Mitochondria are constantly undergoing changes in morphology & distribution within the cytoplasm, as fused (network forming) or fissioned (punctate) mitochondria. When there’s a problem w/ fission, circadian control is lost. The consequences can include neurodegenerative diseases
3/For years we have known that one particular protein, called Drp1, is a master regulator of mitochondrial fission. Drp1 is phosphorylated in a circadian-dependent manner, thus varying its activity according to light/dark cycles
4/Your colony of mitochondria is an integrative information/energy hub coordinating circadian rhythms, metabolism, hormone release, melatonin production, & control of the human microbiome species, as well as immune function.
5/ Circadian rhythmicity is also regulated by a set of peripheral “clock proteins,” which form a hierarchy of oscillators that function at the cellular, tissue, and systems levels and are composed of at least three feedback loops.
6/ Most PhDs know about them but have no idea how they operate.
7/One loop depends on the heterodimerization of the transcription factors brain/muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 1 (BMAL1) and circadian locomotor output cycles kaput (CLOCK)
8/ When CLOCK binds to E-box elements, it induces the expression of their own repressors, named Period (PER) and Cryptochrome (CRY) proteins
9/Since these proteins (PER-1, -2, and -3, and CRY-1 and -2) are gradually degraded, the expression on BMAL1 and CLOCK ceases, starting a new circadian cycle. This renews the circadian mechanism.
10/A second loop is formed by the nuclear retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor (ROR) (α, β, γ) and REV-ERB (α, β), which, upon activation by the BMAL1/CLOCK heterodimer and translocation into the nucleus. This confuses many PhDs.
11/Rev-erbs bind to receptor-related orphan receptor response elements (ROREs) in the promoter of BMAL1, regulating the expression of BMAL1
12/A third loop is formed by the transcriptional activator albumin D-box binding protein (DBP) and the repressor nuclear factor interleukin 3 (NFIL3), which synergistically regulate the expression of D-box genes, including the Per genes.
13/The interplay between these three regulatory loops is at the core of circadian rhythmicity and clock-related gene expression. Mitochondrial dynamics of fission and fusion control the circadian mechanism and most hormone release
14/Mitochondria regulate circadian rhythmicity through NAD+ production, SIRT1 & SIRT3 activation & mitochondrial dynamics. SIRT1 and SIRT3 activity is HDACs is dependent on NAD+. SIRT1 and SIRT3 counteract CLOCK; NAD+ synthesis is highly dependent on proper circadian rhythmicity
15/ NAD+ synthesis at cytochrome 1 is highly dependent on circadian rhythmicity, and this is related to mitochondrial dynamics of fission and fusion being operational. Heteroplasmy rate destroys this balance.
16/ Fused mitochondria are regarded as metabolically more active than fragmented mitochondria, as cells with a fused mitochondrial network seem to have a higher respiratory rate than cells with fragmented mitochondria
17/Data has been suggested that there is a correlation between circadian rhythmicity and mitochondrial function. Cells with disrupted mitochondria (heteroplasmy rate), such as Rho 0 cells, lack a well-defined circadian rhythmicity
18/ Why? This happens in part due to the lack of the characteristic robust oscillatory respiratory activity observed in cells with healthy mitochondria (Scrima et al., 2016).
19/Lactate is a natural ligand for the GPR81 cell membrane receptor that recognizes other monocarboxylates; lactate enhances cell differentiation, suppresses T-cell proliferation, reduces cytotoxic capacity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, stimulates gene expression,roles in the tumor
20/ Glycolysis and Krebs cycle-derived metabolites, as well as microbiota-derived metabolites, exert biological functions beyond energetic and biosynthetic metabolism. This is part of information transfer buried in energy metabolism = Wheeler and Shannon theorems on entropy
21/ The way information is buried in metabolism is based on the charge density variation of these intermediates and the electronic configuration of their atoms
22/ Sunlight alters charge density. This is SOMETHING no biological PhDs have any concept of. It is not in their paradigm. Rev-erbs are the key to that mystery.
23/ All metabolic intermediates are hydrated. Water is sensitive to electric and magnetic fields. It charge separates under the force of light photons. When light hits water an exclusion zone forms which has a larger net negative charge than one would expect = charge density
