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Jul 4 11 tweets 7 min read
Superconductivity is a remarkable phenomenon in Nature because it represents a manifestation of the quantum world on a macroscopic scale. It allows us to pull the curtain down on the Wizard we want to know more about 2. A superconductor is a perfect electrical conductor, where direct current flows continuously with no energy loss through heat or sound. A superconductor is a perfect diamagnetic material. Since most things in nature are not perfectly diamagnetic gravity appears in reality.

Gravitation seems to manifest in matter that attract magnetic fields to interact.

Superconductors also expel external magnetic fields, leading to the Meissner effect. A permanent magnet levitating above a superconductor demonstrates this effect. While zero resistance and the Meissner effect are properties common to all superconductors, there are also properties that vary according to the material.Image
Jun 27 21 tweets 18 min read
How did my journey into circadian biology begin?

When the Black Album went live I realized the unbalance and paid attention to light.

Exit light = sunset
Enter night = sunset
Grain of sand
Exit light = sunset
Enter night = dark cycle
Take my hand = Light is speaking to you
We’re off to Never Never Land = It is all about the sunrise
2. Emerging research is illuminating the dark side of wearing sunshades = more dark less sunlight

Sunglasses trick the brain by changing the solar frequency spectrum the eye senses into thinking it’s dark and prevent it from producing a hormone (melanin) that protects against sunburn, according to new research.

Sunglasses block UV light from entering the pineal gland through the optic nerves in the eyes via the central retinal pathway I spoke about in my Vermont 2017 talk.
This prevents the brain from sending the signal to the pituitary gland to produce melanin, the pigment that tans the skin and protects it from burning. Excess Vitamin A in the blood also causes a reduction of melanin and lowers its photochemical abilities. This is why blue light and melanopsin dysfunction have been linked to many cancers. This was initially covered in ophthalmologist Fritz Hollwich's work from the 1940s as well. Also covered by Ott and Albert Schweitzer as seen below. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Jun 22 12 tweets 6 min read
This latest paper is an eye opener for all things that emit nnEMF on clock genes.  It makes all that biohacking crap sold at conferences uber dangerous.  A switch for the internal clock: Exploring quantum biology for novel medical therapies.  This paper actually provides the proof behind my insights I made in 2014 at the Bulletproof Conference on why the paramagnetism of oxygen made all the tech gear in the Pasadena expo center so toxic to the people at this event.  Now 10 year slater they all know I was right and the devices were scamming them of cash and time.  bionity.com/en/news/118324… 2. Experience directs our learning to instruct us, how one event or observation constantly follows another; without instructing us in the secret connection of the events or observations, which binds them together, and renders them inseparable. This is where wisdom is found. Today’s post exemplifies this situation perfectly.
The clock in the pineal organ, the clock in the retina, the clock in the SCN (the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus), the peripheral clocks in all the other tissues all behave differently, but they use the exact same molecular machinery. Think back to quantum biology one blog for a moment. I taught you about how biology builds a zero entropy system for perfect energy/information transfers in water and carbon nanotubes of collagen. I have not given you all the goods yet, but each blog is building up to the magic in Nature decentralization plan.
It does this by using multiple pathways to do many things at once using light as the paintbrush and quantum field action of water as the canvas. Here we see the same thing in central and peripheral clocks controls. Even before these two studies in Nature, it was clear to me from the neural network level, that the properties must have been modified by something else in the environment that affected the cell directly or indirectly using the interactions between cells in the tissue to control the process. Dr. Montaigner's work on water and EMFs was the missing link, in my humble opinion. Light is part of the EMF spectrum. It became clear to me at least that the path of life and circadian cycle control is the domain of quantum controls that use particle and wave mathematics to be the thermostat to control the processes in cells. Life then built a complex set of biochemical and hormonal pathways to create micro nanomachines to transduce those environmental signals to control the processes of growth and metabolism in their zero entropy systems.
The key chemical to the entire equation is the use of water because it is the ultimate quantum canvas for life to paint her masterpiece on. It is the perfect dipole molecule to bind to proteins to make liquid crystals function as semiconductors. Water is life's quantum field It does things to electrons and protons you wouldn't normally expect, to keep life far from equilibrium. These effects are all non-linear. and often photonic. It just made fractal sense the more I dug into the science of 9 different scientific disciplines. The real problem blocking all nine from this reality is that none of them seem to know what the other is studying and finding out. They just keep doing their own thing without sharing what they have learned.
1. O’Neill JS, & Reddy AB (2011). Circadian clocks in human red blood cells. Nature, 469 (7331), 498-503 PMID: 21270888
2. O’Neill JS., Gerben van Ooijen, Laura E. Dixon, Carl Troein, Florence Corellou, François-Yves Bouget, Akhilesh B. Reddy and Andrew J. Millar, (2011). Circadian rhythms persist without transcription in a eukaryote, Nature, 469 (554–558), doi:10.1038/nature09654
Njus, David, Frank M. Sulzman & J. W. Hastings (1974) Membrane model for the circadian clock, Nature. Vol. 248, pp. 116-120, doi:10.1038/248116a0
Jun 21 7 tweets 7 min read
Blue light induces increased blood glucose and ROS.

Why does this lead to cancer?

When glucose-stimulated ROS production occurs it leads to further glucose uptake in cells. This MUST be adequately counterbalanced by (glucose-stimulated) ROS scavenging systems. When it is NOT, as in blue light exposure, a toxic cycle is triggered, ultimately leading to cell death. Cells act on their own behalf not to die, and they use unfettered ROS to create light to induce genetic changes that lead to survival and we call this process oncogenesis. The major link to cancer occurs via HIF-1 and PER1 & 2 dysregulation. Decentralized clinicians have inventoried the various cellular regulatory mechanisms and negative feedback loops that prevent this cycle from occurring but you better realize how cancer happens under blue light. This is quantum biology 101.

Understanding these mechanisms is tough work. People who have obstructive sleep apnea are being protected from cancer by their colony of mitochondria but you'll never hear a sleep MD tell you this because they do not understabd shit about how light operates mtDNA and ROS. Recent studies have shown that HIF-1α serum protein level is chronically increased in OSA patients and is not reverted by one-night continuous positive air pressure therapy. OSA is a brake on oncogenesis.

