Just a fun #shinbaku thing 🥰

CW: #NSFW, Edging, Jerking Off, Choking, Pet names, slight Dacryphilia, Teasing, Daddy Kink

Hitoshi sleepily drags himself through his front door after a shift, only to be jarred awake by a calloused hand on his chest.
His button-up shirt is ripped open and a tongue shoves itself down his throat, suffocating him. Panic rises in his bones and he’s blinded by anxiety before everything pulls away, and he’s face to face with a confident smirk on Katsuki’s face.

“Hello to you too.”
Hitoshi jokes, hand on his chest. Katsuki gives him a soft look before looking down at his feet and muttering, cheeks gaining a pink hue.


Hitoshi pauses. He’s looking to play, and luckily, Hitoshi can find the energy to do the same.
Hitoshi pushes the blonde away with a sly smirk and a smack to his ass. “Our room, 10 minutes.”

Katsuki jogs up the states while Hitoshi runs through his mental checklist for the evening.
The time drags like molasses and Katsuki jets towards Hitoshi the moment he walks into the bedroom. Knowing Katsuki though, Hitoshi expects the assault and holds out his arms to catch the man, capturing his lips.

“Fuck, c’mon,” Katsuki whines as Hitoshi kisses by his ear.
His neck. His chin. The taller chuckles and pushes him away by his shoulders.

“Patience is a virtue, baby.”

“Do I look like I’m a saint?” Katsuki blows out a breath in disbelief.
Hitoshi huffs out another laugh and turns Katsuki away from him, guiding him to walk towards the bed.

“Nah, we both know we’re both going to hell with the shit we’ve done. Now get on the bed and take off the shirt. Leave the jeans on.”
Katsuki grumbles under his breath before lifting his shirt over his head and sitting on his knees in the middle of the queen-size bed. Hitoshi follows him but leaves all his clothes on, his shirt still open from being ravished just a few minutes before.
Hitoshi climbs onto the bed behind Katsuki and runs his index finger down the brash man’s jawline.

“You know, you’re actually really pretty like this, baby.” Katsuki blushes, but the sweetness doesn’t take away his natural bite.

“Yeah, I know, asshole.
Now, are you going to do something or—”

Katsuki is rudely interrupted by Hitoshi’s hand wrapping around his throat and arm resting on his sternum.

“What the fuck?” His voice is strained, and he almost manages to miss his lover reaching for the zipper of his jeans.
“You know, even though you’re being a brat today, I think we should still try to have fun, right?” Hitoshi whispers in Katsuki’s ear and rubs the front of his underwear, Katsuki’s cock jumping with anticipation.

Katsuki doesn’t think it’s possible to be this hard.
He’s been waiting all day for him to come back from patrol and he’s restless. Even with his jeans unzipped, the pressure of his underwear is becoming too much. He struggles to get out of Hitoshi’s hold, seeing relief.
Even the slight drag of Hitoshi’s hand against his boxers is sending sparks down his spine.

The hold around his neck tightens, still enough for air to pass through, but enough pressure for him for a warm buzz to fill his body.

“Now are you going to be a good boy for me, baby?
Good boys get to cum.” Hitoshi’s right hand dips into Katsuki’s boxers, fingertips touching his shaft, but not enough pressure to soothe the aching.

“Ohhh, fuck, right there.”
Katsuki groans as best as he can with the pressure against his throat, and Hitoshi’s fingers continue to dance lower and lower until he’s close to the tip of the uncut cock. He twitches into Hitoshi’s hand and Hitoshi kisses the back of his ear.
“Baby, you know you don’t run this show.” Hitoshi removes his right hand from the boxers completely, ripping a broken whine from Katsuki.

“Ah, no whining honey, this will go a lot slower if you keep doing that.”
Hitoshi takes his left hand away from Katsuki’s throat, and he almost collapses against Hitoshi’s chest as he wheezes, fire burning in his chest.

Hitoshi’s hands shift to Katsuki’s hips and gingerly pull his boxers down, watching the thick erection spring from its cage.
He licks his lips as he watches it bob up and down, pre-cum dripping down the shaft.
Hitoshi’s first instinct is to grab Katsuki by the cock and suck the soul out of him. But between the two of them, he has better restraint. Plus, he knows they both don’t want the fun to end.
“Look at that cock, is that all for me?” Hitoshi’s hands remain on Katsuki’s hips, chest against the man’s back, and he hears Katsuki’s breath pick up.

“Yes, Daddy. It’s all yours. P-pleas—”
“Baby does have manners, doesn’t he?” Hitoshi is mocking and Katsuki can feel his neck go bright red with the words.

“Now, you know what happens to good boys when they do something good?” Hitoshi’s right hand walks across Katsuki’s pelvis, stroking his pubes.
Katsuki’s breath hitches.