24/In animals electrical information generated in mitochondria is more crucial than genes. It turns out charge density variation is the key to understanding what life is really up to when it is connected to the decentralized systems of Nature.
25/How? As the Sun rotates, its magnetic field twists into an Archimedean spiral, as it extends through the solar system. This phenomenon is often called the Parker spiral of the interplanetary magnetic field.
26/The spiral nature of the heliospheric magnetic field was noted earlier by Hannes Alfvén, based on the structure of comet tails. All living things on Earth are affected by this magnetic sheet in the solar wind via their mitochondria.
27/ Remember blood (rev-erb) and water are both Newtonian magnetohydrodynamic fluids that respond to this sheet. The influence of this spiral-shaped magnetic field on the interplanetary medium (solar wind) creates the largest charged structure in the Solar System
28/ The charged structure is called the heliospheric current sheet. Parker's spiral magnetic field was divided in two by a current sheet seen in the picture.
29/ No one I know in biology seems to understand how the solar wind changes the structural basis by which REV-ERBβ. The electronics in sunlight can differentiate between a porphyrin agonist and antagonist in RBCs due to Rev erb. It is tied to charge density alterations.
30/ subtle changes in the porphyrin metal center due to ring conformation influence the agonist vs antagonist action of porphyrins due to sunlight alters gas binding to the iron metal center heme that drives circadian alterations in REV-ERB activity
31/ The light of our star uses the lightest atoms on the periodic table and the clock mechanism in cells reflects this redox choice by light. You must now want to know how Nature chose this path. It is all about the decentralization of energy and information flow.
32/ Nature tapped the unique chemistry of the lightest elements. The chemistry of the second-period element of each group (n = 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, and F) differs in many important respects from that of the heavier members, or congeners, of the group.
33/ The elements of the third period (n = 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, and Cl) are generally more representative of the group to which they belong.
34/ The anomalous chemistry of second-period elements results from three important characteristics: small radii, energetically unavailable d orbitals, and a tendency to form pi (π) bonds with other atoms. All critical to creating - entropy life requires
35/ Due to their small radii, second-period elements have electron affinities that are less negative than would be predicted from general periodic trends. When an electron is added to a small atom, increased electron–electron repulsions tend to destabilize the anions in cells
36/ Moreover, the small sizes of these elements prevent them from forming compounds in which they have more than four nearest neighbors. This makes them smaller = thermodynamically more efficient = low power needed for action
37/Because of the smaller atomic size, simple binary ionic compounds of second-period elements also have more covalent character than the corresponding compounds formed from their heavier congeners.
38/ The very small cations derived from 2nd-period elements have a high charge-to-radius ratio and can therefore polarize the filled valence shell of an anion.
39/ As such, the bonding in such compounds has a significant covalent component, giving the properties of the compounds that can differ significantly from those expected for simple ionic compounds. Covalent bonds are easier for sunlight to break and rearrange.
40/As an example, LiCl, which is partially covalent in character, is much more soluble than NaCl in solvents with a relatively low dielectric constant, such as ethanol (ε = 25.3 versus 80.1 for H2O). IMPLICATIONS???
41/ Because d orbitals are never occupied for principal quantum numbers less than 3, the valence electrons of second-period elements occupy 2s & 2p orbitals only. Energy of the 3d orbitals exceeds the energy of 2s & 2p orbitals, using them in bonding is energetically prohibitive
42/ This electronic configuration issue is why biologists never have understood the clock mechanism well. Their knowledge of chemistry and physics blows.
43/ Consequently, electron configurations with more than four electron pairs around a central, second-period element are simply not observed on Earth. IMPLICATIONS OF THIS???
44/This is why Nature’s semiconductors are all carbon based and hydrated. Charge density and a strong dielectric ability is critical to the living state. This is the physical basis of how a negative entropy state is built.
45/ This is the physical basis of how a negative entropy state is built - Schodinger's 1944 book, What is Life.

