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Apr 21 196 tweets 72 min read
April 21, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting!Among the items today is the Purchase of Tower Theater by the City of Fresno; 3 WORKSHOPS on Animal Shelter; Downtown Fresno Partnership and Covid Emergency Orders;Also Homeless Housing;Travel by Trail, Fresno!;First Street Cycle Track;
RESOLUTION - Adopting the City of Fresno Tree Policy. #Fresno @fresnoland
Among the lengthy Consent Agenda items:1-I &Reject all bids for a two-year Requirements Contract, with options for three one-year extensions for the purchase of Solar Real Time Digital Displays for bus stops as no responsive bids were received
1-K RESOLUTION - Authorizing submission of funding requests to the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program for bus service operating support and maintenance facility improvements, execution of grant award documents if awarded, and execution of related Certifications & Assurances
1-N Approve a one (1) year extension option to the existing agreement with the County of Fresno for County Aid Dispatch services.
1-Q Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity: 1. ***BILL- (For introduction) Amending Section 9-3307 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to the location of retail cannabis businesses
1-R Actions pertaining to the City's Participation in a Multijurisdictional Housing Element Update process: ***RESOLUTION - to Participate in the Fresno County Multijurisdictional Housing Element Update and Cost Sharing Agreement
1-S Actions pertaining to homeless services agreements provided under the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program: 1. Approve a Third Amendment with Turning Point of California, Inc., to increase funding by $346,080 for triage center security services at the
Golden State Triage for a total award of $4,858,776.19 2. Approve a Second Amendment with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., to increase funding by $224,448 for triage center security services at the Journey Home Triage Center for a total award of $724,448. 3. Approve an
Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for triage center security services at the Step-up Triage Center in the amount of $224,448. 4. Approve an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for triage center security services at the Sun Lodge
Triage Center in the amount of $80,640.
1-V RESOLUTION -Authorizing a grant application to the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) for funding under the Family Homelessness Challenge Grant for accelerating efforts by local jurisdictions and continuums of care to address and end family homelessness
by making families' experiences of homelessness rare, brief, and one-time and authorizing the City Manager to sign all required implementing documents
1-W Approving an Amendment to the Five-Year Plan to the California Housing and Community Development Department application for funding from the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) for the development of affordable multifamily and single-family housing, owner occupied home
rehabilitation, and down payment assistance to benefit low-and moderate-income persons and authorizing the city manager to sign all necessary implementing documents
1-Y Award a Requirements Contract for property board up services in the amount of $25,650.00 for a three-year contract with an option for two one-year extensions to Beam and Company, Inc of Fresno CA, Bid File No. 9610
1-AA RESOLUTION- Adopting the Travel by Trail, Fresno! Trail Network Wayfinding, Promotion and Connectivity Plan…
1-EE Actions pertaining to the First Street Cycle Track, Hazelwood Boulevard to Tulare Street - Bid File 3805 (Council Districts 3, 5, and 7) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $899,025 to Bush Engineering, Inc. of Fresno, California
1-II Resolution amending the Council Communication Policy.
1-JJ RESOLUTION - Adopting the City of Fresno Tree Policy
1-KK Approve a requirements contract to Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission, in an amount not to exceed $89,118.26 per year for Property Maintenance and Year-Round Weed Control services.
1-LL Actions Pertaining to the Acquisition of property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) guidelines for the project. 2. Approve a Resolution Establishing a Policy for the Preservation and Use of the Tower Theatre Property and Authorizing Purchase of the Tower Theatre Property. 3. Approve a Joint Litigation, Defense, and Indemnity Agreement by and between the
City of Fresno, the Tower Theatre Entities and Sequoia Brewery 4. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions by and between City of Fresno, Tower Theater Productions, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, and Tower Theatre Productions for the
Performing Arts for real property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03) for $6,500,000. 5. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement a…
Watch the festivities live beginning at 9 AM
Meeting begins at 9:03. Invocation by St. Anthony's Church but he doesn't seem to be here.Karbassi says we have a back up priest here as well. Chavez says we need prayers today.One of the Armenian priests here for the proclamation will give invocation instead.
1-P continued to April 28th meeting. 1-U moved to Contested Contest. @GarryBredefeld pulls 1-S and 1-II to contested Consent as well as 1-LL (Tower Theater item). 1-V is continued to next week's meeting.Arias says he isn't pulling any items today.Karbassi checks to see if Arias
is feeling well he jokes.
Proclamation for "A Day of Remembrance of the Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide" @kmkarbassi says his district has lots of Armenian-Americans and his family is from the Persian area. Genocide occurred in 1915. @sevagtateosian says we have both suffered and persevered. Pastor
says he is a survivor.They wanted us to stop praying and stop being Christians.Next father says he is also from surviving family. This proclamation means a lot.We will remain Armenians to show the world we will survive. Next:my family was welcomed here.I am proud to say I
am from Fresno. Just to have someone recognize our genocide validates us. Next:it is good to be the last to speak as i can just say yes to all the other pastors just said!