“They get rewards.”

Hitoshi’s face breaks into a smirk as he grabs onto Katsuki’s heavy cock, watching it throb in his hand.

“Fuck! Hit-ah, Daddy!” Katsuki’s whole body jerks as he starts with painfully slow, but long strokes.
The precum is starting to spread onto Hitoshi’s hand, making it slicker and easier to maintain his pace.

“Yeah, sweetheart? What do you need?” Hitoshi peppers kisses down Katsuki’s neck, still warm from the restriction.
He runs his left hand across Katsuki’s chest, reaching up to tweak his left nipple, earning a gasp from the blonde.

“I-I need more. C-can I h-have…?” Hitoshi kisses the shell of Katsuki’s ear and speeds up his right hand.
“Of course, baby.” Hitoshi focuses on the twitching muscles, the speeding up of Katsuki’s pulse, and the labored breathing that comes the longer he caresses.
Katsuki’s cheeks are a beautiful rosy color, and it only seems to deepen with time, or embarrassment depending on perspective.

“You wanna cum?” Hitoshi whispers against Katsuki’s shoulder and the man immediately shakes his head yes, feeling Hitoshi’s pace speed up.
“A-ah, I need to, f-f-fuck.”

Katsuki’s eyes roll to the back of his head. Hitoshi’s fist is heavy, and Katsuki focuses on the feeling of the calluses against his cock as it drags itself from root to tip, and back again.
The hand slips away for a second, only to come back more slippery, and he realizes that his lover must have prepared during their time away from each other.

“Hito-oh fuck, Daddy, I’m-“

“Yeah honey, I know.” Hitoshi leans in, nose kissing Katsuki’s ear.
“You’re doing so well for me.”

“Right there, please-”

Hitoshi’s hand pulls away, leaving the cool air to kiss Katsuki’s cock, and a disgruntled groan rips through the room.

“What the fuck?!
I thought you said I could cum!” Katsuki can’t even pretend he isn’t angry, the disappointment flowing through his tone.

“I did, but I didn’t say when. And if you keep talking like that, you won’t be cumming at all. Brats don’t get to cum.”
Hitoshi’s precum-covered hand lifts to rest on Katsuki’s chin and his breath tickles Katsuki’s neck.

“Do I make myself clear, Katsuki?”
TBC! I want to break this up a little bit just to pace myself. I hope you're enjoying it so far, friends! Let me know what you think, and I hope to see you around for the next update 🥰
Katsuki closes his eyes, knocks his head back onto Hitoshi’s right shoulder, and takes a few deep breaths to recenter himself. It’s foolish for him to expect it to be this easy.

“Yeah, crystal. Now can we get back to it?”
Katsuki cranes his neck to look at Hitoshi, only to wince when a hand smacks his thigh.

“What the-”

“Good boys get to cum, not brats.” Hitoshi’s eyes narrow and after a moment of a stare-off contest, Katsuki looks away with a scoff.

“Fine, please…Daddy?”

Hitoshi’s right hand hikes itself back to Katsuki’s cock and his finger swipes across the tip, earning a hard shiver from the other man.

The hand takes hold of the cock and wraps itself around firmly before slowly stroking.
He takes long drags up and down, watching Katsuki’s fingers clench the sheets and twitch. They’re itching with the desire to do something, but they stand down, trying to avoid a scolding.
Hitoshi strokes a beat faster, and the cock twitches. Katsuki’s hips jerk in time with his hand, hoping for more.

“There you go baby, feeling good?” Hitoshi licks the tip of Katsuki’s ear as the man’s breathing starts to return to its previously shallow state.
Katsuki’s hips are moving faster than his hand, urging him to go quicker. Hitoshi plays along and is rewarded with a soft curse, the twitching turning into blood pulsing underneath his hand.
Katsuki clutches the sheets beneath him, trying to hold onto the control he has, beads of sweat rolling down his back and onto Hitoshi’s chest.

“C’mon c’mon, I’m almost there.
Ha-ah, go fa-aster” The words struggle to come out of his mouth, his stomach squeezing once again as he arches his back, leaning into the touch.

Hitoshi’s hand inches toward the tip with each stroke and Katsuki’s hips stutter, chasing his pleasure.
“You’re so cute like this, so desperate for me, sweetheart. You can barely think, can you?” Hitoshi’s hand slaps against Katsuki’s pelvis with every stroke, and a few drops of precum soak into his underwear at the thought of Katsuki having bruises from his hands, his affection.
“Fuck, fuck! Daddy, I’m, I’m-” Katsuki fucks up into Hitoshi’s hand, hips uncontrollable. That is until the hand disappears, pulling away with a sticky residue and a squelching sound.