Does charge density affect entropy?
Yes it does.
46/ Entropy is linked by the work of Wheeler and Shannon. Entropy = energy and information. Biology is unaware that energy and information are equivalent.
47/ Most importantly, while charge density of cations or anions correlates with the translational entropy loss, anions with similar charge density as that of cations has a much stronger and long-range effect on water.
48/How do ions affect cell water?
Small ions (kosmotropes) have high charge densities so they cause strong electrostatic ordering of nearby waters, breaking H-bonds. In contrast, large ions (chaotropes) have low charge densities, and surrounding water molecules are H- bonded.
49/Water hit by the sun form an exclusion zone that causes water to take on the crystalline form of H3O2. This adds massive electronegativity to water networks.
50/ In 1666 Isaac Newton discovered that sunlight could be split into different wavelengths of light that behave uniquely. Very few people seem to know how those frequencies in light alter water network chemistry.
51/ Since then light has been studied extensively. Very few in professional science have asked how light changes water. That water than changes the electronic density of proteins in cells

Do ions disrupt hydrogen bonds? The interface of water and DNA is a sea of H-bonds
52/ The ions having the highest charge densities (F−, for example) are the most disruptive of water–water hydrogen bonding. Fluoride is a dielectric blocker in water. It lowers the ability to transfer or transmute energy and information.
53/One of the most dramatic differences between the lightest main group elements and their heavier congeners is the tendency of the second-period elements to form species that contain multiple bonds. pi electrons bonds are big in the living state
54/ A C=C bond, for example, is approximately 80% stronger than a C–C bond. In contrast, an Si=Si bond, with less p-orbital overlap between the valence orbitals of the bonded atoms because of the larger atomic size, is only about 40% stronger than an Si–Si bond.
55/ This is why life's semiconductors are all carbon based and your tech gear uses silicon. It is also why technology will never replace the living state. The electronics are more favorable for carbon over silicon
56/The crystal structure of CoPP-bound REV-ERBβ causes conformational changes induced by sunlight on CoPP compared with heme: it adopts a planar conformation as opposed to the puckered conformation observed in the heme-bound REV-ERBβ crystal structure. Life is electronic via sun
57/ When your PhD experts and functional medicine guys get to this level, then come talk to me. Decentralized medicine and mitochondriacs are way ahead of their paradigm of health.
58/ In each of our cells, there is a fractal network of carbon nanotubes that constricts water to a certain dimension to make quantum magic happen using the photoelectric effect and allow free use of protons to flow in the molecular network of water. We call this protonicity.
59/ This is the + charge current in cells. The current is much higher when the particle being moved has mass. Electrons have 1/1836th the mass of a proton. Light is what energizes electrons. Red light is what moves protons (1535nm)
60/ In our electric universe, galaxies are created within helical currents that form a great circuit through intergalactic space. The Bennett pinch effect squeezes plasma inside these cosmic “transmission lines” compressing clouds of ionized plasmas within electromagnetic fields
61/ The solar plasma compresses protons & their positive charges, igniting stars like our sun by forming toroidal currents around galactic equators. Those suns then send their light to planets. The light of the star is a cathode ray. Planets are anodes in this electric circuit
62/ On Earth, a physio-chemical redox evolution created hydrated semiconductors that turn the sun's light back into an electric plasma called the DC electric current.
63/ The DC electric cuurent in mitochondria helps regenerate all animals and plants on the surface of this planet. Just a remarkable circle of life-based upon natural electric power and the mysteries based on sun light
64/When an applied magnetic field is added to the new environment the atoms in our mitochondria are immediately affected. How? The orbital motion of electrons is altered to produce a magnetic moment in the opposite direction to the applied magnetic field from the new environment
65/When you consider that the electromagnetic force gets infinitely stronger as scale shrinks things really begin to make sense when you consider the power generation in mitochondria. The inner mitochondrial membrane is 6 microns.
66/ The electric state of a cell is determined by many complex factors, but it is clear redox power is the critical factor. What are some of the other factors that augment redox power? The opening & closing of ion channel proteins which control movements of ions across membranes
67/Changes in the cells’ electrical potential via the activity of ion channels are shown to be able to suppress or trigger cancer. The chemical changes are always preceded by electrical changes in cells. These changes are wholly tied to the redox state in that cell system
68/This is how ALAN and abnormal electric and magnetic fields from technology lead to disease. Another factor is electrical synapses that transfer electricity from one cell to another via their membrane system.
69/ Light frequencies have different electromagnetic footprints that lead to different change densities. Those changes are accounted for by Rev-erb proteins and that is what alters proteins/genes in cells.
70/ That system is adjacent to the cell water. Therefore, membrane integrity and water fidelity in cells should be factors of critical importance to redox potential and to health.
71/Charge conservation isn't like energy conservation ideas in the laws of thermodynamics. This offends people who do not understand the nuance of this science. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Neither can charge but this is where you need to pay deep attention to details
72/ This is why charges matter more than energy flow for cells and their mitochondria. Charge confirmation does not mean that individual positive and negative charges cannot be created or destroyed. Why?
73/Electric charge is ONLY carried by the two charged subatomic particles such as electrons and protons. Charged particles that carry electrical information and energy can be created and destroyed in elementary particle reactions.
74/We see this every day CERN operates. It turns out varying redox potential allows for the alteration of electrons and protons inside mitochondria and many other organelles in cells. That electrical variation of charges creates tipping points in cells.
75/ What biologists, PhDs, MDs fail to realize is that mitochondria only use electrons and protons for the SAME reason. It is the basis of how life does the things it can. It changes charge density with light.