Proclamation for "National Crime Victims' Rights Week (April 24th- April 30th, 2022)" sponsored by @Maxwell4Fresno @D7Esparza says the chambers are getting crowded and mentions there is an upper balcony to sit as well.
James Rowland Crime Victims Assistance Center joins Maxwell at the front. He worked at this center earlier in his life. There is a lot of pain in this community due to being a victim. 7000 victims were helped by this Center.And those are just the ones who made it down to the
center. It is a ripple effect as it touches families, friends and co-workers. (Maxwell chokes up a bit) We are here today to bring awareness to this center. County Probation department head Kirk Haynes speaks.We can apply for state assistance for victims. Chief Rowland started
this center and his legacy he laid down has grown from a staff of 3 to over 20 now.Staff:this center put victim's rights to a national focus. (she introduces her staff here today) Family victims have made patches that will be displayed.
Proclamation for "John Walker Day" sponsored by @MiguelArias_D3 and @kmkarbassi (it doesn't seem like John Walker is here today). He has been a reporter for 25 years. Arias:We don't often celebrate the media and they have a tough job covering this place. Karbassi:lots of iconic
photos were taken by Hanford native John Walker for the Bee. He has retired now with Food Vendor event being his last official job.
Proclamation for "Essential Workers Day"sponsored by @LuisCha70215912 March 2020 the world shut down due to pandemic but the Valley is the bread basket of the world and workers continue to work in the field, ranches,often in dangerous situations. He has some orchard workers here
. They let Chavez know the citrus season is now ending but now the tough garlic season is beginning which occurs in 100 degree weather. Arias:I worked in the fields as a kid so I know the back breaking work. This past year they worked in heat with fire smokes and masks. His own
parents worked in the fields for 45 years which breaks down their body but they do not get a pension. It emphasizes the need to health care for all.
Chavez:If you eat today thank a farmworker! His guests mention they need to head to work now.
Proclamation for "Sexual Assault Awareness Month"
sponsored by @MiguelArias_D3 He is joined by Centro La Familia @CentroLaFamilia Assaults rose during pandemic. Victim advocates are here with Arias. Weekly support groups. Centro La Familia is celebrating its 50th anniversary. We
wore jeans today to emphasize an Italian judge ruled a women who was assaulted that she had too tight of jeans. We ask everyone to wear jeans on April 27th to bring awareness.
Council Reports:@Esmeralda_Soria a homeless encampment on a vacant lot near gas station. The fires there worried the station owner.Tents have been cleared but lots of trash left behind. It is City Owned lot. City Manager White says we will send a crew there but we need to secure
that lot just like any private property owner. Soria:a crime prevention Prop 164 grant was applied last year but we haven't heard much about implementation. White:I will have to get back to you on that. Soria:Block Party this weekend 12-4 pm on Pleasant Ave.
@kmkarbassi Thanks public works and Vince Patten. We were able to use a developer's fine for landscape. Also street racing all over the city. This getting more brazen to the point of threatening the safety of police. Next:a self proclaimed homeless advocate brought unhoused kids
to city Hall yesterday and made a media display. Bullying others to get your way is hard. Don't exploit kids to get your way. (Round of applause from audience) @MiguelArias_D3 meetings with District residents to find out what budget priorities are. Maxey park will have trees
planted. We also need an EV replacement plan ongoing as they get vandalized often but they are used by many residents. I have received 2300 comments on the Tower District as well as a letter from Tower Businesses in support of the City's plan for Tower Theater. Also Faith leaders
in support. I have also heard from Adventure Church supporters and people from outskirts of Fresno like Madera and Hume Lake who are against the Tower plan. Next:I did have some issues with homeless advocates who verbally abused social workers to the point we are losing some of
these workers.Can these advocates be more respectful to these workers on the front line?Us electeds are ok being yelled at but we need social workers to help with homeless housing. We and the Mayor have been called Sell Outs so we need to be cordial. Our children are watching.
@Maxwell4Fresno Lots going on at Vinland Park. Protective bike lanes for students but some technical issues where cyclists are not always seen when coming out of driveways. I had a public meeting with the residents there. I did get lots of comments from those at Vinland Park
issues as Hmong Community use tennis courts for volleyball. Others who are mainly older persons play pickle ball there as well and is starting to have issues along with tennis players. Hmong feel like they are being quartered into SE Fresno only.We don't want people to feel op-
pressed and not welcome. I will have a tree planting tomorrow at Vinland park tomorrow and students from Manchester Gate reciting poetry.Please join us. Also we have main corridors have dead trees. Last year we planted 100 trees and this year 500. There is also an agenda item
today about planting more trees especially in Central and South Fresno planted by youth. White:the sign put up at tennis courts was not good but volleyball players drilled holes into court to put up volley ball nets and this effected pickle ball and tennis. We need to handle this
more sensitively. Also Pickle Ball is the fastest growing sport right now. We just can't have the $20,000 courts torn up.@D7Esparza Go Grizzlies as we all up here threw the first pitch successfully. Also a Women of the Year event occurred. Also met with Jackson community group
which is in Huntington Blvd area which is part of my newly redistrict. Diane Gallardo was hired to be on my staff. Also I will be losing two of my staff members to law school. Carson to USC and Nav Gurm to UC Davis.