Under normoxic conditions, prolines within the oxygen-dependent degradation domains (ODDs) of HIF-1α are hydroxylated by prolyl-4-hydroxylases (PHDs; Ivan et al. 2001). This hydroxylation mechanism acts as an ubiquitination signal in protein transcription leading to proteasomal degradation of HIF-1α. In the absence of oxygen, HIF-1α ubiquitinylation is inhibited allowing its interaction with HIF-1β to drive transcription of various target genes, including GLUT1. This is the basis of how the Warburg shift occurs in humans.

Stimulation of cellular glucose uptake in mammalian cells is frequently observed during conditions of oxidative stress when ROS and RNS spikes and dissolved oxygen in cells is LOW. GLUT1 helps in the transport of glucose, galactose, mannose, glucosamine and ascorbic acid in mammals

Blue light toxcity induces cell hypoxia. Light and dark cycles mediate this connection via the subunit α of HIF-1. When HIF-1 goes awry cells lose control of protein translation from the cell cycle based on the mechanism I gave you above.

The BLH induced hypoxia increases protein transcription by driving the association connected with overexpression of circadian clock proteins. During hypoxia, ROS levels increase by design and play an important role in HIF-1α stabilization. HIF-1 consists of two subunits, HIF-1α and HIF-1β. With hypoxia evening HIF-1α protein level has a deep influence on the evening PER1 protein level in mammals. This is why the thrid picture below exists. New data on sleep shows that OSA patients are at risk for developing circadian clock disruption but few realize this protects these patients from CANCER. If you give them an apnea machine you are making new cancers to fill the centralized cancer centers in every US city. No one sees what I see, but you MUST if you want to avoid the sausage grinder.Image
2. Light is a kinetic energy untapped until it interacts with matter. Light is basically moving energy looking to do work. It needs matter to do work. Light can be a weapon in causing disease.

The military learned light can be weaponized in MKUltra.

You may have seen "light weapons" in the movie "Star Wars" or "Star Trek." The X-wing fighters, the Death Star, the Millennium Falcon, and the Enterprise used laser weapons in great fictional battles to conquer and/or defend the universe. And starships aren't the only ones packing laser heat. Han Solo carried the blaster, a laser weapon, in "Star Wars", while Captain Kirk used a phaser in "Star Trek". All of these weapons used directed energy, in the form of a laser beam, to disable or kill an opponent.

But what are the advantages of using a laser as a weapon? Is it even possible? Is the military using this technology at the border right now? Could they be doing the same thing through screen technology or LED light on streets? Is Artificial light another industrial military psy-ops? If you listened to my recent Fat Burning man podcast you'll know this answer.Image
Jun 20 15 tweets 4 min read
Imagine working 9-5 for 50 years then The Fed prints 40% of the total money supply as you retire and inflates away 20 years of your work. You lost time and value without any laws being passed. The Fed has the power to make sovereignty vanish without out your consent. Sunlight can give you more time to go back and fiat farm to buy the Bitcoin you mocked from 2011-2023 to recover fron the fiat wouunds to your retirement. This is why you hedge large with Bitcoin if you are above 55 years old. Decentralized wisdom 101.Image 2. Image
Jun 19 7 tweets 6 min read
We are 25-30 hours away from the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere today. What does this imply to things in this hemisphere in 2024?

Summers have more severe magnetic activity = in recent times occurred in 1989 and this had a number of serious impacts on technological systems by generating damaging geomagnetically induced currents. In particular, the power transmission system in Quebec, Canada in 1989, was shut down for over 9 hours. 2024 is another year where magnetic flux is increased. Remember the 4 CME's we have head to Earth 4 weeks ago that allowed us to see the aurora's down to tropical latitudes?

What other effects do I expect to see in 2024?

Other effects such as increased corrosion in pipelines and more bipolar people becoming manic or catatonic who have bipolar disorder. I covered this disease in my Quantum engineering 47 and 48 blogs.

This is an example of the Earth's magnetic field being a hazard in the modern world when the solar plasma is stronger. The Earths magnetic field is weakest at the equator and if one has bipolar disorder this is the optimal place to live to limit seasonal changes. Higher latitudes makes this disease worse.

Bipolar patients are the most supersensitive to melatonin suppression by ALAN lighting and nnEMF abuse due to abusive tech time.

The strict relationship between health and environment is well known, and there is increasing evidence that climate and weather affect multiple areas of human life, including mental health. For example, “pleasant weather” (e.g., elevated temperature or barometric pressure) seems to be related to higher mood levels, better memory, and broadened cognitive style, whereas high levels of humidity have been associated with impaired concentration and increased sleepiness. Though generally experienced only to a mild degree, some individuals display extreme sensitivity to weather and climatic changes.

Psychiatric patients have been described to be particularly vulnerable to climate and weather changes in terms of clinical severity, admission rates, duration of hospitalization, recurrences, and outcome. Accordingly, a recent study found correlations between different weather conditions and the number of patients accessing the emergency room for psychiatric symptoms. This is decentralized medicine 101. If you know someone who has these problems inform their loved ones 2024 will be hazardous to many.
@JeffBooth @PrestonPyshImage 2. Here is the first monster blog on bipolar disorder ----> patreon.com/posts/quantum-…
Jun 8 11 tweets 20 min read
Morris Barney Dalitz = Mr. Las Vegas is how the link between the Mossad, CIA, and mob occured when Vegas was being built. He also was who the CIA interviewed about the one armed bandits and blocking our sunlight in the casinos to increase revenue from more gambling.

He worked in his family's laundry business early in his life during WW1, but began a career in bootlegging when the Prohibition era began by Constitutional decree in 1919. Here is where he learned about the link between behavior, alcohol abuse, during night time with ALAN. He capitalized on his access to the laundry trucks in the family business to bootleg. As a consequence, he developed a partnership with the Maceocrime syndicate which ran Galveston, Tx during the roaring 20's and supplied liquor from Canada and Mexico. This business was massive and he was so profitable that this is how the mafia came to give him the oasis in the desert to develop using behavior modification, alcohol, solar blockade, and use of electrical lighting in gambling/drink houses to addict people to spend their money.

