1of12: #Contextomy = Ignoring chronic conflict-syndromes preceding outbreaks of violence + focusing on violence as "irrational" & "ex nihilo" + showing it's endemic without exposing its underlying, unresolved contradictions&polarizations.
12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
2of12: #Dualismjg: reducing the number of parties in a conflict to 2, when more stakeholders are involved upward&downward. Media focus on scandals & tragedy often ignores covert & overt "external" foreign governments & transnational companies.
12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
3of12: #Manichaeism = qualified #dualismjg = portraying 1 side as exlusively good, infallible, innocent & without blemish while demonizing the other as exclusively evil, devoid of any constructive qualities,ignoring evidence to the contrary.
4/. 12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
4of12: #Armageddonjg: articles present violence as inevitable! & as non-relational in its causation & sometimes even as socially uncaused.This systematically omits how different interactions could very well have avoided the violence at hand.
5/. 12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
5of12: #Atomism: Focus on individual acts of violence & avoiding structural, relational, interactive, procedural, historical exchange-causes as poverty, exclusion, government neglect, military or police repression & protracted grievances.
6/. 12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
6of12: #ConfusedReductionism: Reducing the scope of analysis to focus ONLY on the conflict arena (= battlefield or location of violent incidents) but not on the actors, forces & factors outside of that immediate arena fanning the violence.
7/. 12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
7of12: #ReductionistEmpathy Excluding & omitting from the focus of reporting, those that are bereaved & how they process the unfolding violence, thus never predicting the seeds of future acts of revenge or why spirals of violence harden.
12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
8of12:#Escalationblindness: Failure to explore the causes & factors of escalation in an unfolding conflict; (violent or not) AND blindness to the impact of media coverage itself on the unfolding conflict. See: #escalationmodeljg for help.
12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
9of12:#Partialism. Failure to explore grand strategy, longitudinal aspirations, the material goals & cultural values of outside interventionists, especially of big powers.
12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
10of12: #ZeroPeaceLiteracy = Near complete ignorance of conflict resolution techniques for #PeaceBuilding as developed by & in applied peace studies since 1959. Journalists: PLEASE study peace-prerequisites & check politics accordingly.
12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
11of12:#CeaseFireFixation = Reporting ceasefires in only 2 keys: 1. As a dishonest ploy for the "evil" party to rest, recover, return. 2. Confusing Ceasefires with "Mission Accomplished" or with "Peace" when they are at BEST #negativepeace.
in statu nascendi.
12/12 Ways Media Misreport Violence
#Traumaconciliation blindness:
Conflicts explode violently, if collective prejudicial tropes aren't disconfirmed empirically & psycho-social wounds, fatalism or suppressed aggressivity from past #violencesjg aren't healed nonviolently.
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1/. Why do you think #peacestudies exist to prevent wars? War, declared or not, is #stateterrorism by people in uniform, is the ultimate crime, is the sumum malum: The culmination & consecration of the #violencesjg. The surprise about Bucha et al. is for the naïve. This is war.
2/. There is no escaping the horrors of warfare. In any war. Rules, standards & legal consequences of jus ad bellum & in bello notwithstanding, war is an illegitimate means that poisons whatever ends it pursues. Pay attention to its implication here: war, INCLUDING defensive war,
3/. is polluted by the practice of warfare, which by definition mobilizes peak ingenuity for the worst anti-human acts that humans are capable of. War is a means, that never dignifies but tarnishes the goals pursued.However legitimate a self-defense war is, it cannot escape that.
1/13 Happy to announce that we've finished designing an all new online masterclass "THE ART OF PEACE" with my close colleague & good friend @Irenologist at the Galtung-Institut. Luckily I don't have to do it all by myself. I'll be available for deep Q&As. Below are our 12 themes:
What do I mean by art in the "art of peace" & creativity?
Art refers to reacting spontaneously to spontaneity. Creativity refers to calling into reality something new, that wasnt there before. Intuition is of the essence. Prepare for the unpreparable. Expect the unexpected.
What happens to our professionalism? Standardization in our field. It is the framing within which we move creatively. But to stick to our routines as peace professionals is to stick to the ANSWERS we have found so far. But more important are the QUESTIONS we are yet to answer.
For the latter we need both the creativity & and the courage of artists.
@rkelly123@LukeshRoberts 1) Both And all the way down indeed. One of my key books is „Peace by Peaceful means“. The title (Pure Gandhi btw.) from a praxeological p.o.v, stipulates that THIS type of goal is obtained & contained in its means. Ex negativo, see: „bombing for peace is like f*g for virginity“
🟠A) attitudinal & normative dispositions legitimizing it,
🟢B) behavioral expressions negating the 4 basic human needs #BHNjg of others &
🟣C) contradictions between autotelic & heterotelic goals within or between actors;
USA: In numerous horrendous arrest videos that are indistinguishable from assault videos with black victims at the hands of Policemen & women, one thing is becomes clear: Crossing paths with police in the USA while black is the closest thing to an extrajudicial death sentence.
To all currently engaged in fixing this unacceptable state of affairs in the USA, I say this: you will achieve nothing durable or deep unless you deconstruct & redefine the very political ethos at the heart of that country’s perception of itself, or else;
this “As abroad, so within!” culture of the US executive branch, which has become apparent to all, will continue unabated. This is a transformative moment to be seized, not only at superficial levels of “police reform in race relations” but deeper, questioning the very legitimacy
@philippefroguel@oslouniversity@haaretzcom Eh ben dites donc. Écoutez, j’ai visité l’Israel 39 fois depuis 1960. J’ai espoir qu’un jour l’Israel dont rêvaient Buber & Einstein fasse surface. Il y’a dans la vision de mon ami desormais mort Uri Avnery quelquechose de constructif. Israel doit dialoguer mieux. Pas plus.
@philippefroguel@oslouniversity@haaretzcom Il me semble que vous ne comprenez rien aux fondements de l’irénologie. Ce qui est dommage mais le choix est le vôtre de jeter ou non un regard dans ce domaine de la géopolitique. A ne pas confondre: Polémologie. Je vais ici faire un effort sincère d’élucidation de mon approche.