• • •

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More from @DrJackKruse

Sep 17
When you start to put all the puzzle pieces together as I did here, it seems clear this casedemic of 2020-2024 was being used as a cover story for both a global wealth redistribution scheme, and for the implementation of a technocratic system of totalitarian rule by unelected leaders. COVID was a compliance test for an upcoming economic reset.

The WHO/WEF/CDC/FDA/BIGHARMA/GATES/FAUCI & the EXECUTIVE branch of the USA are part and parcel of this global network’s plan. While the Trump administration in the U.S. has severed ties with the organization, Big Tech is still promoting the WHO as a final arbiter of which views are acceptable and which are not — medical expertise and scientific achievements be damned.

This is how and why social media have censored certain physicians. People fail to realize on social media, the advertisers and marketers are the real customers, and the user and their data is the real product being sold.
As reported by Reclaim the Net, the WHO has been eavesdropping on everything you do online, from reviewing your social media interactions to analyzing your emotions. They got this idea from the CIA and NSA's use of Google’s algorithms for searches. DARPA was the source code and DARPA links to all the academic centers who began the internet. This entire game has been planned for decades.

To counteract the “spread of misleading information” about the pandemic — which was a key area of focus during Event 201 — the WHO has partnered with an analytics company that mimics what Google does by using software and machine learning analysis to scan more than 1.6 million social media posts per week.

They also have tried to hide the CUTTER INCIDENT from your awareness.
2. The International Mesothelioma Interest Group set out to determine if the virus could be consistently found in mesothelioma tissue samples. In a tightly controlled study that included four independent laboratories, researchers found that SV40 was present in most mesothelioma samples. Who made the initial link? In 1993, we had another whistleblower like Dr. Bernice Eddy in the 1950s or @Kevin_McKernan in the 2020s…
3. The Industrial military complex used Lee Harvey Oswald as a patsy for Operation Northwoods 2.0 in November of 1963. What was Operation Northwoods 3.0? The blame of asbestos as the cause of mesothelioma on close to 100 companies. Each one of them were involved with the Industrial military complex of the USA and all were part of a massive conspiracy to hide the fact that SV40 was linked to the genesis of the cancer and HIV epidemics. Halliburton was one of the lead companies who helped the government manage this psy-ops. They were also involved with the Patriot Act, 9/11, and the Weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq in the Gulf War.

Just how obvious that this story is front where the government used corporate partners to take the hit for the Cutter Incident. If the US population knew what the givernment really did in that bioweapons lab in Magazine Street their would be a revolution that would make the American revolution look like a street fight in the history of this country. Proof that asbestos is not what you were told it is: Russia continues to be a large user of asbestos and is the world's second largest consumer of asbestos, second only to China. Isn't funny how the US enemies, who General Goroves set up when he began the Cold War after FDR's death never follow the lead of the US governments scientists on topics like nnEMF, cancer, asbestos, and MONEY?

In 1982, facing unprecedented liability for asbestos injury claims, the company "voluntarily filed" for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Did you know Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway bought the company in 2001, then chairman and CEO Jerry Henry retired in 2004. This is how you payback a company to take a bullet for the government to keep them in power.

