Piston ni mfumo muhimu sana kwenye engine ya gari lako, na kama vilivyo vifaa vingine Piston pia inahitaji maintenance.
Leo hii nitakupa dalili 3 za piston inayohitaji kubadilishwa.
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Piston ni sehemu ama kifaa mojawapo katika engine ya gari ,ambacho hutumika kudhibiti hewa na mafuta ndani ya cylinder.
Pia kutoa nguvu itokanayo na kuungua kwa mafuta kupitia connect rod hadi kwenye crankshaft.
Piston hufanya kazi kwa ushirikiano katika engine na kusababisha kuizungusha crankshaft.
Crankshaft inapozunguka hupeleka nguvu katika gear box hadi kwenye differential kupitia propeler na hatimaye tairi kutembea.
Piston inapopanda juu na kushuka chini
Hatua hii husababisha mapigo manne ndani ya chemba za cylinder.
1. Pigo la kwanza.
Piston inashuka chini. Kitendo hiki huruhusu valve kuingiza hewa safi au hewa iliyochanganywa na fuel. (inategemeana na injini kati ya petrol au diesel)
2.Pigo la pili.
Piston inapanda juu
Kitendo hicho kinasababisha ile hewa safi iliyo ingia kwenye chemba kukandamizwa kwa mgandamizo mkubwa sana, na hewa hiyo kuwa na joto kubwa sana.
Kisha plug inatoa cheche au nozeli inanyunyiza mafuta (plug au nozel, hapa inategemeana na engine ya petrol au diesel.
3 Pigo la tatu.
Baada ya ile hewa yenye joto kali kukutana na cheche kutoka kwenye plug au mafuta kutoka katika nozel husababisha mlipuko mkubwa uliosababishwa na kuchomwa au kuunguzwa kwa hewa hiyo.
Mlipuko huo husababisha piston kusukumwa kwa nguvu kubwa kushuka chini na chemba za cylinder kubaki wazi ikiwa na hewa chafu iliyochomwa.
4 Pigo la nne
Baada ya piston kushushwa chini, hupanda juu na valve hufunguka ili kutoa ile hewa chafu ndani ya chemba na kuitoa nje kupitia bomba la kutolea moshi (exhaust).
Baada ya hapo piston hurudia mzunguko wake tena kuanzia pigo la kwanza hadi la nne.
Piston zinaposhirikiana katika kukamilisha mapigo haya ndio husababisha kuizungusha crank shaft na kusababisha mwendo wa gari.
1. Gari yako itaanza kutoa moshi mwingi wenye rangi nyeupe au kijivu.
2. Gari lako kupoteza nguvu hasa ukiwa kwenye mwendo mkubwa, ghafla tu unaona mwendo unapungua.
3. Matumizi ya mafuta hapa yataongezeka kwelikweli.
Jambo la kuzingatia zaidi hapa ni kwamba unapoona dalili hizi unapaswa upeleke gari yako kwa fundi ili wazibadili hizo pistons.
Fundi mzuri ni yule atakayekusikiliza na kupima kwanza tatizo lilipo, as always I recomend that uende kwa Trusted mechanic.
Asante kwa kusoma thread hii. 😇
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⚠️ What Makes a Car’s Steering Wheel Hard and Stiff?
Steering wheel is here to control and maintain your vehicle direction.
🤚Our cars are nothing without a proper functioning steering wheel.
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You should know the reasons why your car's steering wheel gets stiff as it will help you to spot the signs early and take preventive measures for the vehicle for servicing.
🤚If you neglect it and wait for the situation to get worse as it can put you s well as other motorists in trouble.
Without your car's steering system, you could only drive in a straight line, no turns, no changing lanes.
This is the most important part of your car's Suspension System.
Today I would like to give you a secret that will enable you to take good care of the shock absorbers and suspension system of your car.
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A shock absorber is a mechanical or hydraulic device designed to absorb and damp shock impulses.
This is achieved by converting the kinetic energy (movement) of the shock into thermal energy, which is then dissipated into the atmosphere through the mechanism of heat exchange.
The key role of the shock absorber is to ensure that the vehicle’s tires remain in contact with the road surface at all times
Shock absorbers automatically adjust to road conditions because the faster the suspension moves, the more resistance they provide.