Seit dem Weltklimabericht @IPCC_CH vom 4. April wurden gut 200 Menschen wegen friedlicher Aktionen des zivilen Ungehorsams festgenommen in Deutschland, darunter auch 33 Wissenschaftler*innen aller Disziplinen.
@AufstandLastGen und SR fordern: Stoppt den fossilen Wahnsinn. 1/
Die Wissenschaft ist vollkommen klar: wir sind in einer Klima- und Ökokrise, wir müssen jetzt sofort aufhören, neue fossile Infrastruktur und Projekten zu fordern. Es kann keine neuen Investments und Ausbau von fossiler Infrastruktur geben. #letztegeneration
Kleine Erinnerung: eine Flut lässt sich nicht in Einzelhaftzellen für 5 Tage einsperren.
Mann kann keine Dürre mit hohen Geldstrafen schweigen lassen.
Es gibt keine Handschellen, die ein Feuer stoppen.
Fatih Birol @fbirol (geschäftsführender Direktor der @IEA und einer der weltweit führenden Energieökonomen): "Wenn die Regierungen die Klimakrise ernst nehmen, darf es keine neuen Investitionen in Öl, Gas und Kohle geben, und zwar ab sofort - ab diesem Jahr." - 18.05.2021 4/
@IPCC_CH: "Jede weitere Verzögerung eines global konzertierten Handelns wird ein kurzes und sich schnell schließende Zeitfenster verpassen und die Sicherung einer lebenswerten und nachhaltigen Zukunft gefährden." - 28.02.2022 5/ #LetzteGeneration#ScientistRebellion
Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research, Manchester (@KevinAnderson): "Im Kohlenstoffhaushalt ist keine Kapazität für die Eröffnung neuer Produktionsanlagen jeglicher Art vorhanden, seien es Kohlebergwerke, Ölquellen oder Gasterminals." - 22.03.2022
2/ It is common to hear myths that are apologetic in favor of infinite economic growth like “The job market is so competitive, more growth needed to create more jobs!” “ Taxes on the rich will kill jobs” while the financial broker dude believes “My job is crucial and important!”
3Economic growth doesn’t mean mo’ jobs! Mainstream economics posits that employment opportunities & incomes are determined by technical aspects of production, and thus the only way to alleviate poverty is to grow GDP. Then why are millions of people, who want to work, unemployed?
For 30 years the UN COP Climate Conferences have failed to deliver meaningful change. They have served as a ‘talking shop’ with the big polluters given seats at the top table to cast doubt over the sciences and delay meaningful action.
This November’s COP29 event opens under the same bad auspices of last year. A petro-state – Azerbaijan - once again assumes the COP Presidency.
COP29 president Mukhtar Bahadur is once again an oil executive, having worked in various roles for the Azerbaijan state-owned oil company SOCAR since the 1990s. Putting oil executives in charge is nothing short of a sham that undermines our inability to fight back.
Lancet report confirms what Palestinian voices have always said: this is a genocide.
On July 5th, 2024 a report appeared in @TheLancet highlighting how the horrifying number of 40k slaughtered Palestinians is heavily underestimated.
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Using the conservative estimate from the secretariat of the Geneva Convention of 4 indirect deaths per reported death the authors estimated 186 000 assassinations attributable to the current genocide in Gaza.
The number is close to the lower bound of the estimate by Palestinian author Susan Abulhawa, who reported a fork of 194,768-511,824 people, counting direct killings, starvation, and diseases. 3/8
As scientists and @SciRebFr , we are calling for a mobilization against the extreme right through voting, collective commitment, direct action, and collective organization. 🧵
In 🇫🇷, several hundred scientists are calling for a mobilization against the fascist Rassemblement National through voting & collective commitment. RN is indeed an extreme right-wing party like any other, and it represents a real danger to democracy.
Just before the early parliamentary elections, it is important to take a stand and point out the threat posed by the Rassemblement National coming to power. Our opinion piece is currently being circulating through various media and collecting large support.
🚨There are currently 4 people on unlimited hunger strike against climate breakdown in Germany. They are demanding nothing more than an honest government statement by the German Chancellor which states three scientific facts.
1 The continued existence of human civilization is extremely endangered by the climate catastrophe.
2 There is no longer any remaining CO2 budget: there are already hundreds of tons too much CO2 in the air.
3 We have to radically change course now, even if it is years late.
📢In a press conference today, they announced they will undergo one week of re-feeding to give time to the German Chancellor to meet for a discussion. They did this also to respond to the accusation of blackmailing the Government. 3/5
Did you know that targeting inequalities is among the best climate policies? Let us explain! 🧵
The continuous CO2 emissions are leading to a rise in temperature, with heat waves, floods, and other natural disasters as a consequence. The parasitic growth we are taught to worship is impossible to maintain within the planetary boundaries.
Degrowth means rethinking which industries are needed and how we want to distribute available resources. We envision this to be a democratic process supported by citizen's assemblies.