@MayorJerryDyer Thanks PD for the NO Fly Zone the past five months which disrupted a significant gang in our city. Great American clean up this weekend and you can go to @BeautifyFresno to sign up. One Fresno Housing booklet came out this week. Thanks Deputy Mayor Gundy. First
three chapters really gets into it. We determined how many units we need and what are the overabundance of certain units. A dollar amount for the next three years needed.Esparza:April 26 special 1 pm meeting on Mayor's housing plan.
I want to hear from the public now on consent agenda, Closed Session as well as Unscheduled comments. We will go to Closed Session then. We will come out of that to vote on 1-LL Tower Purchase. Due to large amount of public today I will limit it to 90 seconds each. Arias:If you
have submitted written comments council has read those and have been submitted into the record.
Fernando is first speaker. He thanks Bredefeld for not grandstanding today. Paula Blakian:who doesn't like a city who cares about trees? I bought a home in Tower. It is the last true
neighborhood in Fresno as you can walk to everything. Here is an opportunity. I believe in democracy.We need to take part in our city. I love Fresno! Alica Rodriguez:We support the Tower and save the Specific Plan. We had a church try to change that. They have effected our rich
cultural pride. We were called godless by this group. Bill Richardson:Adventure Church leader and real estate agent for the church. The person you are going to buy the church from isn't even present. (He plays comments from Lawrence Abbate that said nobody cared when we had a
church before and Adventure Church is only one that saved us financially during the pandemic. (Round of applause). Pastor Anthony flores:Interesting we celebrated Armenian pastors today as they have been persecuted for being Christian. I cannot wait to go to court on this. Two
white wealthy owners is going to get a million dollar loan today. My barbershop friend in downtown didn't get a loan. We are going after the Council districts up for election today! Next:Adventure Church associate pastor:we are lgbtq friendly. We didn't put up the Rush Limbaugh
sign up the owner did. Adventure Church is what One Fresno looks like. Joshua Hauk:I am in support of this sale. Written comments were 2 to 1 for this sale. Businesses in favor. I chose to live Fresno as it helps its people. Cultural hub needs to be saved.DeSawn Carraray: I live
in Esparza's district. When I wanted to move into Tower District I was only then oppressed as I wanted to go to church. I know Jesus loves the one mocking Jesus last Easter. We love and care for them anyway. Next:Troy Simion:I moved from New Orleans 10 years ago. I have attended
this church for 5 years ago. It doesn't feel like One Fresno. I love everyone but don't discriminate against us. God's will be done at the end of the day. Zoom:. @LisaYFlores1 31 year resident of Tower District. I saw movies shown at Tower. Hey Adventure Church I am hispanic,
church attender but this is soley a zoning issue.Next:Laura Splotch @laurasplotch I am Mexican but this is about our Tower building. It is the entertainment mecca for our neighborhood.We need to have Nevilles back running the Theater and not Abbate. We are going to
win! Thank you Tower and thank you Fresno! Robert McCloskey:shelter is needed first before breaking down a homeless camp.John Brown of Free Press:We have filmed Tower Theater and there is caring people.I support Adventure Church's anti-gang stance but they have berated police
officers and others. I support this sale.@LovesMercy Brandi:Tower is a unique place but we need owner that will cultivate this place. Also @kmkarbassi misrepresented the homeless advocates yesterday. (Karbassi says No i didn't) It was the homeless themselves who were advocating.