In 1982 it was clear he was Mossad when, Dalitz received the "Torch of Liberty" award from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. This chapter is a Mossad front. Dalitz and a group of Cleveland investors purchased the Desert Inn, which opened in 1950, after founder Wilbur Clark ran out of money for the project.
Dalitz tapped an investment group who included Donald Stralheim, who changed his name to Stralem due to anti semitism in NYC during WW 1. Stralem married Jean Lehman Ickelheimer, a member of the Lehman family that ran the Lehman Brothers investment bank, on April 11, 1928. He was very connected with the banker families linked to the new Federal Resrve Bank created in 1911-13 by JP Morgan and friends.

In his bootlegging days Dalitz learned the gambling alcohol business from Meyer Lansky. In 1949 American Municipal Association, representing more than 10,000 cities nationwide, petitioned the federal government to combat the growing influence of organized crime. First-term senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee drafted a resolution to create a special committee to investigate the issue. The Commerce and Judiciary Committees ran the investigation, and Vice President Alben Barkley cast the tie-breaking vote to establish a special committee. It was here we learned how Dalitz linked to the Jewish mob and Mossad. Lansky was always in the cross hairs of the FBI/CIA but Dalitz was keep uber clean by his handlers. If police detectives, CIA/FBI suspected Dalitz of wrongdoing, they dared not whisper such criticism without ample evidence because of his link with Israeli defense. By the time Dalitz reached his prime later in his life, his financial empire and formidable string of businesses were legitimate. He was the perfect front man for Israeli Intelligence.

Post WW2 in America the heat was on as law enforcement and high-ranking politicians vilified illegal gamblers and their ilk as a societal scourge.
Moe Dalitz did what any businessman with acumen might have done. He migrated to Las Vegas, Nevada where casino games were legal and gamblers were respected. At the time, Las Vegas and Havana, Cuba vied for dominance as legal gambling centers. The Italian mob of Carlos Marcelo ruled the Cuban casino scene. Dalitz spent time in Cuban casinos learning modern gaming, where his friend and bootlegging ally Meyer Lansky had invested many millions. Because of JFK and RFK Sr, Meyer Lansky and the Israeli syndicates lost millions of dollars due to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. This is why the US gov't and mob became joined in their hatred for the Keneedy brothers.

In Vegas, Moe Dalitz became good friends with Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, and consequently had access to millions of dollars in loans from the Teamsters Central States Pension Fund. Bobby Kennedy Sr hated Hoffa and went after him mercilessly as AG under JFK.

Moe became linked to David Rockefeller and several Mossad agents assigned to Rockefeller congressional staffers (pre AIPAC organization) by Israel's lobby by way of B'nai B'rith in the late 1940s. This continued into the 1950s. Dalitz got private financing from the friends of the Rockefeller's for the Desert Inn purchase which got him into the Vegas casino scene when Wilbert Clark went bankrupt. Nelson Rockefeller was tapped to provide private financing for Dalitz via his connections.

Nelson brother, David Rockefeller had a financier partner whose name was Donald Stralem. This guy was the son of the co-founder in 1850 of Rothschild affiliate Hallgarten & Co., German-Jewish investment bankers that financed both sides in the Civil War. This is how the bankers and Israel got into Vegas early even before the Italian mob did. Moe Dalitz was the guy. Once Cuba went boom in 1959, then Lansky's krewe became interested in Vegas because of his links to Dalitz.

The link of Nelson to JFK's murder is via Warren Commission member Gerald Ford. Nelson served as the 41st vice president of the United States from 1974 to 1977 under President Gerald Ford who was appointed President after Nixon resigned. Nelson, like Nixon was member of the Republican Party who had deep links to the oil businessmen in Texas who were in on the assassination I mentioned to Abel James in his podcast. Nelson Rockefeller served as the 49th governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. Rockefeller also served as assistant secretary of State for American Republic Affairs for Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt (Note the link here to Gen Groves and Henry Wallace debacle) and Harry S. Truman (1944–1945 CIA link) as well as under secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) under Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1954. Nelson was the son of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller and was the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller whose Oil company was broken up by Teddy Roosevelt after McKinley was assassinated in 1900. Now you can see more of the links tied to the @AbelJames pod I did. 2. Meyer Lansky was born in Grodno, Russia (now Hrodna, Belarus). In 1911 the family emigrated to the United States and settled on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. While Lansky was in school, he allegedly met young Charles "Lucky" Luciano, who tried to shake him down (extort money). When Lansky refused to pay, Luciano was impressed with the younger boy's bravery and the two became friends for life. Lansky met Bugsy Siegel when he was a teenager. They also became lifelong friends, and together with Luciano, formed a lasting partnership. Lansky was instrumental in Luciano's rise to power by organizing the 1931 murder of Mafia powerhouse Salvatore Maranzano. As a youngster, Siegel saved Lansky's life several times, a fact which Lansky always appreciated. The two adroitly managed the Bug and Meyer Mob despite its reputation as one of the most violent Prohibition gangs. Lansky was the brother of Jacob "Jake" Lansky, who in 1959 was the manager of the Nacional Hotel in Havana, Cuba.

By 1936, Lansky had established gambling operations in Florida, New Orleans, and Cuba. This was the same year that his partner Luciano was sent to prison. As Alfred McCoy records: "During the 1930s, Meyer Lansky 'discovered' the Caribbean for northeastern syndicate bosses and invested their illegal profits in an assortment of lucrative gambling ventures... He was also reportedly responsible for organized crime's decision to declare Miami a 'free city' (i.e., not subject to the usual rules of territorial monopoly)." Later, Lansky convinced the Mafia to place Siegel in charge of Las Vegas, and became a big investor in Siegel's Flamingo Hotel project. After Al Capone's 1931 conviction for tax evasion & prostitution, Lansky realized his own vulnerability to this type of prosecution. In response, he transferred illegal funds from his growing casino empire to Europe, where he opened a numbered bank account with the Rothschild banks following the 1934 Swiss Banking Act. Later, according to Lucy Komisar, Lansky would buy an offshore bank in Switzerland (Rockefeller's had one as well), which he used for money laundering through a network of shell and holding companies. Politicians and bankers have used banks to do this for hundreds of years.
Jun 6 10 tweets 12 min read
This might be the most important "X" post of all time with respect to the debate between light and food primacy for health. When you eat food out of seasons you are making a MASSIVE quantum mechanical error for your colony of mitochondria and central retinal pathways. George Mourou & Donna Strickland got a Nobel for their development of Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) at the University of Rochester. In his Nobel speech, he referred to his “passion for extreme light.”

