April 17 – Scott Ritter confirms, "The last time I had any interaction with Mr. Lira was on Friday (April 15) and that was only by following his Telegram feed... I have no information whatsoever..."
April 17 – Scott Ritter on the situation in Kharkov: "The Nazis... the Azov Batallion and their ilk ... these militias actually roam the city streets looking for dissenters, collaborators... and they kill them."
April 17 – Scott Ritter: "Kharkov is definitely a city that is firmly in the grip of the Nazis. And anybody who lives in that city, such as Mr. Lira – who is not of that political persuasion – is at risk."
April 17 – The internet is working in Kharkov; an indisputable fact.
There is a mounting consensus from those who have been in direct contact with Lira (Galloway, Ritter, Sinmiedo, Cohen, and others), that he was collectively last heard from on Friday, April 15.
April 18 – From the Twitter account of a known Ukrainian neo-Nazi; among the first group of troops to enter Bucha.
#GonzaloLira was most likely been taken by them. His whereabouts are unknown. No proof of life.
Bishop Richard Williamson explains why the "so-called H𑣗l𑣗caust is quite simply a fabrication."
"Germany invaded Russia in order to head off C𑣗mmunism, as enemies of C𑣗mmunism... [that] killed hundreds of millions; Hitlℇr allegedly killed 6 million jℇws. It's untrue."
Would your government carry out an elaborate false flag operation using provocateurs, crisis actors, and the media to advance its political goals? If your answer is no, you haven't been paying attention.
So... about the Halocaust: Per the Jewish World Almanac, the world pop. of Jews increased 1933-1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German gov't, under Adolf, murdered 6 million Jws those losses should be reflected in Jwish population numbers stated in the World Almanac.
A three-volume report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during WW2 (Geneva, 1948) gives a uniquely objective report of the conditions of Germany’s WW2 concentration camps. A comprehensive account from a neutral source.
ICRC applied 1929 Geneva Convention to gain access to civilian internees held in Central/Western Europe by Germany authorities. The report clarifies legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps as enemy aliens.
The Talmud claims 4 billion Jws were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar (Gittin 57b).
"the Emperor Vespasian who killed in the city of Bethar four hundred thousand myriads, or as some say, four thousand myriads."
Talmud Roman “Halocaust” Tales
The Talmud claims 64 million Jwish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans (Gittin 58a). "And when the enemy prevailed and caught them, they wrapped the children in their scrolls and lit them on fire."
“As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Chr!stianity... What is usually referred to as the J•wish-Chr!stian traditions exists only in Chr!stian or secularist fantasy.”
"There are many who believe that Jws and Chr!stians have at least the 'Old Testament' in common. This is a serious misunderstanding. The Jws have no 'Old Testament' ... This is not a matter of mere semantics."
"When Chr!stians use the term 'Judeo-Chr!stian,' 'Judeo' means something fundamentally different from what is Jwish for the Jw. Nor does Judaism have a common spiritual patrimony with Chr!stianity..."
Why have J•ws have been kicked out of 109 countries, 1030 times?
Long before the 1917 Balfour Declaration, Z!onist Theodor Herzl's Der Judenstaat (1896), or formation of Rothschild-funded Jwish colonies in Palest!ne (1880).
The Complete List of the 1030 J•wish Expulsions In Human History:
Anti-Sem!tism: The Causes and Effects of a Prejudice; An Analysis and Chronology of 1900 Years, by P.E. Grosser & E.G. Halperin, New York: Philosophical Library, 1978 tinyurl.com/Jws-1030-109
📌Countries is a broad term. Historically, during the Medieval Era there were independent or semi-autonomous petty kingdoms, city-states, provincial gov't, principalities and local municipalities, at times under rule of imperial monarchy before the rise of modern nation-states.