Dr Caitlin who is a Tower Resident and met my husband at Roger Rocka's. The previous sale of Tower was against zoning laws. The church has association with know nationalists (Crowd murmurs on that) I thank the Faith Based community that tried to talk with Adventure Church but to
no avail. Adventure Church we don't see or feel you love! Next:Mandy Flores my husband never had an issue with us for 5 years until we wanted to buy the theater.Our kids and church goers were cussed out every Sunday. essica Rivera:How could this money be used at Chavez's district
rather than used to bail out Soria and Arias' district. Where was the City when Abbate wanted to get out of this theater?David Emerzian:Of McCormick Barstow law firm who represents Adventure Church. I want these entered into record.Don't vote on these until these briefs exhausted
Mr. Abbot contract is still valid. Only one who doesn't is the City. I am also a taxpayer and don't spend these dollars. (Tries ti address White and Dyer but cut off) Andrea Morales:I am a proud resident of Tower and Adventure Church. We are now spending millions on this instead
of Parks. My son has only Adventure Church to play at. Soria should know children need a free place to play.Next Anush I am in support of this sale. I am against the hate groups brought in to support this church.This church has not helped clean our streets. We have
been followed home and doxxed. We had our employers called to try to get us fired. Esparza:Cuts her off to make crowd be quiet. She is allowed to continue after they do. Jessica Mahoney:I have been followed and harassed. The city and courts have said the previous sale is called
off. Churches don't pay taxes so they are not helping with Measure P. Similar hate damaged Porterville. Abbate's family did a good job over the years. Who will watch as church's sound system is removed so they don't damage the historical building. Smiley G: i support the city
buying this theater. This church broke the law by meeting in person when it was still the pandemic.This theater was not a church in the first place. Why do they want to be in place that is secular?God needs a holy place. Thanks the Council for buying the church.Lanita:I live in
SE Fresno but I support the Tower Theater because it is a city cultural hub. The church has not supported their neighbors. Hailey White:this is the first time all of those who care about this have met in person and that is an indictment on all of us. My Christian grandmother is
currently dying. Adventure Church and one councilperson has continually called us anti god.Miguel:we are upset Abbate is getting a sweet deal but we on both sides know he is Judas in this. Do the best for most of the people. The church will destroy everything good about this area
Tyler Mackey on Zoom:Tower Marketing is pleased to see movement on this for both the businesses and residents.
Weekly protests on the zoning by residents.Tower Marketing supports this sale. Pedro Navarro Cruz:We need to save Tower as it is. Pastor Flores wants to change zoning
for divisive purposes.I do have concern that the majority of the City's funds would come from General Fund and not Measure P. I found White's pickle ball comments by White as every interest needs a dedicated space. Lauren Baker:We have seen Adventure Church hate speech. We had a
prayer vigil last year but the Adventure Church didn't come. That was their chance. Joanna Moore:Flores is talking about racial diversity. But they think gays need to spend eternity in hell. Fresno is the third most friendly gay friendly city in the valley which is embarrassing.
Arias was harassed by actual white nationalists. Michael B:I support the purchase of this theater. Esparza:record for shortest comment! Dez Martinez:Karbassi was more interested in playing to camera and not helping the homeless kids yesterday.
Brent Berdon:I am against purchasing the theater and persecuting Christians. When are you going to talk about councilmembers purchasing cannabis dispensaries? Melonie Lamb:I was born into Four Square Church so I am familiar with Pastor Flores and misogyeny. The church says they
love gays but they never affirm that by taking part in Pride Parade etc. Dennis McCort:I am not part of Adventure Church but I know the pastor. He is a good man but is caught up in the City's machine. There are bad actors but it is not the pastor. This is about religious freedom.
The church of Jesus is only going up! Jesus does not feel welcome in this city. Fred Van der Hoof:It is a mistake to have a city involve its self involved in a private sale. The church in the past always took care of the poor. Hospitals were created by churches. It is not right
to say where a church should be. My son had Pastor Flores as his youth pastor. Molly:this money could be used to help the poor instead. Homeless and crime has increased. How will purchasing this help the unfortunate? It won't. Flores says he will operate the theater as before.
So the arts will be saved. Sean:this is a gross waste of money that can be spent better.Parks are essential.Chris Williams:I am AV director at Adventure Church and business owner. We have not damaged the church building and updated the sound. We still want to have events like
before. 6 other churches nearby that exceed being close to places of liquor. Animals sacrificed outside our church as well as graffiti. Next:I oppose this purchase using measure p dollarsWe forget about the kids and the taxpayers. Andrea Gill:the church wants you to forget they
violating the law every week. NO fire inspection since 2018 but every other business has to do so. @airfrezno Kevin Hall:I support this solution. I am Irish and don't run this town and we shouldn't nor should anyone. I toured a protestant church in Ireland that had nationalists
hanging outside. Next:Wilson Theater Cornerstone Church promised to continue to have events but once the sale went through it never did as you cannot serve two masters. I hope Adventure Church remains in Tower area but not at theater itself.
Janet Richardson:I stand with my Adventure Church people. Soria won't face me today. Arias wants parks but want to buy a theater with the dollars instead. Jose Florio:people on both sides would like free parking on Council days as many have to go out to feed the meters. I have
been harassed by Adventure Church pastors. Dominic Hardwood:I oppose the purchase. I should be able to worship in the theater. I have to explain to my Sunday School class why people cuss us out. We are not welcome. This was never about zoning or preserving the theater.
@D7Esparza It is noon. We have dozen speakers still and possibly on zoom too. Chavez:can we relax the parking too? Nina Harwood:i am in opposition.My kids have been cussed at. The church says it won't interfere with liquor and cannabis and will continue to have shows.
