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Sep 9 4 tweets 2 min read
“From this perspective, no inborn predispositions can be posited to produce, let alone legitimize, the putatively “natural” status hierarchies and inequalities including in education.”

“human capabilities and capacities are constituted in and through the process of development – as they are brought into realization in the course of people actively engaging in, contributing to, and transforming collaborative social practices that are culturally mediated…” 2/3
Aug 31 19 tweets 4 min read
Quote 🧵of Julian Huxley’s “Darwin & The Idea of Evolution” in “A Book That Shook The World” (1958)

“Nineteenth century biologists were mainly interested in origins. Twentieth century biologists are becoming increasingly concerned with possibilities.”

1/17 “The new idea of evolution that is emerging is of a dialectic process, tending to the realization of new possibilities, but constantly checked, in one trend after another, by limitations which it cannot transcend.”

Feb 5 20 tweets 7 min read
A 🧵 with 20 examples of “Equity” meaning “equal outcome”’

Marin County California HHS :

“Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and
allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

1/… George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health :

“Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

Dec 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
#SEL #Religion 🔓…

CASEL & other SEL outlets should be flooded with lawsuits, they fear the courts because they are breaking laws regarding the State & religious instruction. It’s clear as day that they are promoting religion both directly & indirectly & Dewey helped provide the language to hide it Image
Dec 12, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
“in a state of permanent change and motion”: Becoming

“destruction is an essential part of the creation” : Deconstruct to Reconstruct, “Progress”.


No worries, though, this definitely has nothing to do w/ totalizing materialist collectivist systems or conflict theories.
“great leap forward” & a part/whole metaphor of sparks/fire, they really can’t help themselves with the collectivist nods. Image
Sep 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
“The most notable prior model for such a modern "Zero Growth" economy is Nazi Germany” 🧐

“It is impossible to have "Zero Growth" policies beginning today without mass genocide tomorrow.”

What do we think the result of “degrowth” policies will be if “zero growth” is said to be the path to mass genocide?
Aug 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
“One of the chief connecting threads between Steiner’s pre-theosophical intellectual orientation and his mature race theories was the polyvalent theme of evolution, which Steiner came to understand in physical, spiritual, and cosmic terms. The influence of Haeckel’s Monism... 1/4 played a significant role in this process. Incorporating social Darwinist, Lamarckian, and Goethean elements, Haeckel’s theory offered an evolutionary interpretation for a vast array of social and cultural phenomena. The particular variety of evolutionary thought that Steiner...
Jun 15, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
“our monstrosity: according to Spinoza, God and Nature are equivalent terms.” -MJR

“The monster is essentially a mixture.” - Foucault

Monstrous; “what kind of divinity could ever be material?”-MJR

Pantheism: spirit & matter, God and nature, the “All”, the “One”, pan… Image “For the feminist philosopher of religion Grace Jantzen, pantheism’s total unsettling of Western thought was precisely its liberating promise.”

Jantzen felt “the only way to collapse this oppressive structure is to for its root.”-SJS 2/
Jun 3, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
What is Queer?
“Queer can be an identity, theory, or practice. In the most general sense, queer can be thought of as heteronormativity’s antithesis,a defiantly non-normative notion of human social relations that…celebrates…ways in which sex means much more than reproduction”🧵 As an “identity”, to “Be Queer”, “is a personal refusal to adhere to, or identify with, static, essentialist categories such as woman/man, gay/straight, feminine/masculine, and more.” 2/
Jun 2, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The “New Rationality”: Herbert Marcuse in his book “Soviet Marxism” (1958)

“Reason is nothing but the rationality of the whole: the uninterrupted functioning and growth of the apparatus.” 1/15 “This society, defined as socialist in terms of Marxian theory, becomes the sole standard of truth and falsehood; there can be no transcendence in thought and action, no individual autonomy because the Nomos of the whole is the true Nomos.” 2/
May 11, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
"Social Reconstructionist Philosophy of Education and George S. Counts-observations on the ideology of indoctrination in sociocritical educational thinking" (2014)#CriticalPedagogy #Indoctrination #MarxistEducation #SocialReconstruction #GeorgeCounts #JohnDewey 🧵w/comments 1/25 "Social Reconstructionism or the Social Reconstructionist Movement developed from the early 1930's as part of the educational philosophical discourse of progressive education." -This philosophy is the precursor to what is called #CritcalPedadogy or #CriticalEducation, today. 2/
May 10, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
"Toward a Transformative Criticality for Democratic Citizenship Education" Critical Thinking vs. #CriticalPedagogy #Indoctrination
critical thinking : pluralist, level-headed, reasonable, political autonomy
Critical pedagogy: solidarity, critique, social justice activism 🧵1/20 "Those favoring critical thinking...aim to produce young people who can make thoughtful, well-substantiated choices about their values and behavior." "they eschew an ideological favor of a logical orientation...producing thoughtful...reasonable people." 2/
May 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
“The dialectical method…holds that the process of development should be understood not as movement in a circle…a simple repetition of what’s already occurred, but as an onward and upward movement, as a transition from an old…state to a new…state…from the lower to the higher” Image “dialectics holds that nature is not a state of rest and immobility, stagnation and immutability, but a state of continuous movement and change, of continuous renewal and development, where something is always arising and developing, and something always…dying away.” 2/