I said in Vermont in 2018 cells make VUV extreme light and can create coherent light inside of you. I covered this in my recent podcast talk with Mr. Rick Rubin. What is the implications of this idea and the Nobel work, you ask????

Jack said in his Vermont 2018 talk, "If you take the nucleus of an atom. It is made up of protons and neutrons. If we add or take away a neutron, it changes absolutely everything to Nature. The recipe of food moves from medicine to toxin for a mitochondrion. Neutron subtraction means one atom is no longer the same atom as before, and its chemical properties will completely change. The matrix only traffics in H+. When you add a neutron you no longer are dealing with H+. You are dealing with deuterium and this ruins the proton channels in the ATPase. As a result, cells need to raise endogenous ROS to try to make up for the ATP deficit. They cannot do it for long without massive damage."

In food creation, neutrons are subtracted from hydrogen. This is EXACTLY what two colors of light do for us in photosynthetic pathways that create food between H+ and deuterium. Few paid attention to this step in my talk in 2018. The mito matrix, however, pays deep attention to this change when you missed it. Your food gurus still have no idea what they missed or why it is important. When you miss the implications of neutron subtraction, food becomes a toxin like radioactivity does. It can affect the lifespan of disease creation in mitochondria by increasing heteroplasmy rapidly, where we can see diseases of aging in 20-year-olds.

Now, what did Mourou say in his acceptance of the Nobel Prize speech on the topic of neutron subtractions? He said high-intensity endogenous light made in a lab could cut the radioactive lifespan of nuclear waste because light is fundamentally capable of changing the waste atomically; as a result, we could cut the toxic radiation effects from a half life of a million years to 30 minutes.

Why do Mourou and Kruse sound eerily familiar on this topic? Because they understand the physics behind neutron subtraction from atoms in the recipes of Nature. Most have remained ignorant of these basics.

Therefore, they call us crazy motherf*ckers when it's the ignorance of centralized scientists who are wacko.
The implications of my Tetragrammaton podcast went way deeper than most of you can fathom. You keep chasing food gurus and i'll keep chasing Mother Nature's truths.Image 2. Just how ignorant of the basics are your food gurus? The Nobel Prize for physics in 2016 was given for the discovery of topologic insulators (TI’s).

Topological insulators conduct electricity on their surfaces but do not conduct the current deep inside their cores. This limitation allows the cell to control Brownian motion in the cell to maintain the low entropy state I mentioned in my talk.

This helps explain why DNA’s surface is highly coiled and coated with histones, chromatin, and methyl groups when it is kept in its “quiet state” (non-dividing)

It also explains how it can receive photo-electric instructions from photons on its surface and transfer that information through the hydrogen bonding network (proton tunneling causing flickering) that surrounds nucleic acids to run the epigenetic programming it contains deep within. What happens on its surface can awaken the code of life buried deep below its double helix. This process is all possible because DNA AMO structure is capable of inducing a change in base pairs by altering the hydrogen bonds on its surface because of how Dirac fermions operate.

In physics, a Dirac fermion is a spin-½ particle. Here is an IG post I made about it.
Jun 5 20 tweets 14 min read
1. Many neolithic diseases have a seasonal a latitude phenotype. Centralized medicine systemically ignores these signs. Many times the clues get amplified by nnEMF fingerprints. Recently, this got amplified by a drop in nnEMF from factory closures in China from 2020- 2023. What did we learn?

Centralized medicine learned nothing.

Decentralized medicine learned a lot and in turn taught many clinicians why mold and fungal diseases are linked to environmental nnEMF and a lack of terrestrial sunlight.

What disease taught the lesson? 2. Kawaski's disease incidence and prevalence dropped during COVID and China factory closures. Why?
May 31 15 tweets 14 min read
This comment by Saylor seems axiomatically true but it is not. Bitcoin is not solely about power. Like cells bitcoin is about how time is used to parse phsyiological power within the thermodynamic system.

Bitcoin solves its own "time problem" by re-inventing time itself in its own ecosystem. It says no to seconds and yes to blocks. Bitcoin’s time varies for each tick because its internal mecha­nism is proba­bilistic.

One tick of Bitcoin's internal clock corresponds to ~10min of earth time, which is a large enough time window to find consensus in the network, even if communication is a bit slow or unreliable. As Einstein has shown us, time is not a static or absolute thing in Nature. There is no such thing as a universal time to rely upon. Time is relative, and simul­taneity is nonex­is­tent.

This fact alone makes all timestamps — especially across large distances — inher­ently unreli­able, even without adver­sarial actors at play. This is why timestamps of GPS satel­lites have to be adjusted constantly, by the way to get to the place you set into your phone. That adjustment is like the difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin.

The diffi­culty-adjust­ment is how Bitcoin deals with time realtivity. It functions to keep a constant time within the Bitcoin universe; it was not built to maintain a constant level of security, diffi­culty, or energy expen­di­ture. This was an ingenious maneuver because good money has to be costly in time, not in energy use.

Why do I disagree with Saylor on the power quote above?

Linking money to energy solely is a losing game. It is not suffi­cient to produce absolute scarcity since every improve­ment in energy gener­a­tion made in the world by technology advancements would allow us to create more money. New energy sources are always available to tap. Evolution showed us this within the Eukaryotic domain of life. Time is the only thing we will never be able to make more of. Time is the most scarce asset in the Universe.

Light captured by chlorophyl, hemoglobin, or cholesterol is slowed down tremendously in its path from the sun to Earth, and in that small moment of time, time dilation allows for food to manifest on Earth. Buried in the electromagnetic bar code of food is the information of time dilation for our mitochondria to decipher.

The information is then sent to the circadian clock mechanism controlled by Rev-erb alpha and beta which are heme based proteins (red light clocks) and we begin to experience time in our cells.

One of the many implications of Einstein's special relativity work is that time moves relative to the observer. An object in motion experiences time dilation, meaning that when an object is moving very fast it experiences time more slowly than when it is at rest.

Light has to move very fast in cells to get the effect of time dilation. This is how photosynthesis is 100% efficient in plants. This means that the atomic and molecular organization within a cell is the single most important variable to having a long healthspan.

When the fidelity of the signal is bad in cells because atoms in their crystals are no longer ideally aligned, the speed of light in a tissue varies and time appears to speed up for the person and they tend to get sicker faster and die sooner.