Johns Manville is a leading manufacturer and marketer of premium-quality insulation and commercial roofing, along with glass fibers and nonwovens for commercial, "industrial military" and residential applications. The chronologic order of companies taking the hit for the US government polio failure was a controlled demolision of the asbestos industry to bury the story and then pay them all back over time to bury the story.…
Read 12 tweets
Sep 8
Melanin is a skeleton key to unlock the quantum mechanical abilities found in water. It is that simple. Image
2. What is one of the most amazing things that melanin does to water? It creates a massive source of electrons to be delocalized for semiconduction use, but it also changes the hydrogen bond angles of water. Image
3. Melanin also affects K+ levels and ATP levels in cells as temperture changes. When melanin degrades it also affects BG and insulin levels. Insulin does not operate well below 62F. This is why melanin becomes a different kind of electrical conductor as temperature varies. You can see this effect on the slide below. Heat is linked to NO production = links to biophoton release. More heat = less UV biophotons released. THe less UV biophotons released links directly to hydgrogen bond angles.

When K+ is low inside energy transduction goes down and bond angles in hydrogen change. When a lifeform dies 100% of water and K+ leaves the cell. When K+ leaves the cell so does light that is also stored at the electronic and vibrational level. This destroys the cell as a dissipative structure. When water is made in the mitochondria and leaches out it needs light creation. The light levels link to melanin granules right outside of the mitochondria during metabolism. Without melanin redox power drops, energy/information drops, light is lost and information transfer and biochemical fidelity drop.Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 7
1. Chiara D'Arcangelo asks me,
"Would you mind to elaborate on Mercury toxicity due to amalgam fillings from a Quantum biology/physics stand point? How does it disrupt the mitochondria machinery & therefore all the other body systems?
2. Why do you have to be careful with alternative functional memes/ideas and narratives that are linked to money? Often they are not true and people get "herded" into a belief system that they need expensive testing and therapies to remove their risk of heavy metal toxicity. I see it daily in my clinic. Functional medicine types are as guilty as the centralized allopathic MDs who believe BigHarma BS.
3. Mercury is prevalent in apex marine predators, and it can be a problem with eating these types of meats often. (tuna). However the lower in the food chain you go the "less prevalent it is". So eat your oysters as the Epi-paleo Rx tells you! The selenium in the seafood is what protects against metal poisoning. If you are worried, eat a Brazil nut every day because it is loaded with Se. Me, I'll pass on this. Hg is also cleared by melanin. It absorbs all heavy metals. When Melanin renovation is done it also raises the endogenous glutathione system in your live to act optimally. No functional practitioner wants to tell you this because it will dash their chances to sell you some magic supplement or potion from their closet/cellar. It is all BS.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6
Remember the battle for the Nobel Prize between the discovery of HIV from Montagnier versus Robert Gallo in 1983?

Do you know that Robert Gallo began studying HIV in the jungles of the Congo in chimpanzees during the oral polio virus trials.

The first oral polio vaccine was aerosolized oral spray that caused cancers all over the mouth and sinus system. A bioweapons company did the work for DoD and Robert Gallo was on that team. Things you just do not know when you do not know your history. Did you know that Fauci support the Nobel Prize for his friend Gallo over Luke Montagnier?

Coincidence or might it be related to why Reagan hired Fauci in 1982?Image
2. How does it all fit into today's current events?…Image
3. The first bioweapons lab on Magazine Street in NOLA and the work done at the US Public health hospital and Henry Clay Street in NOLA was transferred to the Tulane Primate Center in Covington Louisiana under the direction of Dr. Riopelle. When it became clear after the JFK killing in the mid 1960s that these simian viruses were behind many new human diseases like cancer and eventually HIV they were transferred to Fort Detrich as I laid out in my pod with RFK Jr. In the beginning Fort Detrich was an dual purpose base with the ARMY and CIA sharing thefacility and the bioweapons labs added to the mix as the science of Dr. Mary Stewart and Mary Sherman was developed by the CIA and industrial military complex.Image
Read 19 tweets
Sep 4
This is why I wrote my hypoxia series. It explains why sunscreen, clothing, and glasses/contacts are the real problem in oxygen delivery. This affects heart attacks, fibromyalgia, and so many other diseases. You need UVA light exposure to run the mammalian cardiovascular system properly.

In trauma cases where I have used blood products I have always added in supplemental UVA light in the OR. No one knew what I was up to. This is why I have said forever that UV light exposure increase venous 02 saturation that helps lower tissue heteroplasmy rate. UVBI is something that should be standard of care in trauma centers.

