Some resources on “Kill Haole Day”, but of course this all must be made up, as #CRT teaches us that one can’t be racist against “Haoles”…
😂 “white fragility” enters the chat. I think the reply pushes back well though. Decided not to link this one, but it’s from the comments of a blog-like article in the same realm of the thread.
🧵 on Gloria #LadsonBillings, the primary source for bringing #CRT into the field of education. You know, #CriticalRaceTheory that so many super honest & super smart people have repeatedly liked to claim doesn’t even exist outside of Law Schools. 1/19
GLB injected her “critical(Marxist)” socio-historical racial lens of #CRT into the education system in 1995, with her paper written alongside William Tate, & titled “Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education” & followed that up in 1998 with…2/
“Just What is Critical Race Theory, and What’s It Doing in a Nice Field Like Education?”Two works that “extend the intellectual contributions of legal scholars; Derrick Bell, Cheryl Harris, Lani Guinier, Kimberle Crenshaw, Patricia Williams, Linda Greene, Mari Matsuda…3/
A thread on wide access to knowledge & how that hurts the “expert”, “elite”, “stakeholder” class etc & a very brief look at two socialist utopians, Bellamy & Marx,& their impacts. The internet is powerful, too powerful,that’s why attempts to censor & regulate the internet 1/21
are so frequent. Knowledge in general is the same way, in the ideal society of the “experts”, they seek to once again control who is allowed access to knowledge. A return of The Philosopher King as Plato would have called it. Today this line of thinking is seen most within…2/
collectivist & technocratic Utopian types, your world builders & shapers. Currently, one popular & probably the most influential representation of this, is the World Economic Forum, but they are far from alone…3/
A glimpse into the psychosis of Critical Whiteness Studies. A 🧵 on Zeus Leonardo’s, Pale/Ontology. Some highlights,“Kill The White, Save The Human”-“key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race .. 1/ @ConceptualJames@wokal_distance@TVPUAC@e2hd7a
so long as the white race exists, all movements against racism are doomed to fail” - “whiteness is not only false and oppressive, it is nothing but false and oppressive- Roediger “dismantling of whiteness becomes a racial means to a Marxist end”- Alcoff 2/
“abolishing whiteness sees no redeeming aspects of it and as long as White people think they are White, Baldwin once opined that there is no hope for them.” “It seems that a Marxist intervention has failed to galvanize a genuine class struggle because of racial divisions.” 3/