So why are we here then? Father :I have walked through Tower many times. The City purchasing this theater will help us to keep this diversity. All of us will have cultural activity if we purchase this.Rev. Regan Baker of Big Red Church: I am not here to weaponize love for my gain
You can't love someone who doesn't want your love as that is actually abuse. Tower District is a safe places for LGBTQ. With many places enacting anti gay bills lets do the right thing here. Rev. Cutmart of UU Church:Tower community doesn't feel loved but attacked. Limbaugh up on
marquee is an example. On Zoom Lethal Garcia:I run homeless advocacy. Tower was a safe place. Larry was being shady and then AC pastor shaking hands with Proud Boys. They had an illegal occupancy.Jeremiah Lee:Pastor too. I was fortunate to see the recognition of Armenian people.
I saw the love of Jesus then. I don't see it now. Adventure Church needs to think everyday What Would Jesus Do? Next:Adventure Church proponents are having their mics cut off if they go on too long but be sure you do it for both. Allow this sale to go through to the church as the
city has a bad track record purchasing businesses. John Brown:I am Christian and a black man.I was originally on church's side but having watched pastor's videos and have changed my mind. If white nationalists are outside your church and not asked to leave then this is now a
church for white supremacists. Next:I am new to AC Church but I have seen them attacked. We often have to go out the back door so we don't get hurt. David took out a giant. God will have the wind. John Gianopolis:We are God's children first including gays. The church brought in
Proud Boys.There are 100 empty spaces in this town for AC. Pick one! Ruby Garrison:I am against this sale. We at AC love on people. Come see us being abused. You won't know until you are in the middle of it. Lots of lies here today.DJ Agape:We do all the events at
Tower Theater. We will be doing more of these events. If this theater becomes a Union hall it will be unaffordable. Next:how many council live in Tower?How many had a sister die by a drunk driver? AC loves gays. If you look at who holds the protest signs it is not us?
Katie McCoy:I have seen only good from AC. They give xmas presents to kids. They love everyone but get harassed. All we do is serve God. We are support Tower community. We eat locally after church. Pastor Jim Franklin of Cornerstone Church?Wilson Theater:we preserved the theater
Art Hop uses our parking lot to help it continue. Other theaters are in disrepair.Are we going to help those? Is my theater going to be targeted next too? Doc Schenizer:I have for the past 30 years protecting people like you. This is not about zoning. This church does more for
mental health in one week than this city does.Next:I am standing up for my Lord and Savior. I went to the corner where the protesters were. I want you all to know that there has been Proud Boys mentioned. What about the Brown Berets and Black Live Matters were there
too. Antifa members too with knives in their boots.They want a church of Satan. Rick:I am a property owner, taxpayer, a Christian. As a real estate contract it is still valid. If that happens what will stop you from coming and take my house? This $6 M could be spent for Fresno
Schools.Next:What keeps kids off of drugs? Nice parks. Leave the church alone.AC didn't ask to buy the church but Abbate came to him.Julie Shows:I am a Christian but also in favor of theater. I was welcomed by the theater people. Every city needs an art
hub. The Tower Theater needs to be preserved. Carlos Gomez Martinez:I oppose vehemently what the city is doing here. You are taking advantage of the church just because they have a differing view. I believe in this country and we all deserve a voice. @D7Esparza
That concludes
public sessions. We will we go to Closed Session. @kmkarbassi I have asked a few from both sides of this issue to have lunch with me. Not to speak on politics but just to communicate.

5- A CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code 54956.9(d)(1); Existing Litigation: J & A Mash & Barrel, LLC. v. Superior Court of Fresno County. (Tioga Brewing)
5-B CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8; Property: 809 E Olive Ave; Negotiating Parties: City Manager, Lawrence Abbate; Under Negotiation: Terms and Conditions of Property Acquisition. (Tower Theater Owner)
Council will return from lunch at 2 PM. May go straight into Closed Session from there. They will then vote on balance of Consent Agenda including 1-LL the Theater item.
@airfrezno Kevin Hall's complete Public comment from this morning's Council meeting
Council is back from lunch and Closed Session at 3:01 PM. Approve the rest of Consent Agenda.
1-LL 1-LL Actions Pertaining to the Acquisition of property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03
@Esmeralda_Soria Thanks all who participated
both today and the past 15 months from both sides of the issues. (she shows bundles of paper with comments on it). People have chose to live in Tower District because of the cultural side. Measure P has money in it for parks AND the Arts. This City has invested millions for new
parks including two in District 1 including in Tower District on Weldon/Echo. What benefits come to the area? Availability of the theater to all as well as the large parking lot. Motion to Approve. Arias seconds. @MiguelArias_D3 2300 residents spoke in favor of the theater and
100's against the sale. This district has million dollar homes and homes below $200,000. It is an area where we celebrate our diversity with car shows, Pride Parades, shopping. But it isn't about who speaks the loudest, what type of Christian you are, what political payback you
will give depending on how you vote.This is not the only investment we will have in Tower or will in the future.Streetscapes, new curbs , PD bike patrol. This is Fresno's Tower District. People want to preserve this Theater and the parking area and get food at Irene's.This is the
best proposal we can have. @kmkarbassi This is the most participation we have had at Council and we like when the public participated. However we are fractured today. Is owner Abbate available for a question? NO? I have a credibility gap with him. Eastwood put a chair to ask
questions. It was silly but i will here. Why did Abbate put Limbaugh up on marquee when he was anti-gay. How did that help the situation? Can we subpoena Abbate to appear? A:Yes OK , i subpoena him then. Sloan:This has never happened before but this is the proper way to do it.