Ever single thing Gates, dermatologists, and opthalmologists say about the SUN is 100% dead wrong. And they continue to say it because it makes them fiat money.

We run a three gas system and it turns out the free radical signal has a lot to with control of the oxidation state of iron.

Understanding the interaction of nitric oxide with RBCs is vital to elucidating the metabolic fate of NO in the vasculature. Because hemoglobin is the most abundant intraerythrocytic protein in RBCs and it reacts rapidly with NO, the interaction of NO with Hb has been studied extensively in the centralized literature. The data created has not been made sense of because we believe we already understand how we breath. This is why I wrote that Wim Hoff method of breathing is horribly flawed. Recent data has shown the NO reaction with RBCs is nearly 1,000-fold slower than the reaction with cell-free Hb.

The decentralized reality: The products of the NO Reaction with oxyHb Depend on local quantum mechanical concentrations of the environment. When that environment is altered by malillumination Dr. Kruse reaches for Methylene blue in his trauma patients. He also recommended it to his clients (Rick Rubin).

These are things "superstar centralized food and exercise guru" Peter Attia never knew before giving advice to Mr. Rubin and still does not understand the collateral effects.Image
2. The iron is itself attached on one side of the “heme pocket” to the amino acid residue histidine—the proximal histidine. Histidine is another aromatic amino acid that absorbs UV light. Another histidine is situated on the other side of the pocket. This second histidine is not directly linked to the ferrous atom and is called the distal histidine.

NO bonds to cysteine. This should make you realize why I wrote so eloquently about this amino acid as a photoswitch in the blogs.

Think of water as the ultimate molecular photoelectric adapter for life.  Water’s behavior is a function of its microenvironment.  An MRI is proof of this concept.  Water looks different in different tissues of the human body, yet, it still remains H20 at a biochemical level of observation.  This biochemical scale is not good enough to explain how life organizes.  To understand how life makes use of water, you need a smaller scale: a quantum scale.

Water energy transfers are governed by something called “bandgap engineering.”  This is a quantum mechanical action found in chemicals/proteins that are capable of semiconduction.  Becker found this exact same mechanism in bone biology when he realized that two copper ions were the doping mechanism that rectified the photoelectric effect in the periosteum of bone to transfer bone’s photoelectric signal into a mechanical one for bone apposition and resorption.

Light and water also do the same thing as proteins like cysteine.  It is the “potential” of the thiol groups in cysteine where your redox potential really lies.  Cysteine is the rarest amino acid in nature, and this fact alone makes it an ideal signaling molecule in redox biochemistry.  It links aging and neolithic disease risk, and it also marks where wellness begins and ends in us all.
3. The redox of the thiols in cysteine describes why blood works as it does.

Now that you have a basic idea of how a quantum cell works (see the November 2013 webinar), let’s discuss how this cell interacts with the first biologic protein force I mentioned in the Energy & Epigenetics #11 blog, the redox reactions in the Pentose Phosphate Pathway and beta-oxidation of fats.

If you go back and reread EMF4 blog, you will see that one of the major benefits of living within that pathway is to make NADPH that replenishes glutathione.   

This pathway has only a few major endpoints, but they are all massively important for human life. It is designed to optimally restore RNA and DNA synthesis by providing maximum recycling of ATP;  you now know the real physiologic function of ATP is to withdraw electrons from proteins’ electron clouds to cause them to fully expand and open its binding sites to water.  This is Gilbert Ling’s work;  he proved it all experimentally, yet no one listened to him.

The PPP also allows for the optimal formation of bio-energetic substrates to replenish the mitochondria’s ability to increase total adenine nucleotides to re-establish optimal ATP stores from beta-oxidation of fats.  This is why we make 147 ATP from beta-oxidation of fats and only  36 ATP from carbohydrate metabolism.  This difference is not just a calculation of ATP stoichiometry, it is a function of the electromagnetic spectrum energies during the seasons present on Earth as they change.   It controls timing of metabolic pathways in use in our cells. NO time scales in our blood vessels is one such decision. I spoke about in the Vermont 2018 talk many times as the slides shows. Therefore, the electromagnetic spectrum of the sun carries information and energies of these seasonal factors directly to mitochondria.  Mitochondrial proteins are used to decipher this “Seasonal Rosetta Stone” of energies.Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 30
After my Factor X webinar, people learned that the currency of survival for all eutherian mammals was a new biologic strategy to speed up DNA expression to adapt more quickly to the environment. POMC was that adaptation. Specifically how alpha MSH use changed in the mammalian family after sunlight was blocked by the asteroid.

