Why you can trust Sky News

1. Civilian shelter attacked in Mariupol

2. Bunker-busting bombs are being dropped on the Azovstal plant where the last remaining fighters are holed up & "upwards of 1,000 civilians have taken refuge in underground shelters".


Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (11)

"Azov killing Civilians" testimony (Dubbed in English)

"they were constantly running from house to house, changing their positions, shooting civilians"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (12)

"they occupied the floor of the Traumatology Hospital and installed grenade launchers and started shooting..there were 40 people, bedridden patients.."
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (13)

"Deliberate destruction of districts and people"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (14)

Another earlier spanish subtitled video here with English subtitles

"they looted everything..Azov are fascists, they are scum.. if there is some sort of trial for them, I want to be the executioner of those bastards"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (15)

"they bomb us night and day..our so-called Ukrainian Brothers..and that's it, no escape. They abandoned us, the cu*t who is our Mayor left the first day, we count for no-one"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (16)

"what can I say about the Radicals?"

"They are scum, all of them knew they wouldn't get out of there alive and this was why they were destroying teh town and homes, and them, I'm sorry I'm telling you like this, but they felt above God"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (17)

"Say Hello from Mariupol, tell them (the Russian army) thank you for pulling us out of that hell"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (18)

"In Western Europe they say only the Russians are shelling..No!..How the hell can be Russia, if they drive in front of my eyes & shoot shells from a truck, they arrived & fired on a 9 story building, then kept driving..Yes, Ukrainians"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (19)

"For Poroshenko, Zelensky & all those braggarts to be sentenced. Death for them, Beat them up! Defeat those Ukrainians, they destroyed our homes. we are used to it, we have been 8 years at war, yes already 8 years, somehow we tolerated it"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (20)

"they used to hide in schools everywhere"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (21)

"they took positions nearby people's homes.. The US got involved in Ukraine and war came..Because of them, that's what I have to tell you..To the last Ukrainian"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (22)

A compilation video of Testimonies
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (23)

Second compilation video of testimonies
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (24)

English Subtitles

"they used residential areas to shoot, everyone saw from their windows., you could see their tanks, Grads and other equipment from the windows..they shoot us in our backs"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (25)

"What they, Azov, do has no name, cowards, it's an injustice..this building was a shelter, there were lots of kids, we asked them (Azov) to go but what they did is hide behind us"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (26)

"The Ukrainian authorities robbed the shops first..The Ukrainian Troops were shooting at their own people.. why? to keep them quiet, to shut their mouths, to cover up their activities"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (27)

Murdered by Ukrainian snipers

"Residents were trying to cross to this side along Prospekt Mira, under Russian control and he (the Ukrainian sniper) shot them dead"
Taking a Break, another 20 videos to come

temporary unroll the truth about #Mariupol @threadreaderapp
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (30)

"You were absent for too long, you allowed them to arm, to settle here, Europe was supplying them, the US was supplying them, and now look where that got the city"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (31)

Mariupol Medical Student describes Ukrainian Snipers near his dormitory killing four civilians trying to escape on 25th March.
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (32)

Girl describes how Ukrainian Soldiers moved from roof to roof in her section using them as firing points, until her house was burned down and she was finally rescued by Chechen soldiers
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (33)

"This is Hell, they shot at us! Azov shot at us! We saw this with our own two eyes. Please let everyone know, let the whole world know. Azov & Right Sector have been trying to kill us all. From Azovstal Plant, that is where they shoot from"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (34)

Ms. Solovyeva,13 Lamizova Street:

"We tried to leave Left bank District. My daughter was wounded, my mother, bullets went thru her both legs. They targeted civilians, not allowing them to evacuate, this what kind of Nazi Ukraine we have"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (35)

"These Banderites served Hitler, now they serve Biden, why did you bastards sell Ukraine? Take them all out & hang right on Maidan, all bitches. Let them hang, so everyone can look, along with Biden, so they see what they have done here"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (36)

"I'd like to say Hi to the Mayor of Mariupol who in the 8 years of war hasn't readied a single bomb shelter. He left our city to its fate, he abandoned us, this scumbag just ran, Please let the whole country hear this, he left his people"

"Russian troops get them out of basements, they are helping us and feeding us. they gave their rations to hungry children..as for the Ukrainian army, what's left of it, it's like a game to them-they shot at young kids, we saw this with our own eyes"

"They didn't let us leave so that they could use us human shields. They hid in residential areas, schools & the ones backed into a corner by Russian troops saId:

"you won't take us alive. We'll use human meat for cover. The "human meat" that survived, they meant us"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (37)

"scum, basically, scum, this "Azov" needs to be destroyed, not a single one should be taken alive, not a single one, and Zelensky should go first, dammit, to put him on a pike, look what he's done to people"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (40)

They said: "it's the end for us anyway, either way..
"They are just fascists that's all"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (41)

"Did the Ukrainian army help in any way to evacuate through a green corridor?"