In flux
May 3, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
Erich Fromm’s Foreword in 1960 of #EdwardBellamy’s Looking Backward(1888) 🧵

“Few, especially among the younger readers of this book, will realize that Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backwardis one of the most remarkable books ever published in America.” 1/25 Behind only Uncle Tom’s Cabin & Ben-Hur it was the most popular book at the end of 19th century, selling millions of copies across the globe & has been translated to 20+ different languages. But beyond it’s general popularity it had a strong intellectual & emotional impact. 2/
May 2, 2023 36 tweets 6 min read
“Organization for the Unorganizable: The Utopia of Atomistic Collectivism”🧵

“For the middle-class readers of Looking Backward, Bellamy’s utopia with its theory of self-socialization of capital offered a collectivist solution tailored to an individualistic psychology” 1/25 Pt.1 In “classical liberal theory,society consisted of a collection of atomized individuals…‘the common interest was only the sum of individual interests’…‘the common welfare was to be attained through the pursuit of each of his individual welfare” 2/
Oct 27, 2022 29 tweets 11 min read
A 🧵of quotes on androgyny & Gnosticism. “The union of the bride with her bridegroom leads to the restoration of androgyny. Through spiritual union male and female will become one, and there will no longer be male and female but rather a unique being.” The first source (1) 1/25 Image “spiritual sexuality, this concept is completely modified in the mystical union of androgyny. Androgynous union repairs the damage of the separation of male and female, which occurred when the female element fell into matter, according to the myth of Sophia.”(1) 2/
Sep 19, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
“The New Radicalism”in #BTCOM 1971-“Daniel Bell wrote The End of Ideology and Judith Shklar After Utopia. Scholars agreed that the "radical impulse" and the "utopian imagination" were dead. But the New Left has given the lie to these obituary notices…They want revolutions.” 1/12 “representative manifesto of New Leftism, published in the Berkeley Barb in the late spring of 1969, a coalition of "liberation committees" promised the conversion of Berkeley's schools into training grounds for revolution…the protection and expansion of…"soulful socialism," 2/
Sep 16, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
The Marxist Pragmatist Sidney Hook was referred to as “Dewey’s bulldog” & was also known for his supposed transition from Communist to Social Democrat. Hook was a teacher at #TheNewSchool for Social Research aka“University in Exile”,which is a main root of the Critical 1/4 Image …ideology. The New School along with Columbia’s Institute for Social Research, which was The Frankfurt Schools American home, are major contributors to the creation of the Social “Sciences”. SS wasn’t taken over by “Woke” forces recently, it was essentially built by them.2/
Sep 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1) Black & white, us/them thinkers are easily manipulated as their choices are between one of two things, this mindset is what makes things like reflexive control that the USSR was famous for, work. It’s also the mindset that religions take advantage of but they also knew #2. 1/9 2) The reason the ideal is a shade of grey & not black & white is because even in the subjective playground of manipulators they still have to deal with reality, what people observe, an objective reality. There has to be enough observable things to point to…2/
Jul 2, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Hegelian, Marxist-Leninist, Soviet, pragmatic, “science”, is the “process of thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis”, the “dialectical process” operates through “the unity of opposites”. This “scientific theory must assist men in their activities in society, in their social problems" “Figure 9 shows in detail how consciousness is derived from social existence (equivalent to "objective reality") through the process of reflection.”“best expressed in the Marxist-Leninist paradigm, cognition results from the reflection of the material world in the human mind…
Jun 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
“The great problem of” #SocialJustice “the radical analysis and reconstruction of the relations in which classes and individuals within the nation stand towards one another and the whole…all other issues are to be subordinated to and absorbed in the one great issue… 1/6 between the present economic system…and a radically new and nobler system”, the system of “socialism”, a “humane economics”, or more specifically, #Bellamy’s socialist system called “Nationalism”. “the form which socialism…[was] chiefly brought to the American people”2/