Chaez:how will this work? Sloan:We write up a subpoena and required to appear. It won't happen today. (Maybe next week). Arias:we are in active negotiation on this. How will that effect that?Sloan:Subpoena has to be in public and not in closed session. Cannot ask about his com-
-ments to his attorney.@D7Esparza I am not sure I feel comfortable subpoenaing him if we have not asked him first. Arias:we have not had direct talks with him. @GarryBredefeld I haven't heard from him but I would like to hear from Abbate.We can ask him but subpoena if need be.
Maxwell:Abbate should have been here today.Karbassi:sponsors don't want to postpone this. Arias:do we have to subpoena other real estate developers on any real estate deals?Abbate can't appear in Closed Session. Soria:can we postpone this until later today to see of we can get
a hold of Abbate via his lawyer in the meantime. Fails 3-3-1 with Soria abstaining. No subpoena now. Chavez, Karbassi, Bredefeld votes in favor. Karbassi:mediation? Sloan:it occurred several weeks ago but I can't say anything about it.Arias and Soria were there part of the time.
Q:any real estate experts part of it? A:Not from city. Q:zoning impact on tower businesses if church buys it. A:complicated zoning if so but not if city owns it.Q:how much is City is carrying for Tioga? A:$599,000 at 3.5% with no money down (Crowd gets loud) Q:anyone present for
determining market rate? A:not sure. Q:the money raised by Tioga from public is that used for purchasing property? A:no but for legal costs Q: indemnify definition? We will take on any costs? A: not necessarily. Too vague. Q:budget for indemnify?A:can't say it publicly.Q:funds
would come from general fund?A:yes but up to council what gets cut to pay for that. Q:any other buyers?Otherwise why we are in a hurry? Arias:we talked about this in Closed Session regarding timing. Q:appraised value of property? A:value of entire property not counting Me nEds is
$4 million. Maybe $1m for Me N Eds. Karbassi:so we are overpaying by $1 M. annual up keep cost?A:proprietary info. Karbassi:how do i make a financial decision without that info?A:You can ask owner. Karbassi:looks like we are paying over $1 M market cost. owner is selling directly
to Tioga. Original owner broker says it is worth $6.5 M. Karbassi:he represents the seller so he can say anything he wants. When will Me n Eds break even? A:26 years. Q:why can't this be done by enterprise fund and not part of parks dept like Convention Center does? White:we are
using Measure P funds. karbassi:retail experts should be in mediation. I want to amend this so Tioga and Abbate are not indemnified. Bredefeld: I agree. It is an absurdity for taxpayers. Arias:mediation including the judge came up with this and it is one package in my opinion.
Sloan:If we don't approve this in one group it will be a problem. This will be a motion to split it up into three parts. Soria:this is a poison pill and this vote needs to be in one fell swoop. Karbassi:i would never be in favor if the indemnify the two groups is in it. Arias:I
voted on settlements on several items and didn't always agree with all parts of it but if a mediator was involved we should honor the full part. Otherwise mediation falls apart as a process. Sloan:Abbate is on his way to the Council and his lawyer will be on the phone.
Arias:Can we remind the audience not to heckle during this ?karbassi:I would never make this deal as a business man.I don't think enough experts were in the mediation. Roll Call fails 3-4. @LuisCha70215912 Matlock would be proud of karbassi. For millenials that was a show in the
1980's. My concerns: only as good as your word. We are here because Abbate didn't disclose to Adventure Church he had a right of refusal by Tioga. I don't believe Mr. Abbate and he was playing both sides. He is now working a deal from the City perhaps $1 m over the market value.