Katsuki loses it.
“Why the hell did you stop?!” The words tumble out of his mouth as he falls backward, collapsing onto Hitoshi again, tears burning the back of his eyes and lip wobbling. A sob creeps out of his throat. He just wants to come.
Hitoshi’s face is illuminated by his smirk, full of almost pure delight as he watches Katsuki tremble with anger and frustration, huffing and puffing to catch his breath.
What makes it all worth it though, is the cock that bobs in the air, the tip almost as purple as his eyes, as it’s denied for the second time this evening.

“Aw baby, did you need something?”
Hitoshi’s sticky hand rubs up and down Katsuki’s chest as he watches the first tear escape, running down his cheek and jawline. He grins when he sees the neglected cock do a hard twitch at the contact, precum soaking the sheets below.
“I need to fucking come Hitoshi, you know what the fuck I need!” Katsuki’s voice breaks off as another sobbed claws its way from his throat.

The rage mixes with tears and it only makes Hitoshi’s cock throb in his pants more. He refuses to address it, though, not yet.
Not when he has this present underneath his nose, ready to be unwrapped.

As he watches Katsuki continue to sniffle, face red with anger, Hitoshi eventually starts to feel guilty, realizing the crying hasn’t slowed down. Even a man like him has his limits.
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. I’ve been mean, haven’t I? I know sometimes I go too far.” Hitoshi’s voice is soft as he continues to rub up and down Katsuki’s chest, trying to soothe the man and bring him back down to Earth.
“I’ve been good! I thought, I-I-I mean, I was-” Hitoshi’s left hand comes to cradle Katsuki’s cheek.

“Shh shh shh. You’ve been so good, honey. So good. You’re my good boy, the best boy.” Hitoshi’s hand ghosts across Katsuki’s collarbone, rubbing the top of his chest.
“That’s why I’m going to let you cum. No more games, I promise.”

Katsuki sluggishly turns his neck to meet Hitoshi’s eyes, crimson searching for truth in violet. He waits a beat before swallowing, final tears rolling down his cheeks.
He lets Hitoshi wipe them up with the back of his hand.

“Promise?” Katsuki’s voice is small and cautious. Hitoshi gives him a small smile.

“Promise.” His face turns serious, and he gives Katsuki a nod. “Now relax. I know what my baby needs, and I’m going to give it to him.”
Hitoshi’s left hand moves to Katsuki’s neck and holds it, feeling Katsuki swallow against it. He embraces it a bit tighter and he feels Katsuki’s breath hitch.

“Not too bad right?” Hitoshi’s right hand trails down to Katsuki’s cock, light touches, but no longer teasing.
He clutches and starts to caress, relishing in the full-body shudder that passes through Katsuki, cock throbbing in his hand.

“Daddy I, fuck, please touch me.” The words come out in gasps as his voice becomes raspy and his vision becomes cloudy.
“Honey, I /am/ touching you. Trust me, okay? I’ll take care of you.” And Katsuki groans at the soft voice that cradles his ears, not at all matching the grasp on his cock.
Hitoshi’s hand starts to fist Katsuki’s cock in earnest, clenching and moving at the rhythm of the hips that have a mind of their own.

He can feel Katsuki’s pulse in two places, one in his cock and the other in his throat, and he tightens his hold on Katsuki’s lifeline.
This is the feeling he basks in.

The trust that Katsuki puts into him to make the right calls, to know when to give him more and when to take it away. Even the right to breathe is in Hitoshi’s hands.

He feels Katsuki’s chest try to gulp in air but struggling to succeed.
He’s starting to writhe against Hitoshi, rubbing against his cock, but Hitoshi once again tables it to be taken care of later. For now, he exists solely to bring Katsuki over the edge.
“Plea-Daddy…I can’t, it’s- uh-so much!” Hitoshi replied with a hum.

“You’re my baby, right? Can you hold out for me, just a little longer? You’re almost there, just a little more.”
Hitoshi can feel the slick movements of his hand traveling back and forth on Katsuki, feeling the jump each time he pumps toward the top of the cock, cradling the head but never moving to the tip.
He wants to push Katsuki just a bit further, just to give him the orgasm of a lifetime.

Hitoshi’s right hand moves further down the base of Katsuki’s cock to fondle the low-hanging balls, earning a delicious moan from the blond man.
He continues to alternate between the balls, grasping then petting, then moving away and back to the man’s cock.

