@mssinenomine Was reminded today of my competitive swimming days when coach would make us tread water for a very long time. Then as extra “punishment” and competition would have us tread with these 10 lbs bricks. They were heavy and awkward enough that you’d have to hang on with both hands.
@mssinenomine Hands free treading is tough enough to keep your head above water, esp when you’re tired and your leg muscles are screaming. Load me down w weight, it ain’t long before I’m sucking more water than air, trying to keep my barely above water face, positioned just right to get oxygen
@mssinenomine There comes a point that it does not matter how hard you try, how strong you are, even the best swimmer either gets pulled under and sinks. Or has to drop the brick and get out of the water to get air. Either way, you lose.
@mssinenomine There’s a broader point here re: C7 MAiD. But for me, carrying the weight of poverty, the inability to afford non-pharm tx for physical pain and disability, or therapy for both childhood and medical trauma, with wait lists for mental health services months long, plus…
@mssinenomine Being isolated by Covid, and abled friends who don’t get it, and virtually having no family that’s safe or supportive. I could go on with how many things weigh me down. But when my doc refuses to treat pain or my health writ large.
@mssinenomine There’s no “choice” here. I either drop the brick and use MAiD. If I can even tread that long. Or at some point, despite trying to position myself perfectly, doing everything asked of me. I’m sinking like a ton of bricks 🧱
It’s not like I haven’t told my doc I was going to die in this much pain. My doc’s been told by 3 other docs or health professionals this all was going to kill me. Doctors know refusing to treat pain with opioids is leading to suiCIde. #DisabledPeopleToldYou about C7.
@mssinenomine It’s why I’ve said that if I don’t survive this, it wasn’t choice or suiCIDe. It definitely had nothing to do with dignity. It was murder.
12hrs ago I decided I’d go to the ER. I can no longer tolerate this much acute pain that’s been much worse for 4days. I fell down stairs Sat bc of leg weakness, hip instability. I stumbled, nearly fell while standing in place today for the same reason
I did not go to the ER. Not bc I have no cause. Not bc my pain is insignificant. Much less pain has taken me before. I have developed a new symptom in a constellation of them that my dr continues to ignore and dismiss. My mind races w worry about what’s happening and what’s next.
I did not go the ER. I have been talking myself out of going and into going all day. I no longer need doctors and nurses to minimize, delegitimize, dismiss or berate my pain and disability. I’ve internalized their ableism and I have my own abusive voice. It has frozen me in place
My dear friend, roomie and author Gilaine E. Mitchell wrote me this for Easter. Not really an Easter poem but it means a lot that she spent a wk writing this. She doesn’t understand everything I’m going thru and is struggling w me considering MAiD. But she sees, knows, loves me.
Alt Text:
I can tell you what she’s like
But it wouldn’t be right
The hands on her clock are
Between numbers, always
There is no exact moment
When she is the same.
She moves painfully, assuredly
Throughout our home
Wrestling with cursed flesh and bone
Tears cried for her own fate.
And then a chuckle from some other room
And a story shared, some article
She’s looked up
Her opinion in parentheses.
“Maybe your doctor leaned away from you when you brought up your concerns and suggested you see a therapist. Maybe you feel really alone right now. Maybe you’ve been feeling alone for a long time.” /1 #NEISVoid
“I want you to know that you’re not alone. I want you to know that there are so many other people who feel uncertain and isolated and scared because something is happening with their bodies that their doctors can’t explain.” /2 #NEISVoid
“Maybe you’re wondering if this is all in your head. Maybe you’re wondering if you brought this upon yourself somehow … Maybe the doubt and the guilt and the wondering have stopped you in your tracks completely.” /3 #NEISVoid