The reasons eutherian mammals survived is because they use a placenta to birth their young. There is now strong evidence from molecular biology that the genes that coded for the evolution of the placenta were heavily selected for after the K-T event.

How do we know this?

The first mammals were rather old in an evolutionary scale, about 210 x10 to the 6th years before the present time (YBP). These early mammals (such as multituberculates) were small, furry, egg-laying, monotreme-like insect predators.

They were present prior to the advent of the dinosaurs, but became extinct about 35 x 10 to the 6th YBP. We know nothing about their molecular genomes, but what we do know, is that two other mammalian lines developed from them directly, the marsupials and the eutharian placentals.
Humans are in the later class. We also know that there is a massive phenotypic difference between chimps and man yet their genomes are almost identical. This is a clue that epigenetics is far more important to adaptative change and speciation than Darwin ever knew. This has huge implications for solving the modern disease epidemics. @GraduatedBen

How do we know placenta were heavily selected by a post K-T world? Well, the marsupials are only found in the southern hemisphere with the few exceptions. This fits perfectly with how Factor X occurred 65 million years ago as well as I laid out in my Webinar. Moreover, the placental mammals were far more successful because they radiated over 2000 genera, to about only 140 genera in the marsupial clade. @billgifford

Most of the surviving species left on the land of this planet is due to that formative moment in evolution. This is a big step in knowing who we really are and how we are built. Factor X, the KT event, was huge for any mammal that evolved after it. Why? It changed the way mammals used light because the sun was blocked.

In this way, the KT event mimics the advice of Bill Gates, dermotology, and opthalmology. Follow that advice and you'll face your own extinction event that will be preceded by modern chronic disease epidemics of diseases centralized medicine is becoming rich on.

That is the your inconvenient truth.Image
2. What is known as the “gut-first” — as opposed to “brain-first” — hypothesis states that Parkinson’s begins as abnormal proteins in the nerves of the gastrointestinal tract. While normal proteins fold into a specific three-dimensional shape, misfolded proteins fail to achieve this form.

What does brain first and gut hypothesis both miss?

BOTH CAN CAUSE PD because melanocytes migrate from the gut and the brain in their search UV light or lack there of. This is the story of the KT event collateral affects in the modern world.

CENTRALIZED SCIENCE is clueless about this reality.

Misfolded proteins, found excessively in the post-mortem brains of patients with Parkinson’s as well as Alzheimer’s, accumulate into large, toxic clumps that disrupt nerve cell function.

Anyone who has read my Quantum Engineering series on Patreon should get this insight rapidly. Melanocytes move when no UV light stimulus is present. They are looking for the light by design.Image
3. The link between Parkinson’s, traditionally considered a brain disorder, and the gastrointestinal tract is not new. The first detailed description of Parkinson’s disease, was published in 1817 by British physician James Parkinson. It is an interesting paper because bowel constitpation was described in the case reports. No one had an explanation for it until I did the Tetragrammaton podcast with Rick and huberman.
Based on his initial observation of six cases, Parkinson found that a patient starts by experiencing a slight sense of weakness and some bothersome trembling in one of their hands.
Constipation was also present in most of the patients and subsequently early was considered a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease development. This makes sense when you understand how much dopamine and melanin derivative are present in the human gut. Parkinson had no way of knowing that, but today's gastroenterologists and neurologists do not suffer from this lack of knowledge. They suffer from a lack of decentralized learning and connection of the effect of light in the gut and brain. Constipation remains one of the most prevalent non-motor symptoms, affecting up to two-thirds of all patients. Even Parkinson, in his long-ago essay, wrote that the patient’s bowels often “demand stimulating medicines of very considerable power.”

Any patient I see with PD is told about the POMC affect in the surface skin above the rectus abdominus muscle and how it affects the melanin levels in the neural crest derivatives that are filled with melanin in the splanchnic nerves. It is also why many patients on their way to diseases have melanosis coli when they have a colonoscopy. Most GI doctors have no idea that this finding is a pre malignant issue or an issue related to an impended neurodegenerative disease. Now you do.Image
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