1/ First, I really appreciate hearing from you about what I wrote. You're much more of an expert, and have more experience, than I have and you're also much more in the trenches, so that means I take what you say very seriously.
2/ I am worried that I was unclear with my thoughts because now a few people have come to conclusions I did not intend. Such is the price of social media writing. (I'm writing this on my phone too, but I want to clear this up ASAP)
3/ But this is a deadly serious subject and I do not want to hurt people by saying things unartfully. I will try first to restate my basic principles and if it still doesn't make sense I will be happy to talk with you over the phone.
4/ My suggested plan has nothing to do with any existing organizations. I don't suggest using a Beit Din, I'm using the model of justice in halakha because it's a recognized system of fairness.
5/ I'm also trying to change the paradigm that these cases have been conducted with in the past. This is why I emphasized the point that we as a community have ceded power to the wrong mechanisms in the past and cannot continue to do so.
6/ Our community has accepted a bad model. We let the abusive organization to conduct their own internal review and declare themselves clean. Its stupefying to see it again and again.
7/ the Zabla paradigm states that no investigation can be legitimate unless both sides have representatives, with power, and then agree on a third.
8/ If we as a community demand this type of equity we will make it clear that any investigation that doesn't include the victims voice and equal power will be unjust.
9/ If the accused organization stonewalls? That's a sign of bad faith and they cam be held guilty. If they release findings without 2 of the arbitrators? Again, its unjust and will be part of the starting assumptions as such.
10/ Ultimately, this is a plan that's a plea for the community to recognize what's justice and what's a cover up. So far, I've only seen cover ups. And that persists because of deep pockets and power asymmetries and the bully club of making the victims re- traumatize themselves.
11/ This what I think is the greatest need: to find a way to take the victim out of the process - something the American legal system, especially civil cases, don't avoid either. The abusers know this too.
12/ E.g. we see Dr. Blasey Ford pour her heart and soul out in front of millions which filled her abusers with joy. I'm trying to find a way to avoid that grievous harm which should be unnecessary once an advocate I set-up.
13/ That's all I can write for now; I'm sorry if this is not still being clear enough. But my intention is to create a new system. If it still doesn't sound like it will work then I will personally go back to the drawing board.
1/ Last night @frumfollies responded to my thread and his comments are very important about the decay & unreliability of the current communal governance systems.
1/ #ReshetKeshet#Passover2022
I was asked a question about autistic food sensitivities and #Pesach and I've been able to present the issue to one of my poskim and I want to detail the answer, in basic terms, for public consumption (no pun intended)
2/ This is part of my larger project of translating disability issues into halakhic language. IMO there are so many people in needless pain. Yet knowledgeable Orthodox Jews will understand that Jewish law is broad, deep & rich to accommodate any issue.
3/ I am not a posek, I am operating as a "halakhist" - basically a legal scholar with an expertise in medical issues (among others) - and IMO while invisible disabilities lack overt signs, they can be "translated" by seeing the behavior surrounding them.
1/ A thread to detail a way forward for JOFA, for their teshuva.
Disclosure: I am friends with some of the victims as well as some on the board. I've been tangentially connected to JOFA over decades. One of my first published pieces is in their journal academia.edu/51009289/Priso…
2/ Ironically, that piece was in reaction to the Lanner scandal at the OU and the founders of JOFA, who were in the congregation the Shabbat I delivered the original sermon in 2000, appreciated this line: "If we don’t listen to women, when are we going to listen to girls?"
3/ There are 2 principal wrongs in how these cases are treated: (1) the victim needs carry their case forward which is re-traumatizing and should be seen as perpetuating the alleged abuse; (2) Outside investigation is necessary but should be "zabla" (see:) bethdin.org/zabla-panels-a…
90.02/ Was not a fan of "Is it COVID or is it allergies or is it a cold" season the first two times and I can honestly say the third time is definitely not the charm.
90.03/ This is a really great thread, esp. re: translating vernacular thoughts into corporate-speak.
89.02/ #NachasAlert: my son has a piece (pgs. 2-3) in his high school's Torah journal. The final draft was 3 pages long so this published version was cut down significantly. (Now I get to teach him the academic trick of publishing 'chapters' as articles). parshasheets.com/newsletter/bko…
89.03/ This is such a good video, it can be played on an endless loop and it brings a big smile to my face whenever I see it. It's fine while silent but the sound makes it a masterpiece