THREAD: Breaking. Durham files Motion to Compel Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Fusion GPS to produce material w/h based on "attorney-client" privilege.
2/ In sum, Durham wants the documents w/h identified in appendix to be given to court to decide if privilege. (Reading while tweeting so bear with me). First main argument is that Fusion wasn't retained to help w/ legal advise but to get dirt & that isn't protected.
3/ Ohhh, not sure if this was public before but the white paper re Alfa is included as an exhibit.
4/ Giggle...
5/ I didn't realize this...
6/ LOL Cites Fusion's book as support.
7/ Dang... Exhibit A under seal...
8/ Okay Sleuths...what was this about. AND this makes me even more sus about Joffe's tip to OIG about someone's computer communicating a foreign ip address.
9/ So, Sussmann represented Joffe, but didn't bill him, only Clinton Campaign.
10/ Cute.
11/ While government cites criminal activity exception, Durham doesn't press that argument, but focuses on fact it wasn't legal advise.
🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: Federal judge enters preliminary injunction barring Trump Administration from canceling DEI grants, requiring DEI certifications, or enforcing a federal statute, False Claims Act. 1/
🚨🚨🚨Court grants motion to enforce TRO in favor of Plaintiff NGOs who are complaining grants were improperly withheld but reuses to hold Trump Administration in contempt. The order is incomprehensible. 1/
3/ Trump Administration "won": Unions cannot challenge firing decisions in this lawsuit because Congress established a separate agency and mechanism to resolve those disputes & unions must go there first. Notes 75K employees took the "RESIGN" option.
🚨BREAKING: Government files response in opposition to NGOs motion to enforce TRO & hold Trump Administration in contempt. THREAD below explains more about the case & last night's emergency motion for contempt. Read that first (along with sub-thread). 1/
3/ Plaintiffs entire basis of complaint & TRO is the Administrative Procedures Act, but APA requires final agency action & under current precedent, we just don't have one here. Most other courts have totally floated over that issue by quoting various language suggesting there is.
🚨AFL-CIO filed Motion for Expedited Discovery seeking details of inner-workings. However, whether AFL-CIO has a claim rests on legal question & not factual question so watch Trump oppose & file Motion to Dismiss for lack of jurisdiction (no standing). 1/