When the fidelity of the photonic messages in food is accurate via photosynthesis and the time machines in your mitochondria who are deciphering that bar code of light in cells, time dilation can occur in tissues and we can measure this effect in the circadian oscillations of genes, heteroplasmy rate of our mitochondria, and in the length of our telomeres in various tissues.

Each tissues experiences time differently. Each tissue has its own relativity that must be accounted for by the difficulty adjustment that occurs in the mitochondria of the suprachiastmatic nucleus.

Every cell in your body is subject to this time/light relativity of simultaneity. Few understand this. This information flows to the mitochondria and the output is measurable in the heteroplasmy rate of the tissues in question. That is essentially what organ failure is to a decentralized clinician who understand how medicine should be practiced via Nature’s laws and not BigHarma’s beliefs.Bitcoin is mimetic of what Nature does in time keeping. It is not just a power algorithm.Image
2. Proof I am right and Saylor is not? How much do you know about photosynthesis?

In terms of energy, the “holy grail” of any physical system is 100% efficiency. It’s a near-impossible goal under most conditions, as from the moment any form of energy first gets transferred into a system, it inevitably gets lost to a variety of factors — heat, collisions, chemical reactions, etc. — before finally accomplishing the ultimate task it was designed for. The only ways that physicists have managed to create systems with near-perfect efficiency is to push nature to its extremes:

at temperatures near absolute zero,
by firing monochromatic (laser) photons at (crystalline) systems with absorptive lattices,
or under extreme circumstances such as superconductivity and superfluidity.
But nature has provided us with a very surprising exception to that rule: plants.

Plants do it because they suspend time at the reaction center using quantum mechanisms.Image
May 24 7 tweets 5 min read
I wonder when centralized science will realize that stellar chemistry has a lot in common with mitochondrial chemistry. In the future, the emissivity of both will be explained fully by using the appropriate chemical lattice structure for hydrogen that is present and how it evolves will be fully understood.Image
2. I think people have forgotten that on Earth, thermal emission from any surface is always governed by its lattice type. Therefore, in a mitochondria, thermal emissivity of ultraweak biophotonic light has to be related to the lattice structure of hydrogen inside the matrix. In a mitochondria, i believe lattice tyope is altered by the change in delta psi from NAD+ to oxygen. This is why biophotonics papers always show that oxygen is a necessary component for a biophoton to come to life from the hydrogen lattice in the matrix.Image
May 23 17 tweets 18 min read
1. How much vested interest do mitochondria have in their own survival ? I promise you it is not a trick question, but it is a question that requires some thought to give a fair answer. I am buttering your bread here. Image 2. This question was posed to me by a young MD in training who was lost in her own vortex of centralized thinking given to her in medical and nursing school lessons. She was asking me for a life line. How did Jack do what she seemingly cannot? What do you think Uncle Jack did?Image
May 20 12 tweets 11 min read
New blog out today Quantum Engineering #72: To make large collections of semiconductive proteins like dopamine and melatonin quantum coherent you need to link them together electrically. Melanin does this in mammals. Melanin in your skin and neuroectoderm conduct DC electricity.

Modern human life can lead to wonder, a blaze in a cycle of passion and apprehension. When we start living different inconsistent truths, we may tip into bewilderment and the brain may go haywire. This is how brain creates apprehension out of inflammation.

Apprehension makes us feel like a feeble, powerless pawn, at times. I have no interest in being safe. Apprehension destroys comfort and apathy. I do however, have every interest in being wise. Embracing the suck always is the pathway to wisdom.

Apprehension creates the situation where progress can begin. Safety is averse to going forward, while wisdom is averse to anything but going forward. That is where I am taking you next. Every 8 minutes in Earth we connect with a new solar plasma tube at the equator. That electrical connection is how life maintains coherence. patreon.com/posts/104433282 2. More than 8.5 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson’s, a progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by the loss of brain cells that produce dopamine. This blog links why PD patients have a huge problem with blood glucose.

Blue light and nnEMF destroy melanin and this drives blood glucose higher. At the same time these people also are deficient in sunlight with UV and IR-A light. Centralized researchers remain stumped why there is a link between Parkinson’s and diabetes — people with diabetes are 40% more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease and that their symptoms tend to progress more rapidly than in non-diabetics. If you have read this entire series you will remember I mentioned early on about the orexin system and its link to the melanocortin pathways.
May 15 8 tweets 5 min read
We "see" the beginning of time using the light of the sun. Interesting paradox, photons don't experience time; photons are used to create time in living things. Using light to tell time is one of Nature's oxymorons.

This idea should remind you of other things that create their own time to tell it. It reminds me of the concept of "block universe" theory, which suggests that time is an illusion and that all moments in history exist simultaneously. According to this view, the passage of time is merely a subjective experience, and the notion of "before" and "after" is relative to our perception.

Remember that light and temperature control the entropy flow in your circadian clock mechanism. When you realize this, you might begin to see how people experience time differently in their lives.Image 2. Life solves this problem by re-inventing time itself. It says no to seconds and yes to mitochondria to create its own version of biological time stamping in cells. All clocks rely on periodic processes, something that we might call a “tick.” Mitochondrial periodicity is linked to AM sunrise and this begins the "tock" that clicks in the TCA cycle. The frequency of your clock — how often it ticks — depends on its use-case with the light choices you make. Your clock is an atomic optical lattice clock.

Most clocks you are familiar with have a fixed frequency. After all, we want to know the time precisely when we are going to a meeting or a class. There are, however, clocks that have a variable frequency. Your circadian clocks are based on the variable frequencies of how the sun changes in a day. Those clocks are called metronomes. A metronome has a variable frequency that you can set before you make it tick. While a metronome keeps its pace constant once it is set. This is why AM sunlight is irreplaceable in humans. It sets the pace for the TCA cycle. This makes the TCA act like a difficulty adjust knob in the clock.Image
May 10 9 tweets 6 min read
1. What Sunday/Monday will bring from the sun and the 4 CME's?

Double layers form when positive charges build up in one region of a plasma cloud and negative charges build up nearby. A powerful electric field appears between the two regions, which accelerates charged particles. Here we have plasma electromagnetic circuit flow as it happens on Earth during May. These are dual bands of ultraviolet light mark streams of plasma circling Earth’s equator -> Credit: NASA Image Satellite & University of California Berkeley.