"Nothing! No corridors! we sat in basements. Azov, those bitches, people tried to evacuate. Azov..Fu*k. They executed the people. The monsters..scum!"

"What did Azov do?"

"They executed convoys of civilians who tried to evacuate to Volodarsk! They shot them all up, entire buses, fu*k"

Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (42)

"During all 8 years, who are they, humans? They are fascists. Pure fascists, and we need to kick them out of here from our land. they have nothing to do here. Ukraine, Ukraine, I have always been proud to live in Ukraine. Until 2014..."
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (43)

An Armenian Man

"My wife &her sister were killed. I made a fire to heat the food for the children in the yard & the Ukrainian military launched a (mortar) shell at the smoke. My son ran out into the street and shouted his Mum was killed"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (44)

Armenian (2)

"5 days ago, the Ukrainian military who were supposed to protect their citizens..they called us swine, we were to them swine & human shields.They walked up to the 4th floor & made a machine gun nest in the middle of the ward"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (44)

Armenian (3)

"they even came close to the hospital and shot right at it, they bought weapons into the hospital,set up mortars on the roof"
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (45)

Evidence from a Doctor, Maria Galina Stepanovna (1) who describes a British citizen (also with Ukraine citizenship) who allegedly helped train Azov battalion members to be cu*ts, as if they needed any training.
Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (46)

Second Part of Doctor Maria Galina Stepanova testimony about the Azov Battalion:

"they are a bunch of hooligans, they can't speak without swear words. They treated Mariupol residents in that way & said they were not human beings"
Well, time for another longer break, still another 30 or so videos to post.

The evidence is damning I must admit.

temporary unroll for security @threadreaderapp
@AngloScot2 Cool down, anglo-scottie, you might blow another fuse ;) Image
@user3425664 twice, and once more today

47. Back to the Topic

But first some more in depth analysis which I found interesting as it reveals despite political posturing, even the US military has a clearer analysis than the hysterical western MSM

48. Specifically:

"Russia's conduct in the brutal war tells a different story than the widely accepted view that Vladimir Putin is intent on demolishing Ukraine and inflicting maximum civilian damage" Image
49. Level of death & destruction is low compared to Russia's capacity, according to a DIA analyst:

"I know it's hard to swallow that the carnage & destruction could be much worse than it is but that's what the facts show..Putin is not intentionally attacking civilians" Image
50. The Newsweek article is by no means pro-Russian, quite the contrary, but it reveals the frustration of US Military Analysts with the current narrative:

"He and other analysts who spoke to Newsweek argue that the destruction is only a small fraction of what is possible..."
51. USAF Officer

"I'm frustrated by the current narrative that Russia is intentionally targeting civilians, demolishing cities & that Putin doesn't care. Such a distorted view stands in the way of finding an end before true disaster hits or the war spreads to the rest of Europe"
52. DIA Analyst

"Heartbreaking images make it easy for the news to focus on the war's damage to buildings and lives"

"I know that the news keeps repeating that Putin is targeting civilians, but there is no evidence that Russia is intentionally doing so" says the DIA analyst Image
53. To sum up, we are being lied to by the media and politicians who for strategic reasons wish to confront Russia and are willing to use all propaganda weapons to achieve that goal in spite of the evidence

"Russia must not win the war, says Olaf Scholz"


54. Scholz, Johnson, Michel, Biden, Von Leyen

are determined:

"It has to remain our goal that Russia does not win this war," he told the Bundestag, saying that this was the reason behind sanctions against Russia, sending arms to Ukraine and taking in Ukrainian refugees.

55. Remember this, back in 2013?

56. It's happening...as it happened in Yugoslavia and it's called "psy ops"

"It is odd that it took 15 years for the CIA backed Kosovo Liberation Army to be investigated for crimes against humanity, including killings, abductions and sexual violence"

57. Psychological Operations

Capture their minds & their hearts & souls will follow

History of Psy Ops:

Many Case Studies:

58. Back to #Mariupol

Urban Warfare & Consequences

Video via @AZmilitary1
59. Closer Look Inside the Azov Occupied Steelworks Image
62. As evidenced by the many testimony videos posted in this thread, both the Azov Battalion and the Ukrainian Army pursued a deliberate strategy of:

1. Using civilians in Mariupol as human shields

2. Hiding in apartment blocks, schools and hospitals to engage in urban warfare
63. While the Western Media scream "Genocide!"

Just search google images: "Mariupol Genocide"

Note the names of the news sources...

64. UN definition says “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”

Zelensky & his supporters "mistake war crimes for genocide in an attempt to gain the moral high ground" (while ignoring Ukrainian War Crimes)

65. Talking of War Crimes and #Mariupol

Senior Lieutenant of the Ukrainian naval infantry, Vadim Bondarenko describes witnessing, first hand, his fellow Ukrainian soldiers executing 8 Mariupol civilians.