Katsuki has a whine slither its way into his throat, but he holds it back in favor of savoring the oxygen he has left.
His chin is pointing high toward the ceiling and his throat is being held by Hitoshi with his eyes closed, head back. Hands clench the sheets beneath them.
His boxers and jeans still being around his legs make it difficult to move, to meet Hitoshi’s strokes, but he bucks his hips, thrusting into the slippery hand again and again to create more friction.
The squelching noises of precum and lube don’t register in Katsuki’s mind as he starts to see stars behind his eyelids, dizziness spreading with every second.
The lack of oxygen makes every touch Hitoshi initiates feel like fireworks and between that and his constricting balls, he knows he isn’t going to make it much longer.

“15 more seconds. Make it 15 more seconds and you can cum, I promise.” He whispers.
Katsuki’s breath snags in his throat right before the pressure of the hand increases, and suddenly he’s no longer able to breathe. Hitoshi starts to count in his head as he strokes Katsuki even faster, twisting his hand up and down.
13 seconds pass and Hitoshi swipes his thumb across Katsuki’s weeping tip, once, twice, before he starts to feel Katsuki pulse in his grip, a gasp coming from his throat.

“Let go, baby.”
Hitoshi removes his hand from Katsuki’s bruised throat and hears a deep inhale, before feeling deep shaking against his ribs. Katsuki lets out a guttural groan, rumbling through his own and Hitoshi’s bodies.
“Ah fuck—!” Katsuki’s body trembles as he comes, back seizing as his orgasm tears through him, coating Hitoshi’s hand and spreading to the bedsheets beneath them. White noise fills Katsuki’s ears as his eyes roll back, hips reaching up to meet Hitoshi’s hand.
Hitoshi's eyes are blown wide as he admires Katsuki croak out a moan before falling forward, his body folding into itself and his cum splattering onto his abs.
Katsuki lets out a sob as he pants, and Hitoshi uses his left hand to hold Katsuki by his chest as he works him through his high.
“There you go, I’m right here, you did so well, you’re so beautiful,” Hitoshi whispers praises in his ear as he continues to feel the cum splatter against his hand.

“Da-shit, Daddy, please.” The desperation shines through Katsuki’s voice and Hitoshi knows what he needs.
He spends his time continuing to stroke him again and again until he feels the man’s hips try to thrash away from his hand, only to be pushed forward by Hitoshi’s hips.
He continues to tug, drawing out every ounce of pleasure until Katsuki lets out a whimper, breath stolen from his never-ending orgasm. Then, and only then, once every nerve in Katsuki’s body is overstimulated, exhausted, and milked dry, does Hitoshi pull his hand away.
Hitoshi embraces Katsuki with both arms and falls backward onto the bed. He admires the dark splots on Katsuki’s neck as he catches his breath.

“Wearing my mark like a necklace, baby.” A small, pleased hum comes as a response. Hitoshi looks up at the ceiling.

Katsuki takes a second to breathe before responding.

“Yeah…thanks.” He always did settle down after a good orgasm. “Couldn’t focus on anything today, I needed you.”

Hitoshi knows how much it means for his lover to be vulnerable, to admit when he needs something.
So instead of teasing the man or digging into it more, he sighs contently and snuggles Katsuki in a bit closer, kissing the top of his head.

“Yeah, I need you too, baby.”
Another thread in the books😌Thanks for reading friends!

Also fun fact, this thread is also on ao3! First fic I ever posted, so it's nice to see the growth 💕

Link is here: archiveofourown.org/works/34436221

See you next time!

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Jun 5
Horny hours over here 💕

CW: Seroroki, nsfw, fem Shouto, fingering, praise kink

Shouto kinda has a thing for Hanta’s hands.

It’s the way they’re so sturdy, rough to the touch and decorated with callouses. Silver rings
adorne his fingers, kissing his knuckles as his fingers grip the meat of her thigh.

Hanta’s hand has been resting there all night as he curls in close, pressing soft kisses against her shoulder blade.

A declaration.

She blushes but doesn’t brush him off, instead, waiting
for the perfect time to ditch the conversation she’s been pushed into by Denki at this party.

Denki’s knee-deep into a tangent about laundry when Eijirou interrupts, pulling him into a new group of people and giving Hanta and Shouto their space.
Read 31 tweets
May 18
CW: Todobaku, SFW, Fluff

"Katsuki? What are you doing down here?"

Shouto's voice is cautious, questioning. At 6am, he originally came down for tea, the only thing that calms his shaky nerves and heavy dreams that burn in his mind.

But now he has a new objective.
Katsuki looks up from his book, glasses on the tip of his nose. He signs before jamming a bookmark between the pages and shutting it with a snap.

"Looks like the morning crowd is waking up," Katsuki mutters, sitting up. Shouto takes in the full picture of Katsuki
snuggled up on the couch, book in hand with a piping hot mug of tea on the coffee table. His shoulders are relaxed, scowl wiped away. Shouto goes to soothe Katsuki's worries over immediately, unable to imagine disturbing the peace.
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