We were not part of discussions between Church and Mr Abbate. All we are doing is trading one lawsuit for another. We will be faced with an injunction next week but we will be footing the legal bill. This is on Mr Abbate but due to this I am not in favor. Bredefeld:calls up
lawyer Emerzian. Meetings with City and Tower Theater folks. Abbate spoke in secret to City staff where it was said they could use zoning laws to make it hard for the church. Abbate said we could not close due to lawsuit. He never offered to sell theater to city but they came in
afterwards.Abbate says he didn't think he could take an offer from another group as church has done everything they needed to. No point did Title company offer the money back.Church allowed Abbate to take some of that money for his legal costs. Sloan:Title company did
offer to send money back. Emerzian:i have not prepared paper's for that said escrow agent Sue Meyers. Arias:this has been going on for 15 months and how long have you been representing the church? Emerzian:a few months. Sloan:someone did ask for termination of title Bredefeld:
asks Pastor Flores: how much money have you put into theater to upgrade? A: $300,00 to $400,000 and we have not degraded it. Cleaned the stage. Majority hispanic congregation but I love white and married white. My mother was confused when she heard I was hanging Proud Boys. I
don't hate gays. Bredefeld:Government doesn't have any business interfering with a deal. Karbassi outlined we are going to deal with an outrageous contract the worse since last year's deal with Terrence Frazier. If this was a mosque or Jewish temple people would have been upset
but if it is a Christian church that is no problem. Christianity is being attacked world wide. The theater is already protected as it is an historical building. But we have councilmembers who want to pander to a minority but vocal group. We are going to waste millions that could
have been used for police officers. City of Fresno has now become a bank and a lending institution. White: we have guarantee and revolving loans. Arias:we loan to developers to build low income. We loan ourselves money to build the animal shelter. Bredefeld:it is different to
give a business money under market rate to buy a building. City has injected itself into this and protected the brewing company and Mr Abbate. We are only doing this because people protested and hate the church. We had no real estate experts in the mediation.I think the taxpayers
will be on the hook. I do think those who want to pray like this church does and not hate. @MiguelArias_D3 I have 100s of historical buildings in my district I know historical signification doesn't protect it. You can go to publicly owned historic buildings that are in good shape
like water tower or Fresno Bee building. Approved 4-3 with Chavez, Karbassi and Bredefeld voting against.
Abbate is here but is reluctant to come in. Karbassi will subpoenaed him. Sloan:we have already voted on the item. Bredfeld:can we here from him anyway?Esparza :lets do contested consent. 1-S voted on without discussion.
1-U Jennifer Clark:at risk permits can be issued while waiting for full permitting. This allowed quicker review but there was no checks and balances on back end. We are putting some stops in the side.Could not occupy until it was finalized.Need to have paid fees, entitlements, a
first review had to be completed.Staff:we are the only city that has these at risk permits but they do something similar.Arias:we had a full day of managing historical building. Hardy's Theater is an historical building and an at risk permit. They ended up destroying have the
seats removed in half of it. Clark:we no longer allow historical buildings under At Risk Review. Approved
1-II Resolution amending the Council Communication Policy. Bredefeld:I can't ask for info on another councilmember? If it effects another councilmemember? I don't need to know if other councilmembers need to look up information about me and i have nothing to hide. I think there
will be unintended consequences. I don't think this is necessary. This is maybe in response to me asking about credit cards. Karbassi:If i was GV Wire or Fresno Bee I would be concerned. I want people to be checked. If someone wants to be a whistleblower this will make it hard.
Sloan:this will not prevent getting documents. Chavez:if someone thinks there is a problem they should bring it to the council. If someone requested an item everyone would hear about it. Sloan:this is nine years old so nobody on the council was here when it was created.Karbassi:
can we approve but come back in 90 days to look at it? Arias:our attorneys are busy on all fronts. It would be easier for them if they provided the info for all at once.Sloan:you can always ask if such and such is legal rather than if what Councilperson A is doing legal?
APPROVED 7-0 with it ending in 90 days.
UPDATE :Mr Abbate was here but didn't want a public discussion.
WORKSHOP 3-B WORKSHOP - Animal Center Presentation
Clarify as to "No Kill" definition: If an animal is adoptable they should not be killed but an injured animal may. Staff:we may be a leader in how this is done. Historically a dispatcher would go out and if found bring the animal in. Often overcrowding led to bad outcomes for
the animal , owner and staff. This new version will reduce crowding, disease, stress and euthanasia rates. The return on investments are maximized.Two milestones are set:6 months will be the transition period as we learn how to do this and we are hiring staff. We will need to
educate the public too.Our goal is to limit how many animals come in. We will collect the animal but then ask neighbors if they know where the dog is from as they are typically from the neighborhood. What is the cost of the diversion? We need to ask the experts for that.
We will be looking outside for funding opportunities and grants.On Tuesday we will be cleared to occupy the building. Fresno Humane is providing expert advice and staffing expansion. UC Davis is teaching best practices. 14 month term. We are working on a plan for veterinarians,
with a soft opening in July. We will come back in May 2023 with update. Arias:We couldn't get basic data from current shelter and pushed into this more drastic change. Before if a dog was held overnight it cost more than staying in a hotel so families left the pet there as they
could not pay. We need staff going to be at public meetings at a park etc. We have to re-educate the public and be culturally sensitive. I hope you error on the side of public and the animals over the budget. Next:by taking animal to shelter rather than checking with neighbors
creates more barriers for the animal. We are switching to a case by case method. White:historical method is bringing animals to shelter which leads to overcrowding which often leads to euthanasia. Maxwell:i have canvassed in Calwa and there are lots of loose dogs. Hard to believe
we will find the homes for all of these dogs. White:we are relying on Fresno Humane and UC Davis helping us. Will we have to change if it isn't working?yes.Dr. :when finder is given 48 hours to find the owner it is more likely to find them v 17 % if brought to shelter. White:
on Nextdoor app lots of people help find the lost dogs. Dr.: Not Kill language is compelling but euthanasia is sometimes the appropriate outcome for an animal and the community.We try to keep animals and their owners together. But the model is not to use euthanasia just for space
Chavez:we made sure there is a cat provision. What is the spay and neuter element? We need to reduced the pipeline that leads to a growing cat populations. White:our spay and neuter effort will only limited by number of vets. I would like not only low cost but no cost. We will
need to utilize all the vet services around us until then. Ends Workshop
Council has pushed the 3-A and 3-C workshop until a later date.
