Anabel V. Profile picture
Victorious, always. CEO. MBA. ⚔️ Weapons-grade pattern recognition. "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."
16 subscribers
Feb 14 10 tweets 3 min read
Bishop Richard Williamson explains why the "so-called H𑣗l𑣗caust is quite simply a fabrication."

"Germany invaded Russia in order to head off C𑣗mmunism, as enemies of C𑣗mmunism... [that] killed hundreds of millions; Hitlℇr allegedly killed 6 million jℇws. It's untrue." "If you've got a half of brain in your head, you'll see ... that the H𑣗l𑣗caust is quite simply a fabrication."

– Bishop Richard Williamson
Sep 25, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Would your government carry out an elaborate false flag operation using provocateurs, crisis actors, and the media to advance its political goals? If your answer is no, you haven't been paying attention.

Remember: "Ignorance is strength." – 1984 Image Sandy H00k.

Nov. 27, 2012 – AG Eric Holder met with CT Gov. Dan Malloy to discuss the admin's programs for gun control.

Dec. 14, 2012 – A mass shooting occurred at Sandy Hook in Newtown, CT.

Jan. 16, 2013 – Obama signed 23 Executive Orders to restrict the right to bear arms. Image
May 6, 2024 21 tweets 8 min read
So... about the Halocaust: Per the Jewish World Almanac, the world pop. of Jews increased 1933-1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German gov't, under Adolf, murdered 6 million Jws those losses should be reflected in Jwish population numbers stated in the World Almanac.

A three-volume report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during WW2 (Geneva, 1948) gives a uniquely objective report of the conditions of Germany’s WW2 concentration camps. A comprehensive account from a neutral source.
Apr 15, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
Did you know there are two early “Halocaust” tales from the Jwish Babylonian Talmud?

They say 4 billion Jws were killed by Romans and later 64 million Jwish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive. Fact or fiction?

Src. ;
Image Talmud Roman “Halocaust” Tales

The Talmud claims 4 billion Jws were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar (Gittin 57b).

"the Emperor Vespasian who killed in the city of Bethar four hundred thousand myriads, or as some say, four thousand myriads." Image
Apr 13, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
“As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Chr!stianity... What is usually referred to as the J•wish-Chr!stian traditions exists only in Chr!stian or secularist fantasy.”

– Rabbi Berkovitz
Image "There are many who believe that Jws and Chr!stians have at least the 'Old Testament' in common. This is a serious misunderstanding. The Jws have no 'Old Testament' ... This is not a matter of mere semantics."

Apr 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Why have J•ws have been kicked out of 109 countries, 1030 times?

Long before the 1917 Balfour Declaration, Z!onist Theodor Herzl's Der Judenstaat (1896), or formation of Rothschild-funded Jwish colonies in Palest!ne (1880).

It's a convo worth having.
Image Sources:

The Complete List of the 1030 J•wish Expulsions In Human History:

Anti-Sem!tism: The Causes and Effects of a Prejudice; An Analysis and Chronology of 1900 Years, by P.E. Grosser & E.G. Halperin, New York: Philosophical Library, 1978
Apr 7, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
The J!wish Hand in World Wars.

“Thanks to the terrible power of our Internat!onal Banks, we have forced the Christ!ans into wars without number. Wars have a special value for J!ws, since Chr!stians mas|sacre each other and make more room for us J!ws." Image The J•wish hand in World Wars is a long-standing historical trend: one of J•wish activists/agitators incite turmoil and war whenever they stood to benefit. Wars provide financial profit and dramatic shifts in global power structures for the J•w and bloodshed for the Gentile.
Apr 6, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Spare us 'Gentiles' the wailing in persecuted tears over product labeling as you revise history. You know what also sounds familiar? J•ws boycott of German goods in 1933.

History is merely starting to rhyme... Image Over centuries J•ws have executed countless atrocities and crimes against various peoples and sovereign nations. Aside from wars and revolutions, J•ws have launched extensive food and economic embargoes and instigated brutal economic recessions. Spare us all.
Mar 24, 2024 62 tweets 23 min read
🧵The Judaizing of Christianity – J•w Karl Marx once said: 'Religion is the opiate of the people.'

Through media dominance, notably educational textbooks, Z!onists extended their global plans by infiltrating their heresies into Christian churches.

Let's talk about it.
Through deceit and bribery 🇮🇱 Z!onists exercise a malignant and insidious influence on the Christian church, US Government, and America.

This thread explores destructive heresies that have slithered their way inside Christianity via religious mass media and church subversion.
Mar 15, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
🧵Israel was founded in 1948 on the stolen land of Palestine by Ashkenazi Z!onists who will stop at nothing to prop up a country of impostors, who falsely claim to be Hebrews and "God’s Chosen People."

Image Israel's claim to Palestinian land rests on the:

• 1917 Balfour Declaration addressed to Walter Rothschild declaring Great Britain’s support for Jwish sovereignty in Palestine;

• predicated on the recognition of the ancient Jwish "claim and connection to the land of Israel" Image
Mar 11, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Pt. 2 – In 1976, Harold Rosenthal, senior aide to NY Sen. Jacob Javits felt Jewish power was so unassailable he could make extra cash telling this story to W. White Jr., Editor at Western Front monthly bulletin. He was killed shortly after.