Translation in next tweet via @gbazov
66. Transcript Part 1 Image
67. Transcript Part 2 via @gbazov

Of course, some will say "Russian Propaganda", but his statements are supported by scores of video testimonies by civilians in Mariupol, as we have seen, and as we will see in the next set of tweets. Image
68. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (47)

"Zelensky? I would strangle him personally, when he took presidency, he promised that in a year there would be no more war, but see yourself, then Azov, they are drug addicts & alcoholics that used to shoot at civilians, kids, everyone"
69. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (48)

The Cat Lady (Part 1)
70. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (49)

The Cat Lady (Part 2)
71. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (50)

RT Report Mariupol Flats Turned into Firing Positions by Azov (Part 1)
72. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (51)

RT Report Mariupol Flats Turned into Firing Positions by Azov (Part 2)

OMG, it's RT, it must be all lies.... ;)
73. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (52)

The Traumatology Hospital Doctor (Part 1)
74. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (53)

The Traumatology Hospital Doctor (Part 2)

Talks of "shelling from Azov and a sniper killing civilians with white armbands looking for water and food"
75. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (54)

The 92 year old woman (part 1)
76. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (55)

The 92 year old woman (part 2)

Zelensky Street Again

"this is clear, they were hiding behind our backs, behind the backs of children and the elderly, and were shooting like with a crooked gun from around the corner"
77. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (56)

"The Grenade Launcher"
78. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (57)

Khlopuzyan Gagik
79. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (58)

School No. 15

"On March 22 or 23 this school which is near us was mined by the Ukrainian Military..School No 15 of the Primorsky District..their base was right at the school, they were there for 2 weeks..they didn't consider us human"
80. Evidence from #Mariupol Residents (59)

Moldavanko Irina Nikolaevna

"and on our way back we came under fire, a woman was killed behind us...from the very beginning, from the very first days, starting from the 24th, we have had shootings from the Ukrainian side"
Time for another break, about 20 Videos to go...

temporary unroll @threadreaderapp Image
81. British Soldier who enrolled as Ukrainian Marine confirms the video testimonies from #Mariupol Residents

Warning, UK MPs & Boris Johnson are desperately trying to get this video taken down, so download it now.

More details:

unroll testimony from Mariupol residents @threadreaderapp save unroll @rattibha @buzz_chronicles @rattibha save

• • •

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More from @BillyBostickson

Sep 14
1. "Baseless" = How the Media Gaslights You

The 4Ds: Dismiss, Distract, Distort, Dismay

7 posts with video evidence of cat eating by Haitian immigrants in the comments

and this is why they hate @X

Because their lies & propaganda are exposed

Their Masters have lost control!
2. A Haitian Woman in the US speaks out

3. Haitian-American, whose family members ate cats, SPEAKS OUT against illegal migration.

Read 12 tweets
Sep 9
1. "For me with this data a lab origin is now more than likely" says @dr_louwen

Referring to ON876210 ( i think ;)

From authors of this paper (Submitted March 2020)

An Infectious cDNA Clone of SARS-CoV-2

h/t @Rebecca21951651 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/ON8762…
2. From 2020 Paper

“icSars_CoV_2 retained the engineered molecular markers & did not acquire other mutations”.

@dr_louwen considers that:

1. This increases the validity of the genetic finding

2. This isolate is highly similar to the wild type isolate 2019-nCoV/USA_WA1/2020
@dr_louwen 3. Point 2 above refers to "ON876210"

(My mistake in Tweet 1)

Submitted (29-JUN-2022) in the USA

Read 4 tweets
Aug 14
1. "Volodymyr Z" 🧵

You may have heard the latest Nord Stream news, but there is actually more to the story than has been published so far...(with a bit of monkey digging...)

2. Recent News has identified "Volodymyr Z" as:

Volodymyr Zhuravlov, aged 44, a Ukrainian Diving Instructor , resident in Warsaw, but now in hiding.

Swedish outlet @Expressen published his full name, as reported here by the @KyivIndependent

@Expressen @KyivIndependent 3. Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine

The other 2 people who are suspects in the case are male and female Ukrainian company owners.

Volodymyr Z is connected with the diving company, but his connection to the Ukrainian enterprise is "not clear"

h/t @ViaRitzau

Read 19 tweets
Aug 6
"Modern Life" in Two Tier Little Britain

Thank you, Woke PC Plods & "Stormtrooper" Starmer
Rewind 5 - 20 years, Somali Knife Gangs, the Truth (1)

Malis are so violent because they have a chip on their shoulder. They experienced acism In the 2000s, mostly by Jamaicans, not English. They used to get called “pirates”, “5 head”, “dirty Somali”

Somali Knife Gangs, the Truth (2)

Growing up poor & being seen as inferior to everyone will obviously create some madmen.

People will say it’s because they got bullied by Jamaicans but really IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN Somalis who have had problems with black people.

That is a FACT
Read 10 tweets

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