Do you know about the Casimir effect?

Ya' think this might be good for you if you follow this account about the sun?Image 2. Contour plot of the trapped proton environment overlaying a map of the Earth. Proton density increases from blue to green to yellow to red. Contours are highlighting the SAA where the radiation particle population is high due to the offset nature of Earth’s magnetic field. Note the latitude effect.Image
May 8 10 tweets 11 min read
Hg in amalgam is not a big deal. Removing it is.

Why do you have to be careful with alternative science meme's and narratives that are linked to money? Removing amalgams is big business now. Often they are not true and people get "herded" into a belief system that they need expensive testing and therapies to remove their risk of heavy metal toxicity. I see it daily.
Mercury is prevalent in apex marine predators, it can be a problem with eating these types of protein too often. (tuna). You must remember the antidote is already in those predators; it is selenoproteins. However the lower in the food chain you go the "less prevalent it is". So eat your oysters as the Epi-paleo Rx tells you!

The selenium in the seafood is what protects against metal poisoning. If you are worried, eat a Brazil nut every day. What about quick Mercury bio hack from my upcoming book? In high mercury toxicity states you might notice that your balance is not good after an acute exposure. Any time I go to my dentists office for anything or eat predator fish, as I often do, I do this test on myself. I also do it after I eat seafood to see if the fish might have been tainted. Try to do some yoga poses that require you to be on one leg. You will notice a big change and your balance will be decidedly off from normal.
When this happens I usually supplement immediately with Selenium/serine foods and eat a lot of Cilantro next two weeks. Why? It’s a natural mercury chelator and selenium is the antidote for mercury toxicity. Now if you have high heteroplasmy rates and your mitochondrial makes a ton of ROS/RNS then you need to get spectroscopy testing to truly see if you are toxic. Most people are not.

For those who are then you really need to worry way more about the light in your environment and not the fish you're eating. Why? Hg in your body can act as the receiver of resonant energy from manufactured blue light if it is present. I only tell folks to avoid mercury vapor fluorescent bulbs if they have documented mercury toxicity. Hg bulbs are a light source that can act as a sender of resonant energy to the atoms of mercury in your tissues. This is one of the reasons, as a former dentist, I am not in favor of amalgam removal in most cases. It seems counterintuitive to my core beliefs I share with you here daily, but let me explain why.

In its free form, Hg easily vaporizes at room temperatures. It likes to find harbor in fatty tissues below the skin. When Hg is charged by a current or photoelectrically by blue light it can be a real nightmare. Mercury has a spectral array that give two lines in the violet/blue at 404.66 And 407.79, one in the indigo range at 435.84, one in turquoise at 490.05, one in lemon at 546.08 and two in the yellow range at 576.92 and 579.03. It binds to sulfur enzymes which act to remove these compounds from biologic use and interferes with ECT in mitochondria directly below its location by lowering energy production in mitochondria. I am not worried about Hg resonance with outdoor lights/sun because UVA/UVB light does not penetrate our surfaces deeply. The blue light in sunlight is balanced by the red light in sun.
But I worry about it a lot in dental reconstructions done indoors because most biologic dentists are completely unaware of the risks of resonant light transfer from fluorescent or LED bulbs in their dental lights, offices, or their oral work lamps. If they are going to work on your teeth in this type of light environment, you should request a red-lit environment when undergoing removal of amalgams. I have yet to hear of one biologic dentist in the USA that even knows about this mechanism of energy transfer. Their offices are built with blue/white LED and fluorescent lights which all have higher color temperatures as a result. This is akin to putting a match to gasoline with respect to Hg toxicity. Blue light is very dangerous in this case because it can penetrate very deeply into fat layers where Hg lies dormant, and dentists wear lamps on their heads that have extreme blue spikes at 435 nm with high color temperatures that can photoelectrically energize Hg in your tissues. So those with mercury issues focus in on fish when they should be focused in on their light environment. This risk is much greater with blue artificial light because it penetrates far deeper that UVA/UVB light can as the picture shows. Hg is rarely found on surfaces of the body. there is speculation it may be in the retina but if true I should be dead considering how much DHA is in my RPE/skin/fat.Image 2. Tattoo INK = transition metals = heavy metals. Transition metals found anywhere (vaccine, road tar, highways, and medications) have D shell electrons. These D shell electrons draw nnEMF to them, especially RF and microwaves. RF tends to affect surfaces in a big way so the surface skin and RF is a huge issue with tattoo's. Before 5G hit our patients I was expecting tons of people with tattoo's come in which mitochondrial ailment sthat will stump their physicians. That is what has happened. What did I say about heavy metals in Ubiquitination 4 blog post?
It causes massive local circadian disruptionn because it speeds the local molecular clocks in front of every gene in that cell faster than the main clock in the SCN of the eye. This is effectively what eczema is on the skin. It is also why sunlight help eczema and why RF/microwaves, and blu elight make it worse. Normally in a good brain, cortisol shows up in early morning when solar blue light and red light are balanced and UVA and UVB are absent. This release helps germinate new neuron circuits during daytime, but melatonin is critical in pruning arborization in neurons and new neuronal connections and proteins. Melatonin is made by the combination of IRA and UVA. So if the tattoo blocks this you just created a circadian mismatch. IIt is very active in ubiquination in the brain and the skin. Why? both brain and skin come from neuroectoderm in an embryos' layers. People forget that. This is why Vitamin A and D3 exist. They are chemicals that allow these two organs to speak to each other using light frequencies they sense. When the light cannot get in properly, diurnally, or in corcadian fashion skin and brain diseases from the mitochondria explode. That is what we see today. Melatonin has been widely studied in biology for its role in photoperiodism in seasonal breeders; but it is also a potent antioxidant. Its main effect is controlling mtDNA!!!! Melanin biology is also affected because it is a heavy metal scavenger. Tattoo ink overwhelms their ability. Melatonin levels from mitochondria self regulates because it controls heteroplasmy rate.

