Reichstag blockiert, sich zusammengekettet + angeklebt in einer Aktion des zivilen Widerstands gegen eine Politik, die lügt und uns alle in die Klimahölle treibt.
Heute werden die Wissenschaftler*innen wieder in Aktion gehen, weil wir nicht mehr tatenlos zuschauen können, dass unsere Forschung und Warnungen in den Wind geschlagen werden - was höchstwahrscheinlich zum Untergang der menschlichen Zivilisation führen wird.
"Ich sage Ihnen, dass wir unsere Kinder in einen globalen Schulbus hineinschieben, der mit 98% Wahrscheinlichkeit tödlich verunglückt."
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber,
Gründer des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
Over 1,000 scientists in over 25 countries worldwide took disruptive, non-violent actions and engaged in civil disobedience targeting governmental, scientific and corporate institutions to highlight the urgency and injustice of the climate and ecological crisis. 1/
In Madrid, Spain, 53 of the roughly 100 scientists were arrested after throwing fake blood on the facade of the National Congress in Spain. 2/
In Copenhagen, Denmark, the street in front of the Climate Ministry was blocked by 40 people, half of them scientists, holding posters of scientific papers and reading the IPCC report. 3/
Sierra Leone: Engagement, and Action Day
This event will bring together several stakeholders from institutions to engage and call for climate action especially to policy makers.
Climate change is existential and this is our chance to speak, act, and lead on climate!
They will be back soon! More from around the world all day today and beyond...
In Rome, students have been arrested this morning as they were blockading the entrance to @SapienzaRoma. They were highlighting the vicious link between Sapienza and @eni.
We cannot let Universities be home to greenwashing and far-fetched pledges that lead to further worsening of the eco-climate crisis.
Our group produced a dossier on ENI's decarbonisation strategy whereby we demonstrate the inadequacy of their plan and present our clear demands...