Src: Reagan Library Archives Image "Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word – used to brand as a bigot like you guys – anyone who brings criticism against Jews.”

– Harold Rosenthal (1976) Image
Mar 11, 2024 43 tweets 14 min read
🧵 In 1976, Harold Rosenthal, senior aide to NY Sen. Jacob Javits felt Jewish power was so unassailable he could make extra cash by telling this story to W. White Jr., Editor of Conservative Monthly Western Front.

A few gems from the 17-page interview:

Reagan Library Archives Image In 1976, Harold Wallace Rosenthal, senior aide to New York Senator Jacob Javits, made this statement after admitting J•wish dominance in all significant national programs: Image
Mar 8, 2024 21 tweets 10 min read
Jesus was a Judean – not a Jew.

• Jesus descended from the Israelite tribe of Judah, as the Scripture says.

• The people known as Jews today are not of the tribe of Judah (Israelites).

• Jesus is not a Jew and the people known as Jews today are not of Judah.
Jesus was a Judean – not a Jew.

Jewish historian and scholar of religion and ethics with primary interests in Jewish legal discourse, Dr. Hillel Gray explains how Jesus was a Judean and why it's inaccurate to say Jesus was a Jew.

(Kudos to @weaponized_ai for sharing.)
Mar 7, 2024 50 tweets 22 min read
🧵Was Jesus a Jew? No.

The term “Jew” is not a Hebrew or Aramaic word. Jew is not in the 1611 KJV Bible. In later years, Jew was used to refer to European Babylonian Talmudic converts. The ancient Hebrews and Israelites were not called Jews and neither are their descendants.
Image Jesus was a Judean – not a Jew.

Jesus was a Hebrew and an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – belonging specifically to the tribe of Judah, which made him a Judahite.

He was born in Judea (Bethlehem); lived in Judea (Judean) and later moved to Nazareth. Image
Mar 2, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
PSA. Jesus called the J•ws, "the s•nagogue of Satan."

Today's Ashkenazi Zion!sts are neither true-Torah J•ws or Israelites or Judeans or practicing converted J•ws.

They are Babylonian Luciferian Satanist apostate imposters. And they hate when you notice it. Image They know, that we know, who, and what they are...

Feb 23, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨Why are Colorado (D) lawmakers killing legislation against raping children?

There's only one Talmud-thumping ✡️ ethno-religious group who condones pedophilia. And they've clearly subverted US lawmaking bodies, like @COHouseDem.…Image Why did Colorado lawmakers – House Speaker Julie McCluskie @McCluskieforCO and Majority Leader Monica Duran @MonicaDuran23 – send House Bill 1092 to the kill committee?

One can only assume these two women condone child rape? @colo_politics Image
Feb 17, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
🚨 What is Organized J•wry?

It's a bona fide phrase that is not infrequently used by J•ws themselves.

When a non-J•w says it: 'Oy vey! Anti-Sem•te!'

In 1996, ✡️ J.J. Goldberg refers to “organized J•wry” in his smug monograph on J•wish subterfuge in the United States. Image In fact, ✡️ J.J. Goldberg is so emphatically proud of the history, psychology, and conduct of “organized J•wry” that he waxes poetically about 🇺🇸 Capitol Hill's "political voice of organized J•wry" and the "many contributions of organized J•wry."

Noticing a theme here? Image
Feb 14, 2024 42 tweets 13 min read
Henry Ford owned and operated "The Dearborn Independent" weekly newspaper from 1919 to 1927. It gained worldwide fame, and infamy, for its “The International Jew” series – translated into 16 languages with a monthly circulation of 900,000 readers.

Image The International ✡️ vs. The Poor ✡️

“The commonest real cause of anti-Semitism is the action of the international J-w who is often unknown and always secure, but the innocent victim of it is the poor J-w.”

– Henry Ford, 1920 Image
Feb 13, 2024 64 tweets 19 min read
🚨 In 1920, Henry Ford published a series of essays entitled “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem."

This 🧵 will highlight quotes from Ford's Essays published in the "The Dearborn Independent." Historical perspective and a must-read.
Image The J-Question has existed in the US for a long time. They themselves have known this, even if Gentiles have not.

Henry Ford's 1920 collection of essays reveal the menace of organized and calculated disorder which troubles the nations today.
Feb 11, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
⚡️ Take a good look at Israeli puppet Milei prostrating himself before a “Fort Antonia” wall – a Roman fortress.

There's nothing sacred about the Western Wall, but I'm sure they get a kick out of the Goyim falling for this ruse. Wailing at the satanic wall is a political rite of passage. Jews would have you believe there’s something sacred about the Western Wall, that it’s a remnant of the Second Temple, where paper prayers of the Goyim are snatched by the ‘Divine Presence’ dwelling in its crevices. Image
Feb 10, 2024 27 tweets 11 min read
🚨 Who are the 95 shareholders of X Holdings Corp. revealed in a 2023 lawsuit against X and why did Elon have every single name redacted in court documents with a subsequent motion filed to seal and keep the names secret? Image In April 2023, a court filing and subsequent partner announcement, confirmed Twitter had been merged into a new company, X Corp., a subsidiary of X Holdings Corp.

Yet, two different entities (X Holdings I and X Holdings II) were used to purchase Twitter – not X Holdings Corp. Image