Ubiquitin, a protein also widespread in living cells, contributes to many cellular events, although the most well known is that of tagging proteins for destruction by the proteasome. Melatonin interacts with the ubiquitin–proteasome system to regulate the central activity of thyroid hormone type 2 deiodinase; the subsequent regulation of T3, is central to the melatonin-induced changes in seasonal reproduction and seasonal changes in metabolism. This is how light changes the surfaces of most animals including humans when the sunlight changes. Today man rarely is in sunlight due to his teether to technology which brings him inside or in front of a blue lit mobile. This is also why excessive man made blue light can alter thyroid function in humans. People with tattoo's also hurt themselves because they limit how much sunlight can get into their skin and deeper layers where the blood vessels have RBC waiting to be irriadiated as UVA light releases NO to get the job done. This is why most people with tattoos I am confident in calling low dopamine/ low agency humans in some way. They just fail to realize why I say. Low melatonin/melanin always walks hand and hand with low local and systemic melatonin levels because both are solar hormones made by UVA and IRA light combination found in the AM and later PM. Many papers have shown that glutathiolation (sulfates from cysteine think EE 12) of this enzyme protects proteins from unnecessary degradation by ubiquination. So the sulfur is nornally carried by melatonin, may limit protein degradation in the brain. So if the melatonin is not present nothing get sulfated by sun exposure. What are the five main things sunlight sulfates? Cholesterol, heparin, platelets, DHEA, and Vitamin D3. This begins to tell you why tattoos and low dopamine are strongly correlated.
When this process is broken, the result is low brain sulfate levels, while excessive amounts of metals precipitate out in our tissues. So when the functional medicine doc says you have heavy metal toxicity it means to a mitochondriac that you have a DEFICIT of sunlight for some reason and not a heavy metal issue. That is how a half truth leads you to a wallet biopsy for a chelation treatment. I highly do not recommend this because I am a person who understands how the quantized process works in the skin. Tattoo's make this worse and lower the dopamine and melatonin levels innocously as one ages. Once melanin gets overrun by the transition metals, precipitation of metals in tissues have the atomic effect of speeding up our organ clocks in relation to the SCN. This ages you faster. This is how IUDs with copper ruins ovulation. This completely ruins circadian signaling and speeds up ubiquination rates and increases epigenetic activation because you are lacking solar light to run that software program in your cells. This implies all mitochondrial disease, like cancer, maybe simply due to excessive man made light perception and/or loss of solar light assimilation for some reason to cause a lack of proper epigenetic control. This usually activates the p53 genome that opens Pandora's box to hell. When you add in the new paper of the Spike protein with p53 and add in tattoos the complications I expect from those compliant folks long term is BRISK. medicalxpress.com/news/2015-05-i…
May 4 5 tweets 7 min read
HOW IS TIME BUILT? Since the 19th century, light was known to be a wave of electric and magnetic fields. In the early 20th century, the physics revolution known as quantum mechanics included the alternative description of light as a collection of particles called photons. Roy Glauber of Harvard University realized that with the invention of the laser and the detectors capable of sensing a single photon, a complete quantum theory of light was needed. One single photon can control many atoms. His theory, published in 1963, explained that photons are not entirely independent objects and that detecting a photon from a light beam affects the probability of detecting another photon. His theory marked the birth of the field of quantum optics, which led to a wide range of advances, such as a type of optics-based cryptography that has already been used for some bank transactions. Glauber shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in physics for his work. My bet is that Glauber’s work will revolutionize neuroscience and medicine one day. Light and atoms are the fundamental building blocks life uses to organize.  Light and atomic interactions build biologic time.

Society, like atoms, exist in an open system or field. A society like biology is designed to be far from equilibrium so it can harmonize with nature. Technology is uncoupling that relationship of how energy flows from an ecosystem to humans. How can any life form exist with all its complexity and richness? When you see your family at Christmas and on the fourth of July at a gathering you recognize them immediately. What is shocking is that modern science has proven that not one of the atoms on their face in December remains in place in July, but that level of change is not perceived or observed. Today, we can tag atoms with quantum dots, and show that every protein in the body turns over. What is a quantum dot?  It is a really small piece of matter that can change light’s color into any other color.  Light alters the small piece of matter by altering its size.  Size sets the color and color equals a frequency shift.

Quantum dots have shown us some organs in the gut, like the liver, turn over several times in that 6 months. Living creatures retain their form and function in spite of this remarkable diversity found in atomic recycling. Modern doctrine in biology says that the chemical make up of tissues is directly correlated to physiologic function.  Biology today, fails to provide an explanation how a structural permanence persists while this massive change is ongoing.

This points to life being organized in some way by a field of action to control atoms to do what they need to do for life to exist. Physics shows us that daylight can scatter atoms in us, and at night we can refocus those atoms back into the lattice to work with sunlight. Those slight changes in us are what science calls redox chemistry. Removing and adding electrons or light can alter the redo state of proteins.  Life is lived between those two states of existence. The maintenance of the size and shape of proteins and lipids within us is a function of the local redox potential of the atoms in that part of a cell.  This relationship determines how light can move in our cells.

So does it follow, that technology might have the power to alter the relationships between light and atoms in us?  Might the light emitted by technology into our eyes and ionosphere be the key in uncoupling light from the atoms in nature that make us up?  Might this alone alter the quantum yield of sunlight?  People have been habitualized into believing all progress and technology has a positive connotation. Might this belief be obstructing the viewpoint of nature, in the game of life?  Can time be destroyed by technology in some small way to make big changes in us?Image 2. Life is basically about electricity and magnetism. Think about tests done by your doctor in an EKG, EEG, and an EMG. All show the electrical and magnetic potential of our organ systems. Anything and everything electrical stems from the phenomena of charge. No one seems to have a clue why this relationship in nature exists, but physics tells us it is true. Atoms are made up of 3 parts: Protons have a positive charge, neutrons are neutral, and electrons have a negative charge. Here is the interesting part: Electrons have the equal and opposite charge of protons, but an electrons atomic mass is 1/1836th that of a proton.   This is a huge difference in mass.  Thusly, a charge main variable is their atomic mass. Atomic mass determines size and shape in protein lattices. This determines the how the speed of light can travel in our tissues.  The speed of light is varied when in a substance because it becomes encumbered by electrons.  This is why size and shape alter the thermodynamics of things made up of electrons and protons.  Light only interacts with electrons via the photoelectric effect. Light instantaneously interacts with light to create the fastest pathway through tissues.  