10:05 AM HEARING to consider the vacation of the most northerly corner cut-off of M street and Inyo Street (Council District 3) 1. ***RESOLUTION - Ordering the vacation of the most northerly corner cut-off of M St
Arias:Where are we on this? @gregorybarfield grading permits to come in next week. We won't need to close off either M St or Inyo for construction purposes.
City Staff Traci Arbedian: I just got back from running the Boston Marathon! Sloan:she completed it in 3 and half hours. Bredefeld:why would you subject yourself to that torture? A:good question! It is a good release of stress.I kept an even rate as much as I can. White:a Clovis
man finished 13th at the event.Karbassi:if you want to create some stress then run for office!
They are doing the next workshop 3-C Actions pertaining to COVID-19 emergency: 1. WORKSHOP - Discussion of Emergency Order (EO) 2021-02 (Modified COVID-19 Emergency Order); EO 2020-09 (Employee COVID-19 Self-Screening); EO 2020-10 (Employee Leave Pay); EO 2020-15 (Telework )
Gregory Barfield:Rental Moratorium has been extended until July by State. And we won't be putting Ryan out of business who works hard cleaning the dais after each speaker today and other Council meeting.Sloan:Emergency Proclamation has to be in effect whereas power goes away if
the emergency goes away.Soria:we need to support small business protection. White :I will be meeting with Lupe Perez tomorrow about that.Arias:we are landlords for a lot of small businesses like at airport.Karbassi:Commerical moratorium helped some businesses but some are flush
with money but are not paying the landlord due to this moratorium.Barfield: I up to date the covid numbers each day.66 of our employees are in isolation currently.47 individuals are hospitalized and we are #8 in the State.White:if the numbers start increasing yet we have stopped
this Emergency Order how do we ramp up quickly? Barfield:We get results in our waste water every Tuesday.BA 2 is not rising here maybe due to us having a high rate of Omicron? Arias:if there is an increase what can White due about it? White:Administrative order could
be issued with whatever help is needed ie daily testing? isolation? Esparza:need to worry about thresholds. Bredefeld:Are we still in an emergency? A:I don't know. Bredefeld:most democrat run states is only place where there is still an emergency. Most states have lifted and
living in freedom. A judge lifted the mask mandate on planes. People are sick of the mandates. If they need to wear a mask wear a mask.We never shut down during flu season. Time for landlords to start collecting rent. Esparza:which of our mandates has caused an impediment ?
Bredefeld:people had to get tested. Mandate did not work. Some cloth masks don't work. I have faith people who get the right information they will do the correct thing. Kids not going to school was not an appropriate answer.Learn from your mistakes and move on. Esparza:we asked
people to be responsible. Bredefeld:emergency orders have gone on too long. Landlords need to get their back rents. karbassi:Barfield is a public servant. I hope we can use this information when we have a similar pandemic hopefully not for another 40 years. Barfield:I still worry
about farmworkers , the low vaccinated rates in 93706 Zipcode.
This concludes Public Session. Council will deal with rest of Closed Session items now.
April 27 9:00 AM
May 12 9:00 AM
May 26 9:00 AM

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Apr 19
April 19th, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the agenda include transferring American Rescue Plan dollars to Internal Services Dept;Update on Code Enforcement;Revenue Agreement for Future Sale of Landfill Gas as Renewable Energy at the American Avenue Disposal
Site;a one-time allocation of $3,176,888 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act;
Selected Consent Calendar items:21. Proclaim May 2022 as Older Americans Month in Fresno County
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Apr 5
April 5th, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are using ARPA funds for A Garlic Festival, Calwa’s Swimming pool, and both the North Central Fire District and Fresno County Fire Protection District as well. A Variety of Voter’s Choice Act
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20. &Adopt a resolution recognizing the 20th Anniversary of the Clovis Botanical Gardens
21. Adjourn in Memory of Jeffery Robinson
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Mar 24
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$1,843,572 from the SJVAPCD for the development of 88 multifamily residential units and commercial/ retail space at 1501 N. Blackstone Avenue TOD project (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - adopting the Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-
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General Plan progress report;Among the Consent Agenda:29. Adopt Resolution recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Nisei Farmers League
30.Adjourn in Memory of David Cardenas, Mayor of the City of Fowler
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March 10,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the agenda items Progress report of Code Enforcement and ASET; Marriott Hotel in downtown Fresno;Continued Closed Session item on negotiations with County on price of old Valley Medical aka University Hospital
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