This is tied to Fermat’s principle.  Light does not interact with protons or neutrons and has to go around them.  This increases the distance that light must travel and it creates tiny delay in tissues.  Just because the distance increases does not mean the path is longer in all cases.  That small delay creates a signal that denotes biologic time in a cell.  

That delay is observed in the telomere length of a cell.  What moves atoms or things made up of atoms?  Light is capable of this fundamental task and nothing else can.

MAIN TAKE AWAY: How light is captured and travels in our tissues is how time manifests in biology.

May 4 21 tweets 19 min read
1. This thread is a teaching case for the public to help you guide on who is the decentralized expert and who is the centralized profiteer. This podcast below is given by two people who think selling pills and supplements makes sense for SOME (20 or so of the SNP's/SAPS) that can be tested for.
My position is not supplemented and should be used for these SNP/SAP issues.......the LIGHT environment has to be optimized using the information contained in them.

Key point: Light is stored at the electronic and vibrational level in cells, therefore lab values never find the real culprit in diseases associated with SNPs and SAPs.

CASE IN POINT: There is BELIEVED TO BE overwhelming evidence for a genotoxic mechanism in lung cancer development and compelling evidence for the contribution of genotoxins to breast cancer etiology. BUT THE TREATMENT OF THESE GENETIC CHANGES HAS NOT CHANGED THE OUTCOME ONE BIT IN EITHER CANCER.

So I strongly disagree with Lynch and Kresser in this podcast. You need to decide who is really deciphering the literature best before you select an expert. This will be a thread about what functional medicine providers will have to prove before their medical beliefs are allowed into El Salvador based on its new Constitutional medical freedom laws.
chriskresser.com/what-influence… 2. Interestingly both of these cancers have associated SNP and SAP changes and both of these cancers' incidence and prevalence are REDUCED by solar exposure. This tells us that SNP and SAP are not material to disease outcomes if the LIGHT environment is properly dealt with.

So what was the consistent association that has been shown where lung cancer risk is decreased by a G→A polymorphism? Proton flows control this process. It was found in the myeloperoxidase (MPO) gene in humans. This gene is expressed in neutrophils recruited to the lung after chemical or immunological insults. It is usually associated with changes in lactate in the blood too which is a measure of hypoxia and lack of mitochondrial water production. In the breast, a consistent lack of association has been observed for women who are fast N-acetyltransferase type 2 (NAT2) acetylators consuming cooked meat. Interestingly enough cutting out cooked meat did nothing to help their breast cancer but raising their Vitamin D with solar exposure has shown that the SNP change was immaterial. To avoid Cancer you need a Vitamin D level above 60 ng/mlImage
May 3 7 tweets 4 min read
Why do we call them corona viruses? Because during spring and summer when the corona gets more active the virus gets destroyed. It is nature’s decentralized way of dealing with viral infection that has no side effects. Magnetic flux should be your jab

A magnetic do-si-do roils on the sun’s surface and launches heat outward into its upper atmosphere. This process is the reason why this outer layer, called the corona, can be a million degrees Celsius hotter than the solar surface.Image 2. The surface of the sun is 6000 degrees. The corona is a million degrees hotter. To begin to understand that roasting corona, we need to consider the solar magnetic fields.
The sun’s magnetic engine, called the solar dynamo, lies about 200,000 kilometers beneath the sun’s surface. As it churns, that engine drives solar activity, which waxes and wanes over periods of roughly 11 years. When the sun is more active, solar flares, sunspots and outbursts increase in intensity and frequency. This is happening now, because we’re near the solar maximum.

At the sun’s surface, magnetic fields accumulate at the boundaries of churning convective cells, known as supergranules, which look like bubbles in a pan of boiling oil on the stove. The constantly boiling solar surface concentrates and strengthens those magnetic fields at the cells’ edges. Those amplified fields then launch transient jets and nanoflares as they interact with solar plasma.Image
May 1 10 tweets 8 min read
NEW BLOG OUT: I now believe most modern diseases result from showing a regressive evolutionary path. This is called atavism. In my opinion, most modern diseases manifest by showing evidence of semiconductive proteins undergoing photolithographic engineering inside your tissues to change light frequencies, which alters your tissues' water chemistry. This leads to new and alien bends, charges, and alteration of atoms in your tissues that change the morphology of your body and the physiology of your tissues. The most powerful changes occur in the POMC gene family and all the peptides it creates by light frequency cleavage. Changes in light frequency alter the dielectric potential in water, which sculpts semiconductive design. This is functionally how evolution occurs. It is not the path that Darwin put centralized science on.

My unconventional theory of atavism and photolithographic engineering goes against current mainstream scientific beliefs. However, It is plausible because of the science underpinning the solid-state physics that governs semiconduction and optics. While evolution plays a role in disease development, it is typically understood in centralized science via the lens of genetic mutations and natural selection = Darwinism

The idea of light frequencies altering tissue chemistry and causing changes in the body is not well-supported by current centralized scientific evidence because no one in centralized science is allocating money to study it. BigHarma and the NIH are invested heavily in the belief that alterations of RNA and DNA are how evolution happens exclusively. They do not even allocate 1% of their funding to mtDNA studies. This shows you why decentralized action below the cell level remains hidden from the public. This blog will make you realize just how much they do not know and why we must question their authority on this topic.
patreon.com/posts/quantum-… 2. Proof I am on the right track and everyone is headed off a cliff in centralized medicine. Read this 2017 gem. Image
Apr 30 13 tweets 11 min read
I have begun to source out scientists and manufacturers to build me some new devices for my work here in El Salvador. I want a cheaply built handheld high-field EPR spectroscope for me to use in the clinic. I have some new ideas for how to improve public health and break my addiction to MRI scanning.

If you know of anyone who is capable of this send them my way.Image 2. To understand why I want it, you have to understand the principles behind ESR Spectroscopy. It allows us to evaluate the subatomic world of biology. This is the electronic and vibrational level of tissues to understand the TRUE redox state of the the cell. In centralized science, ESR spectroscopy is a powerful technique used to study the properties of unpaired electrons in paramagnetic species. If you have read my quantum engineering series on Patreon, you will learn about how I hacked the periodic table. This takes the idea to the next level. It provides information about the electronic structure, chemical environment, and dynamics of free radicals, transition metal ions in the EC space and collagen matrix, and biofilms in the body. It also will tell me about other paramagnetic species at a deeper level like oxygen consumption and bio-photon creation.